
  • 网络The Westin;Westin hotel
  1. 机场旁边的威斯汀酒店(WestinHotel)的天空休息室(SkyLounge)在每个桌子下安装了插座。

    The Sky Lounge at the Westin Hotel adjacent to the airport offers outlets at each table .

  2. 目前,这种酒在都柏林市中心的威斯汀酒店内的薄荷酒吧里出售。这种酒的成分包括加入了香草的伏特加酒、有200年历史的干邑白兰地以及纯度为23K的黄金薄片等。

    The " Minted " cocktail a vanilla and chocolate Martini on sale at the Mint Bar in central Dublin 's Westin Hotel includes vanilla-infused vodka , 200-year-old cognac and flakes of23-carat gold .

  3. 时报广场上的威斯汀酒店,纽约,美国

    Westin New York at times square , new york , usa , 2002

  4. 在全球各地,威斯汀酒店都是高阶层的消费族群选定的对象。

    The hotels in every country are the first choice of the high-end customers .

  5. 洲际酒店、威斯汀酒店和丽思-卡尔顿酒店今年也将在此开设新店。

    Additional InterContinental , Westin and Ritz-Carlton hotels are to open in the area this year .

  6. 合肥将是继北京、上海、澳门等之外全国第四座拥有威斯汀酒店的城市。

    Following Beijing , Shanghai and Macau , Hefei is the4th city in China to have a Westin Hotel .

  7. 第二天一早,渔舍的面包车到威斯汀酒店来接我,我们轻松上路。

    The next morning , the lodge 's van picked me up from the Westin Hotel for the easy drive .

  8. 喜达屋酒店及度假村集团正式宣布,广州天誉威斯汀酒店隆重开幕,成为首间进驻广州市中心的国际酒店品牌。

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide , Inc. ( NYSE : HOT ) announced the opening of The Westin Guangzhou , the first international hotel brand to open in Guangzhou 's city centre .

  9. 位于北京金融街威斯汀大酒店一楼,Prego餐厅离酒店大堂不远,就在一个叫SENSES自助式餐厅的左边。

    Located on the first floor of the Westin Beijing Financial Street , PREGO is not far from the hotel lobby and just to the left of a large casual buffet style restaurant called SENSES .

  10. 北京金融街威斯汀大酒店真诚欢迎您的加入!

    We are earnestly welcome you to join in our westin in Beijing !

  11. 威斯汀假日酒店的房价最低为每晚200美元(合120英镑),所以如果夫妇们能得到此项优惠,那么至少能免费在此住宿一晚。

    Rooms at the Westin Resort start at around $ 200 (£ 120 ) a night , so couples can claim at least one nights ' complimentary accommodation should they succeed in taking up the offer .

  12. 酒店界尚未对此做出多少让步,不过也有少数几家拿出了一些创意,其中就包括威斯汀纽约中央酒店(WestinNewYorkGrandCentral)。

    Hotels have yet to make many strides , though a few , including the Westin New York Grand Central , have gotten creative .

  13. 其他著名的摩天大楼有桃树大厦191号高770英尺,圆柱形的威斯汀桃树广场酒店,这是世界上最高的酒店有723英尺高。还有乔治太平洋大厦,697英尺高。

    Other notable skyscrapers are 191 Peachtree Tower at 770 feet , the cylindrical Westin Peachtree Plaza , once the tallest hotel in the world at 723 feet , and the Georgia Pacific Tower at 697 feet .

  14. 新开的威斯汀丹佛国际机场酒店(WestinDenverInternationalAirport)就在主航站楼旁边,为旅客提供了一个港湾,里面有室内泳池和热水浴缸。

    The new Westin Denver International Airport Hotel , just beyond the main terminal , provides harbor for waylaid travelers and includes an indoor pool and hot tub .