
  • 网络xiamen special economic zone
  1. 厦门经济特区大气污染区划研究

    Research on air pollution division of Xiamen Special Economic Zone

  2. 厦门经济特区经济辐射功能与发展趋势

    On the radiation functions and developing tendency of Xiamen Special Economic Zone

  3. 充分发挥厦门经济特区的龙头作用

    Letting the Leading Role of Xiamen Economic Zone in Full Swing

  4. 本公司地处厦门经济特区,是一家食品股份有限公司。

    The company is a food corporation located in the economic zone-Xiamen .

  5. 对厦门经济特区规划的调查与探索

    On the Plan of Xiamen Special Economic District

  6. 靠近厦门经济特区的生态旅游开发模式研究

    Study on the Development Model of Eco-tourism Which is Adjacent to the Xiamen Special Economic Zone

  7. 闽南三角区是指厦门经济特区、泉州市、漳州市。

    The southern Fujian delta region refers to the Xiamen Special Economic Zone , Quanzhou , and Zhangzhou .

  8. 厦门经济特区是闽南经济发展的龙头地区。

    The Xiamen Special Economic Zone is the dragon 's head area in southern Fujian 's economic development .

  9. 最近有的同志告诉我,厦门经济特区的发展速度比深圳还理想。

    Recently a comrade told me that the Xiamen Special Economic Zone is developing even faster than Shenzhen .

  10. 试论21世纪第四纪科学的应用与普及&以厦门经济特区为例

    Discussion on application and popularization of quaternary science in the 21 ~ ( ST ) century : a case study in Xiamen Special Economic Zone

  11. 处于改革开放前沿的厦门经济特区正面临着经济增长方式转型的迫切要求。

    Xiamen City , which is at the forefront of Reform and Opening Up , is facing urgent need of changing its way of economic development .

  12. 厦门经济特区在两个文明建设方面已经取得了举世瞩目的成就,为促进特区人民素质的提高,促进特区人的全面发展提供了必要的条件。

    The great achievement Xiamen Special Economic Zone has made in economy and ethics has paved the way for all round human development in the new stage of Xiamen SEZ .

  13. 关联理论对翻译阐释的理据、优势、局限性以及对语用翻译有着诸多的启示。中国城市绿色启示录&来自厦门经济特区环境保护的报告

    This paper gives a review of relevance translation theory from the aspects of the motivations , advantages and limitations of its interpretation , and its helpful enlightenment for pragmatic translation as well . Green Enlightenment from

  14. 这一理论既有重大的创新意义,也有深刻的理论意义和实践意义,指导厦门经济特区在建设实践中取得一系列显著成就。

    Both the major innovation of this theory significance , but also has profound theoretical and practical significance , guiding the construction of Xiamen Special Economic Zone has made a series of remarkable achievements in practice .

  15. 但在存在全国背景下的不利因素的同时,由于厦门经济特区发展的困境,一些深层次的矛盾和问题逐渐显露出来,成为影响和制约厦门市城乡经济社会一体化发展的瓶颈。

    The deep contradictions and problems which gradually emerged due to negative factors throughout the country as well as trouble of development of Xiamen Special Economic Zone become the bottleneck to effect and limit the urban-rural integration development in Xiamen City .

  16. 此外,该公司入驻厦门经济特区,当地政府免费提供厂房设施和慷慨的税收激励政策,因此难怪瑞银报告称,过去两年来宝姿的单店增长率达到20%。

    Add to that the company 's move to a special economic zone in Xiamen , where the local government has provided facilities for free and offered generous tax incentives , and it is no wonder that UBS reports same-store growth of 20 per cent over the last two years .