
dà chénɡ fó jiào
  • Mahayana;Great Vehicle
  1. 这些大乘佛教的文献都是用梵文与混合梵文写程。

    Mahayana literature was written mostly in Sanskrit and mixed Sanskrit .

  2. 随着大乘佛教的兴起,这一思想逐渐得以发展。

    With the prosperity of Mahayana , this thinking developed gradually .

  3. 「属于大乘佛教的佛典,在印度是完全消失的。

    Books on Mahayana Buddhism were completely lost in India .

  4. 婆罗门教与大乘佛教经过了长期融和的过程。

    Brahmanism and Mahayana have passed a long process of mixture and interfusion .

  5. 这经文一直关押在大乘佛教国家的最大的尊敬。

    This scripture has always been held in the greatest veneration in Mahayana countries .

  6. 少林寺可能是对于西方人来说最熟知的大乘佛教寺院。

    Shaolin Monastery is the Mahayana Buddhist monastery perhaps best known to the Western world .

  7. 大乘佛教的晚期经典《楞伽经》与印度古代的哲学宝典《奥义书》有着诸多相似之处。

    The later period Mahayana Sutra Lankavatara-sutra is similar with the ancient India philosophical classics Upanad .

  8. 《法华经》是大乘佛教非常重要的一部经典。

    The Lotus Sutra ( Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra ) is one of important cannons of Mahayanan Buddhism .

  9. 大约在2世纪,大乘佛教传入汉人居住的中原地区。

    About the 2nd century , Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China , inhabited by the Han nationality .

  10. 佛教的坦陀罗是由大乘佛教激发,享有一个伟大的哲学盛产时期,影响着知识分子。

    Tantric Buddhism arose when Mahayana Buddhism was enjoying a period of great philosophical productivity and intellectual influence .

  11. 大乘佛教伦理思想是对佛陀教法的进一步发挥,在信仰和伦理领域把佛陀的世界观发展得更加彻底和系统化。

    The ethics of Mahayana is more systemic than that of Buddha in the field of belief and ethics .

  12. 从此,全寺和尚不再吃肉并改信大乘佛教。

    Ever since then , the monks of the temple became vegetarians and began to believe in Mahayana buddhism .

  13. 大乘佛教教理、发展状态等条件为此时期佛教圣迹文化的发展提供了背景。

    Mahayana Buddhist doctrines and its prosperity furnished the development of Buddhist secret site and sign culture in this period .

  14. 《妙法莲华经》被喻为经中之王,是大乘佛教最重要的经典之一。

    The Lotus Sutra , praised as King of sutras , is one of the most important sutras of Mahayana .

  15. 在大乘佛教大般若涅磐经之中的四大法印是佛的弟子的宗教思想中特别重要的部分。

    The Four Great References found in the Mahaparinibbana Sutra is of special importance to the students of Buddhist religious thought .

  16. 两派在这方面的主张展示了大乘佛教的核心思想和显著特色。

    The theories in this respect of the two schools have shown the core view and main feature of Mahayana Buddhism .

  17. 大乘佛教更是提倡学习五明(即五类知识),其中之一的“医方明”便是医药知识。

    Mahayana Buddhism strongly advocates practicing medicine , or medical science and regards it as one of the five kinds of knowledge .

  18. 佛教的教义十分复杂,但大体可分为原始佛教、小乘佛教和大乘佛教三大类。

    In general , the doctrines can be divided into three categories : Original Buddhism , Hinayana Buddhism , and Mahayana Buddhism .

  19. 依大乘佛教的慈悲思想,我们可以讨论个人的幸福和所有人的幸福之间的关系。

    According to the compassion of Mahayana Buddhist , we can discuss the relation between the Individual happiness and all being 's happiness .

  20. 比方说,依照佛教的传统,大乘佛教的和尚,他们至少是吃素的,而且不结婚。

    For example , in the Buddhist tradition , the monks of the Mahayana eat vegetarian at least , and they are unmarried .

  21. 其次,大乘佛教的慈悲思想集中体现在了佛、菩萨对众生平等的深切关怀和尊重生命的佛性理念上。

    Second , the mercy of the Mahayana Buddhism illustrates that Buddhas , Bodhisattvas deeply concern and respect life and all beings are equal .

  22. 某些大乘佛教的传统把佛陀看作是可以任意使用的术语,把它看作涅盘状态在人间的化身。

    Some Mahayana traditions see the Buddha in almost docetic terms , viewing his visible manifestations as projections from within the state of Nirvana .

  23. 看守试图以不同的大乘佛教版本来描写它并且在巴利文佛经之中发现了它和早期佛教教义。

    Warder has attempted to trace them in different Mahayana texts and their relationship with the original teaching as found in the Pali canon .

  24. 我们记得尼瓦佛教具有相当的地方性色彩的特色,而这些并未在印度的大乘佛教发现过的。

    One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements , which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism .

  25. 唐前中国传统观念是五官各司其职,大乘佛教诸经论主张“六根互用”,《楞严经》对此身体哲学尤有发挥。

    Prior to the Tang Dynasty , classics of Mahayana advocate the communication of six senses and Shurangrma Sutra elaborates a lot on this body philosophy .

  26. 在卫塞节的婆罗浮屠寺庙僧人祈祷,俗称为'佛的生日大乘佛教在婆罗浮屠5月17日纪念碑。

    A Buddhist monk prays at Borobudur temple on Vesak Day , commonly known as'Buddha 's birthday ' , at the Borobudur Mahayana Buddhist monument on May17 .

  27. 佛教圣迹文化在大乘佛教兴盛的一段时期(公元4-5世纪左右)在形式与内容上已较成熟。

    At the time when the Mahayana Buddhism was prosperous ( about 4-5AC ), Buddhist secret site and sign began to get matured in its forms and content .

  28. 大乘佛教的观点超出了原始的小乘佛教的巴利文的观念,这是在我们刚才的简短讨论中提到的。

    This Mahayana view was probably developed out of the ideas found in the original Theravada Pali texts , to which we have just referred in our brief discussion .

  29. 密教是印度大乘佛教发展到最后一个阶段出现的流派,由印度大乘佛教一部分派别吸收婆罗门教及其他民间宗教的一些内容而形成的大乘教派。

    Esoteric Buddhism in the school that Indian Mahayana Buddhism develops into the last period of stage and presents . It has absorbed Brahmanism and other folk religious contents .

  30. 大乘佛教中的两大派别在这一问题上时常发生争论。大约在2世纪,大乘佛教传入汉人居住的中原地区。

    The two main schools of Mahayana Buddhism often debate this problem . About the 2nd century , Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China , inhabited by the Han nationality .