
dà xiǎn zhānɡ
  • Magna Carta
  1. 英国认为准英国人应该熟悉《大宪章》(MagnaCarta)。

    The UK felt that prospective Britons should have some familiarity with the Magna Carta .

  2. 他表示,法律服务“自《大宪章》(MagnaCarta)以来”就未曾改变过了。

    The practice of law , he says , has not changed " since Magna Carta . "

  3. 如BBC的文章所写,《大宪章》确立了一项原则,即当时贵族所代表的英格兰人民可以限制国王的权力。

    The Magna Carta established the principle that the people of England , at this stage represented by the barons , could limit the power of a king , explains a BBC article .

  4. 1215年6月15日,世界历史上最重要的文件之一签署,名为“MagnaCarta”,即拉丁语中“大宪章”之意。文件的签字双方分别是英国国王约翰与他的男爵们。

    On June 15 , 1215 , one of the most important documents in world history was signed . The document is called the Magna Carta , Latin for " Great Charter , " and was signed by John , King of England , and his barons .

  5. 许多人将《大宪章》看作是专制独裁的终结。

    Many people regard the Magna Carta as the death certificate of despotism .

  6. 《大宪章》为何如此重要?

    Why is the Magna Carta so important ?

  7. 《大宪章》也为许多国家现代法律体系奠定了基础。

    The charter also laid the foundation for the modern judicial system in many countries .

  8. 它被载入了英国大宪章。

    It was written in Magna Charta .

  9. 此后的《宪法》起草人们正是受到了《大宪章》的启示。

    The Magna Carta has been looked to for inspiration by constitution writers every since .

  10. 在加拿大,《大宪章》则是其国家普通法的一部分。

    In Canada , the Magna Carta forms part of the country 's common law tradition .

  11. 卡梅伦在发布于学校官网上的文章中写道,《大宪章》堪称是《宪法》的前身。

    It was really a kind of proto-constitution , says Cameron in an article published on the university 's website .

  12. 《大宪章》奠定了法律的基石,即任何人都不能凌驾于法律之上,即使国王也不例外。

    The Magna Carta established the rule of law . No one , not even the king , was above the law .

  13. 例如,美国的《独立宣言》和《人权法案》就受到《大宪章》的深刻影响;

    For example , there are strong influences from the Magna Carta in the US Declaration of Independence and US Bill of Rights .

  14. 要是能生活在每名公民都对《大宪章》有所了解的城邦里,将是一件很理想的事,但我们永远也办不到。

    It would be nice to live in a polis where all citizens have some familiarity with the Magna Carta , but we never will .

  15. 象征着自由与人权的《大宪章》最初是英王约翰与其男爵之间的一份和平协议。

    A symbol of liberty and human rights , the Magna Carta was originally meant to be a peace treaty between King John and his barons .

  16. 《大宪章》因此也奠定了陪审审判制度,即由人民组成陪审团进行审判,以确保每个公民的权利。

    This laid the way for trial by jury , which means people are tried by their peers and guaranteed the civil rights of the individual .

  17. 直至今日,当人们谈起宪法,都会用“写《大宪章》”这样的说法,因为它已经成为立宪的同义词。

    When people talk about writing constitutions today , they talk about writing a " Magna Carta . " That phrase has become synonymous with constitutionalism .

  18. 手工绘本、作家手稿以及《大宪章》《独立宣言》等原版文献,是无法通过互联网好好品读的。

    Illuminated manuscripts , author 's drafts , and the originals of documents such as Magna Carta , or the American Declaration of Independence , can never be properly appreciated online .

  19. 《大宪章》是第一份正式规定国王也必须遵守《土地法》、并保证个人权利不受国王私欲侵犯的文件。

    It was the first formal document stating that a king had to follow the laws of the land and it guaranteed the rights of individuals against the wishes of the king .

  20. 来自加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学的教授麦斯威尔•卡梅伦认为,《大宪章》是“法治”理念第一次被白纸黑字地写入正式文件。

    According to Maxwell Cameron , a professor from the University of British Columbia in Canada , the Magna Carta was a first attempt to write down and formalize the rule of law .

  21. 在伦敦关于这个话题的一场辩论中,有人问在场的人中谁真正读过《大宪章》,在场的几百位受过高等教育的伦敦人中只有两三个人举手。

    At a debate on the matter in London , someone asked who in the room had actually read the Magna Carta . Of the several hundred overeducated Londoners present , only two or three raised their hands .

  22. 为纪念《大宪章》签署八百周年,英国举行了一系列活动:舰队沿泰晤士河巡游,英国王室们也现身八百年前《大宪章》签署之地——英格兰的兰尼米德。

    A series of events are taking place in the UK to mark the occasion , including a flotilla of boats sailing down the Thames and a royal appearance in Runnymede , England , the site of the charter 's sealing 800 years ago .

  23. 庆祝活动的高潮将在索尔兹伯里大教堂举行,大宪章的原本就收藏在这里的牧师会礼堂里。

    The highlight for the celebrations will be Salisbury Cathedral , whose Chapter House holds the Magna Carta .