
wēn dù
  • temperature;heat;temp
温度 [wēn dù]
  • [temperature] 根据某个可观察现象(如水银柱的膨胀),按照几种任意标度之一所测得的冷热程度

温度[wēn dù]
  1. 温度一达到预设的度数,警报就会响起来。

    An alarm sounds when the temperature reaches a predetermined level .

  2. 红葡萄酒发酵的温度比白葡萄酒高。

    Red wine is fermented at a higher temperature than white .

  3. 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。

    Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures .

  4. 夏天很热,月平均温度在22摄氏度以上。

    Summers are hot , with monthly averages above 22 ˚ C.

  5. 今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。

    This afternoon 's sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing .

  6. 晚间天气温和,温度约九摄氏度。

    It will be a mild night , around nine degrees Celsius .

  7. 使烤箱的温度升至200摄氏度。

    Heat the oven to a temperature of 200 ˚ C.

  8. 温度在30度至零下20度之间变化。

    The temperature varies from 30 degrees to minus 20 .

  9. 首先,在图表上绘出温度曲线来。

    First , plot the temperature curve on the graph .

  10. 风寒系数大,会使人觉得比实际温度更冷一些。

    The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder .

  11. 做这实验时温度保持不变,但压力可变。

    The temperature remained constant while pressure was a variable in the experiment .

  12. 夜间温度陡降。

    The temperature fell sharply in the night .

  13. 今夜温度将远降至冰点以下。

    Tonight temperatures will fall well below freezing .

  14. 预报温度将达40摄氏度。

    Temperatures were forecast to reach 40 ˚ C.

  15. 白天的温度从未低于80华氏度。

    Daytime temperatures never fell below 80 ˚ F.

  16. 温度升高了五度。

    The temperature has risen five degrees .

  17. 我们测量了温度的变化。

    We measured the difference in temperature .

  18. 温度已大大降低。

    The temperature has dropped considerably .

  19. 气温一直比平均温度高。

    Temperatures have been above average .

  20. 南方的温度会上升到一百多度。

    The temperature in the south will soar into the hundreds .

  21. 温度大幅下降可能会很难应付。

    Coping with severe drops in temperature can be very difficult .

  22. 我们在的时候,那里温度接近80华氏度。

    The temperature when we were there was nudging 80 degree F.

  23. 这种材料需要有更高的温度和压力才能凝结变硬。

    The material requires higher temperatures and pressures to set hard .

  24. 把温度调到很低,煮20分钟。

    Turn the heat to very low and cook for 20 minutes

  25. 温度降到零摄氏度以下水就会结冰。

    If the temperature drops below 0 ° C , water freezes

  26. 烈焰的温度很高,连路面都被熔化了。

    The heat from the flames was so intense that roads melted .

  27. 天很热,正午的阳光下,温度高达近90华氏度。

    It was hot , nearly 90 degrees in the noonday sun .

  28. 阴凉处的温度骤升至100多度。

    The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade

  29. 然后巧克力被熔化到了恰好的温度。

    The chocolate is then melted down to exactly the right temperature .

  30. 最高温度11摄氏度,即52华氏度。

    Highest temperatures 11 º Celsius , that 's 52 º Fahrenheit .