
  • 网络apprenticeship;Apprenticeship Training;Apprentice Training
  1. 此法案适用于众多私营雇主、职业中介机构、劳工组织、学徒培训机构中的雇员。

    This law covers applicants to , and most private employers , employment agencies , labor unions , and apprenticeship programs .

  2. 学徒培训计划是为某一特定时间内某一特定职位或职业的伊拉克人提供的。

    Apprenticeship programs will be provided for Iraqis to be trained on a specific job or vocation for a specified period .

  3. 包含了人力资源团队和学徒培训中心的培训中心于2006年竣工。

    In2006 , Riviera completed its Training Centre to house the Human Resources team and Apprentice Training Centre .

  4. 支持工会提供学徒培训,让勤奋的学子在当地找到高薪的好工作。

    support apprenticeships with organized labor , and prepare hardworking students for good-paying jobs in the areas in which they live .

  5. 芬兰学徒制培训基本特征和质量管理策略

    Basic Features and Quality Management Strategies of Apprenticeship 's Training in Finland

  6. 再析英国的现代学徒制培训

    Re-exploration on the Modern Apprenticeship Program in the UK

  7. 其学徒职业培训具有严整的法律、法规体系和管理体制,明确的施培对象和施培体制。

    There are strict law and statute system , management system , explicit fostering subject and system for its apprentice training .

  8. 没有餐厅准备为学徒和培训计划买单,因此一些餐厅找不到足够多的厨师。

    With no one prepared to foot the bill for apprenticeships and training schemes , there are not enough cooks to go round .

  9. 现代学徒制培训在传统学徒制一对一指导、耳提面命、切身受教、循序渐进等特点的基础上,又被赋予了新的内涵与特征。

    Modern apprentice-system makes its foundation on traditional apprentice-system , which is characterized by one-to-one guidance , face-to-face teaching , advancing step-by-step etc , but has been endowed with new connotation and characteristics .

  10. 现代学徒制培训是英国政府在20世纪90年代推出的一项重要的业本学习项目,它主要面向已完成义务教育的16~24岁青年(受高等教育者除外)。

    The modern apprenticeship system is an important work-based learning program that British government has begun to develop in 1990s , which faces the youth who are in the age from 16 to 24 and have finished the compulsory education .

  11. 且学徒经过两年的培训,能拿到相应的证书成为合格的发型师。

    After two years'training , her apprentice will qualify as a hair stylist , with a certificate to boot .