
  • 网络patriarchy;male chauvinism
  1. 而男权制文化的根本是家庭,家庭成了男权制文化的堡垒。

    And the foundation of the patriarchy culture is the family . Family is the fortress of patriarchy .

  2. 二十世纪七十年代早期,展开了关于劳伦斯的重大争论,在这场争论中,劳伦斯的反对者们试图要揭露他的厌女情节和他对恢复男权制的痴迷。

    In the influential arguments occurred in the early 1970s , critics disapproving Lawrence sought to expose his misogyny and preoccupation with restoring patriarchy .

  3. 第二部分分析男权制对她女性观的影响。

    The second part analyzes the influences of the male-dominated system .

  4. 作为一种制度性存在,男权制早已成为历史。

    As a kind of social system existed before , man-centred sysytem has become a history .

  5. 第二节则分析了男权制下被异化的两位女性人物形象。

    The second section is about two alienation women characters who lived under the patriarchal society .

  6. 男权制的社会现实是她走向疯狂的外因,也是隐性导火索;

    Patriarchal society as the external reason which is also a recessive cordeau drives her mad .

  7. 应该说,她是美国南方妇道传统与双重标准的牺牲品,凯蒂的堕落和毁灭是来自男权制家庭和社会的各种势力共同作用造成的必然结果。

    Caddy 's downfall and destruction are the logi - cal culmination of various forces from patriarchal family and society working together against her .

  8. 要使妇女发展,必须打破男权制,在两性平等基础上重建国际政治经济结构。

    To further women 's development , we must topple down patri-archy and reconstruct the international political and economic framework in the spirit of equality of the two sexes .

  9. 笔者通过进一步分析发现,这些原因背后的根源是男权制下的性别分层,男性掌控稀缺资源,女性被排除在权力体系之外。

    I further find that these are caused by gender stratification under the male-dominated system . Men hold scarce resources , but women are excluded out of the power system .

  10. 在世界范围内女性长期处于受压迫和受歧视的地位,男权制以各种形式和名目奴役女性,迫使女性成为弱者。

    Female always at the status of been oppressed and discriminated in the world , the men power enslaved women in various forms and names , and forced women become weaker .

  11. 大多数女性人物被歪曲地描述为男性人物观看,幻想或使用的性客体,或是男权制的定型化的女性人物。

    Most female characters are distortedly represented as the sex objects that are watched by , or fantasized about or used by men , or as the stereotyped female roles of patriarchy .

  12. 爱波对枯燥而单调的家庭生活极度厌倦,希望能摆脱被整个社会强加的枷锁因而勇敢地反叛男权制,结果却在压抑中和冷漠中孤单死去。

    April is tired of the dull and monotonous family life and hopes to get rid of the shackles imposed on women by the whole society , but she only died in depression .

  13. 为了证明自己的观点,米利特选取了在性的反革命时期具有代表性的作家作品,通过分析作品中的两性关系,揭示男权制社会压迫妇女的事实。

    To prove his point , Millett selected period of reaction in the sexual revolution of representative writers and works , works by analyzing gender relations , patriarchy reveals the fact that the social oppression of women .

  14. 通过对那些不幸遭遇的描述,作者向读者展示了黑人女性遭受的不公平对待和女人在男权制社会经受的身体和精神上的双重压迫。

    Through the introduction of their painful sufferings , the paper aims to expose the unfair treatment and the oppressed conditions that black women suffer from . As a matter of fact , Black women undergo the dual oppressions in the body and in the spirit .

  15. 剩女现象暴露出男权家庭制度的虚伪性和脆弱性,但是男权制的家庭仍然是剩女在职业和家庭选择中的主要障碍。

    The difficulties of spinsters uncover the falsity and vulnerability of the patriarchy family arrangement , which is the main obstacle in the marriage and profession of spinsters .

  16. 本文论述《黄色糊墙纸》揭示了女性在男权文化与社会中的生存困境,表达了作者对男权制社会的控诉。

    The Yellow Wallpaper reveals the predicament of female survival in the male power culture and society and the author expresses her accusation of it .