
  • 网络learning city;learning society
  1. 因此,构建学习型城市理论已成当务之急。

    Therefore , it is urgent to conceive learning city theory .

  2. 建设学习型城市,推进现代化进程

    To Construct A Learning City and Promote Process of Modernization

  3. 解读终身教育体系在学习型城市构建中的潜在意义

    Interpretation the Potential Meaning of Lifelong Education in Constructing Learning-based City

  4. 湖州创建学习型城市对策研究

    On the Countermeasures of Building into a Studying City of Huzhou

  5. 因此本文展开济南市学习型城市的构建研究。

    Therefore this article launches Jinan to study the urban construction research .

  6. 全面推进学习型城市建设实现我市图书馆的结构调整

    Building studious city and improving the structural readjustment of libraries in Dalian

  7. 论城市图书馆系统与学习型城市建设

    On Urban Library System and the Constructing of Learning City

  8. 发达国家创建学习型城市的经验及启示

    On the Experiences and Revelation of the Study-Oriented Cities in Developed Countries

  9. 英国学习型城市建设研究

    Research on the Construction of Learning City in United Kingdom

  10. 学习型城市兴起与成因

    The Preliminary Study on Rising and Cause of Formation of Learning Society

  11. 电大教育与建立学习型城市

    TV University Education and the Establishment of Study-Oriented Cities

  12. 基于创新系统趋法的学习型城市创建模式

    Research on Pattern Towards a Learning City Based on System Approach to Innovation

  13. 图书情报档案事业;学习型城市;终身教育体系。

    Library information and archives career ; Learning city ; Life-long education system .

  14. 倡导市民读书建设学习型城市

    Advocating Citizen 's Reading and Constructing the Learning-type City

  15. 三要探索学习型城市建设的良性推进机制;

    Thirdly , we should explore good propulsion mechanism of the study-oriented city .

  16. 学习型城市是城市实现现代化的主要标志之一。

    Learning-type city is one of the major signs in realizing urban modernization .

  17. 学习型城市形成动力、基础和标志的研究

    Study on the Dynamism , Basis and Mark of the Studying-type City Forming

  18. 图书馆要主动介入,积极参与学习型城市创建

    Libraries should Positively Get Involved and Actively Participate in the Establishment of Learning Cities

  19. 高等教育与青岛学习型城市战略的推进

    Higher Education and the Strategic Impetus to the " Study-Oriented City " of Qingdao

  20. 建设学习型城市是形成学习型社会的重要组成部分。

    Building a learned-minded city is an important part of forming a learned-minded society .

  21. 图书馆在学习型城市建设中的地位

    The Position of the Library in the Construction of the Learning - type City

  22. 英国学习型城市的评价指标体系是怎么构成的?

    How is the evaluation system formed ?

  23. 建设学习型城市的核心是学习,重点是建设,关键在加强组织领导。

    On Learning The core is learning .

  24. 学习型城市内涵研究

    Study on the Concept of Learning City

  25. 英国建设学习型城市的保障体系是一个完整的系统。

    The guarantee system of the British construction of learning city is a complete system .

  26. 学习型城市理论初探

    Primary Inquiry into Theory about Learning City

  27. 武汉市建设学习型城市刍议

    On Constructing a Learning City of Wuhan

  28. 从经济全球化和知识经济看创建学习型城市的意义

    The significance to be a studious city in this age of economic globalization and knowledge economy

  29. 场,是连云港市创建学习型城市的文化走向。

    Constructing dynamic cultural stage is the cultural trend of building up study-type city in Lianyungang .

  30. 但是,目前杭州学习型城市建设中仍然存在着问题。

    However , during the process of learning city of Hangzhou , there are still problems .