
nán xìnɡ tǒnɡ zhì
  • male domination
  1. 可以得出的结论是,女性若想获得自身的完善,必须反抗男性统治,为独立自主而斗争。

    It is concluded that , in order to achieve personal integrity , women must fight for their independence , against male domination .

  2. 相反,李丽是努力从男性统治中解放自身,追求自身幸福和自我实现的新女性。

    By contrast , Lily Briscoe is the New Woman who struggles to liberate herself from the male domination and pursue her own happiness and self-realization .

  3. 我会被训练成一名航空电子专家,这是一个主要由男性统治的维护领域,所以我立志要成为最优秀的,我被自己的雄心壮志搞得心烦意乱,根本无暇顾及自己的直觉。

    I was training to be an avionics specialist , a primarily male-dominated field of maintenance and therefore I was always on guard trying to be the best and not be any less than that . So I was naturally distracted by my goals and not in touch with my normal sense of intuition .

  4. 因此可以认为,悲剧依然表达了歧视女性,男性统治女性,女性服从男性的观念。

    It follows that tragedies still express the discrimination against women .

  5. 就是对女性的性格分析,激活了男性统治。

    It is precisely this characterization of women that has enabled and engendered patriarchy .

  6. (关于社会的)由男性统治的或者通过父系血统传承的。

    ( of societies ) being ruled by or having descent traced through the male line .

  7. 由男性统治或控制的

    Ruled or controlled by men

  8. 面纱-你无须深究就可以习俗是男性统治的标志。

    Veils-You don 't have to dig very deeply to recognize this custom as a symbol of male dominance .

  9. 小说女主人公的悲剧不仅源于身处白人男性统治的社会,还源于激烈的种族冲突。

    The tragedy of the heroine in the novel results from not only living in male-dominated world but also fierce racial conflicts .

  10. 父权制语言&主要在男性统治的社会中创造和使用的语言得到了人们的关注。

    Attention was drawn to the ' patriarchal language ' & the language created and used in societies mainly ruled by man .

  11. 在这部小说中她创造了一个在白人及男性统治社会中寻求自我身份的黑人女性。

    In this novel she created a female character who tried to find her own identity in the white and male dominated society .

  12. 在这种男性统治语境中,往往女性也像自然一样被视为可供消费和利用的商品。

    In the context of patriarchy , women , just like nature , are frequently considered as commodities which can be consumed or utilized .

  13. 再次,男权中心主义的盛行使女性在男性统治的世界中也处于被压迫的边缘状态,女性毫无社会地位和权利可言。

    Thirdly , the popularity of androcentrism makes women submissive to men . Women have no social status and rights in the male-dominated world .

  14. 在传统的思想观念和行为准则中,妇女只能充当着逆来顺受、被男性统治的次要角色。

    In the traditional ideas and the code of conduct , women could only act the second role as the submissive and be dominated by men .

  15. 除去第一章所讨论的连结形式外,女性和自然形成的连接还源于男性统治下二者所处的相同地位。

    Apart from the connection mentioned in chapter one , women and nature are also linked by their similar condition of being oppressed in a male-dominated world .

  16. 当然,女性也可能受到当下由男性统治的董事会排挤,因为这些董事们会更偏好一位男性的经理。

    Women may , of course , also be hurt by the existing dominance of men on boards and a male preference for filling executive positions with other men .

  17. 这篇题为《秃头和对男性统治力的认知》的论文发表在期刊《社会心理和人格科学》上。在论文中,曼尼斯描述了三个实验。

    For the paper , ' Shorn Scalps and Perceptions of Male Dominance , ' published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science , Mannes describes three experiments .

  18. 第二部分论证了女性在被男权的意识形态塑造与规约以后,她们又将其合法化、内在化,并以一种自愿与自觉的方式再次参与进复制与再生产男性统治的框架之中。

    The second part demonstrates that the females legalize and internalize the chauvinism and participate in reproducing it in a voluntary and conscious way after it has been established .

  19. 有关此方面,主要流行三种观点:男性统治论、女性统治论和父母(夫妻)在不同的问题上影响不同。

    Concerning this point , there are three popular views , that is , male domination , female domination , and parents ' ( couple 's ) different influence on different problems .

  20. 作为历史久远的一个社会问题,性别歧视现象几乎存在于每个语言中,并反映了在男性统治下的社会中,女性对男性的依赖性,以及女性所受的歧视。

    As a social problem with a long history , sexism exists in almost every language , reflecting the dependence and discrimination from which women suffer in a society dominated by men .

  21. 自由派女性主义渴望进入现存那些由男性统治的机构,但是文化女性主义观点与之相对,认为必须从“女性”价值方面彻底重新想象这些问题。

    As opposed to the liberal feminist desire for access to existing male institutions , cultural feminists argue that these must be radically reimagined in terms of such " female " values .

  22. 经过二十多年的努力,一些知识女性从男性统治的社会中得到了一些利益,她们开始相信自己能够像男性一样平等地成为主体。

    After twenty years of trying , some intelligent women have got a lot of profit from the male-oriented society , and they also believe they can be equal to men as subjects .

  23. 性革命是由女性反抗男性的统治地位开始。

    The Sexual Revolution was begun to protest against male dominance .

  24. 女性应该站起来反抗男性的统治,而不是被动的承受这一切。

    Women should stand up and give a resistance to the male domination .

  25. 在他的中期诗歌文本中,我们看到了一个完全属于男性话语统治的世界。

    From his mid-term poetry , we see a world dominated by the male discourse .

  26. 企业被白人和男性所统治,而社会不是。

    The former is seen to be white and male dominated , whereas society is not .

  27. 但随着女性生孩子、男性继续统治高管职位和董事会职务,这种薪资差距在更高的年龄段会扩大。

    It widens as women have children and men go on to dominate executive jobs and boardrooms .

  28. 莫里森笔下的黑人女性均生活在黑人男性的统治和种族主义的阴影之下,无一例外地经历过痛苦的历程。

    To begin with , Morrison depicts gender-sphered identity forced upon black women in the patriarchal society and under the dark shadow of racism .

  29. 对传统的男性占统治地位的体育运动进行反思,有助于实现体育运动中两性的真正平等。

    The retrospection of traditional sports in which men has a dominating position is conducive to realizing real equality in sports between men and women .

  30. 在白宫接见期间,美国-阿富汗妇女委员会参加者讨论了在男性占统治地位的社会里,增加妇女企业家取得的进展和面临的挑战。

    During the meeting at the White House , U.S. - Afghan Women 's Council participants discussed achievements and challenges in the quest to grow the ranks of businesswomen in a historically male-dominated nation .