
  • 网络Wyndham
  1. 温德姆集团回应称,联邦贸易委员会的指控缺乏法律依据。

    Wyndham responded that the case was without merit .

  2. 但温德姆集团反击称,据他们的了解,没有客户因此蒙受经济损失。

    Wyndham countered that it knows of no customers who suffered a financial loss .

  3. 在接下来的两年里,温德姆集团又遭受了两次攻击,造成5万多张信用卡和借记卡账号失窃。

    Two more attacks over the next two years accessed another 50,000 credit and debit card numbers .

  4. 联邦贸易委员会在起诉书中称,过去两年里,黑客先后三次入侵了温德姆集团的电脑系统,但在此之后,温德姆集团并没有采取足够措施升级安全系统。

    The complaint , filed in federal court in Arizona , alleged that Wyndham did little to upgrade security after hackers breached its computer system three times in two years .

  5. 核算网络犯罪带来的成本损失让人避之若浼,联邦贸易委员会和温德姆酒店集团对信用卡盗窃的影响预估大相径庭。

    The FTC and Wyndham are poles apart on their estimates of the effect of the credit-card thefts .

  6. 当你走进一些中国的豪生酒店(他们是温德姆酒店集团的成员)却感觉自己身处一家威斯丁旗下的酒店的时候——那不是你的错。

    Howard Johnson You 'd be forgiven if you walked into some of the Howard Johnson hotels ( they 're part of the Wyndham Hotel Group ) in China and thought you were in a Westin instead .

  7. 近日,恒大集团与美国温德姆国际酒店集团战略签约仪式隆重举行,双方将就恒大全国系列项目进行密切合作。

    Recently , Evergrande Real Estate Group and Wyndham Hotel Group held a signing ceremony , and made a close cooperation on the country 's projects .