
  • 网络the learning region
  1. 学习型区域的本质就是创新。

    The essence of the learning region paradigm is innovation .

  2. 学习型区域创新网络中知识转移的博弈分析

    Analysis of Cooperation Game of Knowledge transfer in the Learning Region Innovation network

  3. 学习型区域创新的关键在高校。

    The key factor of the learning region innovation is higher education institutions .

  4. 学习型区域发展理论及其应用研究

    Study on Developmental Theory Application of Learning Region

  5. 本文力图研究学习型区域与区域经济发展的内在关系。

    This article is trying to research the intern relationship between learning region and regional economic development .

  6. 学习型区域是从区域创新系统理论基础上发展而来的,是区域创新和学习的进一步深化。

    The learning region is developed from regional innovation system , and it is the further promotion of regional innovation and learning .

  7. 并将基于产业集群的学习型区域的基本构架界定为在产业集群的环境下,学习主体、学习机制与学习环境的稳定联系方式。

    The basic structure of learning region is defined as the steady link mode between the learning behavior subject , learning mechanism and learning circumstances .

  8. 并以山东半岛为例,提出战略产业视角下山东半岛学习型区域创建的策略方案。

    Eventually , this article offers the construction plan to build learning area in perspective of strategic industry , taking the example of Shandong peninsula .

  9. 探讨了营建学习型区域的途径,联系的内涵,学习型区域的基本特征等四个方面的内容。

    Discussed the way of build study area , the connotation of connection , the content of4 respects such as the main feature of study area .

  10. 进而提出营建学习型区域,必须充分发挥区域的能动性以及利用区域的复杂网络效应。

    And under the environment of globalization , information modernization , network modernization and knowledge modernization , the new regional development strategy is building learning region .

  11. 第六章,以山东半岛为例,总结了山东省学习型区域建设已经取得的成果和存在的问题,提出了战略产业视角下的山东半岛学习型区域构建策略。

    Chapter six discusses the achievements and problems in learning area construction of Shandong Peninsular , drawing the blueprint to build learning area in the perspective of strategic industries .

  12. 随着区域创新理论的发展,国内外有关学者提出了学习型区域这一理论,并指出学习型区域是未来区域经济发展的新模式。

    Domestic and international relevant scholars propose the theory in the learning region , and claim the learning region is a new mode of regional economic development of the future .

  13. 理论探索部分是论文的核心,主要阐述学习型区域发展机制,包括第三章到第六章的内容。

    The part of theoretical construction , focusing on highlighting the development mechanism of learning region , is the core of the dissertation , consisting from Chapter Three to Chapter Six .

  14. 本文的研究重点在于对学习型区域的以企业为核心的区域学习机制进行分析,以及如何建立这种区域学习机制。

    The research focal point of this thesis is to study on the learning mechanism which taking enterprise as the core in learning region , and how to set up this kind of learning mechanism .

  15. 在省级区域建设开放大学,是适应学习型社会区域化发展的战略选择。

    The establishment of regional open universities at the provincial level results from strategic choice of conforming to adapt the development of learning-based regions .

  16. 区域创新系统研究的新视角:区域学习和学习型区域

    The New Perspective in Regional Innovation System Study : Regional Learning and Learning Regions

  17. 主要介绍在区域创新系统研究中涌现的新视角:区域学习和学习型区域。

    The article introduces the new perspective in RIS research : regional learning and learning region .

  18. 我国学习型社会构建的现实途径是建设学习型社会区域。

    The realistic approach to the learning-based society in China depends on the construction of learning-based regions .

  19. 由于产业集群本身所具备的学习和创新的集体效应,就使其与发展学习型区域之间具有了交叉融合点,而目前这方面的研究尚处于空白状态。

    Industry clusters have collective learning and innovation effect of their own , which makes them intersect and fuse with the development of learning region .