
dà yùn hé
  • the Grand Canal
大运河 [dà yùn hé]
  • (1) [the Grand Canal]∶中国古代伟大工程,北起北京,南到杭州,又名京杭运河,全长1794公里,是世界上最长运河,沟通海河、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系。始凿于公元前5世纪,公元7世纪和13世纪曾两次大规模扩建,现河道主要为公元13世纪元朝所修(公元605-610年)。古代为中国南北运输大动脉,又称京杭大运河,简称运河

  • (2) [Grand Canal]∶意大利威尼斯市主要水道

大运河[dà yùn hé]
  1. 大运河在天津与海河汇合。

    The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin .

  2. 大运河纵贯河北、山东、江苏、浙江四省。

    The Grand Canal flows southwards through the four provinces of Hebei , Shandong , Jiangsu and Zhejiang .

  3. 大运河有几段仍可以行船。

    The Grand Canal is still navigable in certain sections .

  4. 大运河流经他的家乡。

    The grand canal runs through his hometown .

  5. 里亚托桥是横跨大运河的四座桥梁之一。

    The Rialto Bridge is one of the four bridges spanning the Grand Canal .

  6. 它是横跨大运河的最古老的桥梁,也是圣马可和圣保罗区之间的分界线。

    It is the oldest bridge across the canal , and was the dividing line between the districts of San Marco and San Polo .

  7. 基于RS和GIS的大运河沿岸土地利用/覆被变化分析

    Analysis on Land Use / Land Cover Changes of the Grand Canal Based on RS and GIS

  8. 远程遥测单元(RTU)在大运河水情监测系统中的应用

    Application of RTU in Grand Canal hydrologic regime monitoring system

  9. 担忧主要集中在穿行于大运河(GrandCanal)中的游轮身上,它们遮蔽着一处处地标,就如同月球的影子遮蔽着太阳。

    The majority of the anxiety has centered on the cruise ships that pass through the Grand Canal , blotting out the landmarks like an eclipse blocking out the sun .

  10. 成功当选韩国总统的李明博(LeeMyung-bak)曾承诺,通过大规模基础设施投资,将韩国经济增长率提高至7%,其中包括投资150亿美元挖掘一条横跨全国的大运河。

    Lee Myung-bak successfully campaigned for the South Korean presidency promising to propel growth to 7 per cent a year with large-scale infrastructure investments , including a $ 15bn cross-country canal .

  11. 他们纷纷从梅斯特赶回来,在大运河边喝葡萄酒,等待观看一场会让纽约的格鲁西烟花公司(FireworksbyGrucci)感到汗颜的烟花秀。

    They flow back in from Mestre to drink wine on the banks of the Grand Canal and wait for a fireworks show that puts New York 's Fireworks by Grucci to shame .

  12. 大运河徐州段不同水质对耳萝卜螺CHE、GST和GPx酶的影响

    Effect of the Water Quality in Different Parts of the Grand Canal in the Xuzhou Region on the Enzyme of CHE , GST and GPx of Radix auricularia

  13. 京杭大运河山东区段东移工程考

    Investigations on the Moving Eastward of the Grand Canal Shandong Section

  14. 扬州是大运河边上一个妩媚华丽的小城。

    Yangzhou is a little charming city on the Grand Canal .

  15. 论京杭大运河的规划思想与传承

    Planning Ideas and Culture Generation Progressive of Jing-Hang Grand Canal

  16. 另外,古老的京杭大运河和京沪铁路也途径这里。

    Inaddition , Jinghang Canal and Jinghu Railroad crosses Wuxi .

  17. 论大运河区域生态基础设施战略和实施途径

    On Establishing The Great Canal Regional Ecological Infrastructure : Strategy and Approaches

  18. 比如镜厅或大运河

    whether the Hall of Mirrors or the Great Canal .

  19. 扬州市区京杭大运河水污染可视化模拟研究

    Water Pollution Visualization Simulation on Beijing-Hangzhou Canal within Yangzhou City

  20. 杭州位于京杭大运河的最南端,是大运河的起讫点。

    Hangzhou city is located at the south end of the Great Canal .

  21. 苏北大运河机动船型研究

    The Study of Self-propelled Barges in Subei Grand Canal

  22. 京杭大运河保护地理信息系统建设研究

    Study on the Grand Canal Conservation Geographic Information System

  23. 中国京杭大运河经济带迅速崛起

    China 's Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Economic Belt grows rapidly

  24. 苏南大运河沿线城市热岛现象的卫星遥感分析

    Satellite remote sensing of urban heat island effects for suzhou , changzhou and Zhenjiang

  25. 中国大运河的繁华

    The Grand Canal in China and Canal Culture

  26. 京杭大运河廊道景观遗产的考证和研究

    Research on Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Heritage Corridor Landscape

  27. 平底船和汽艇参加了在威尼斯大运河沿岸举办的活动。

    Gondolas and motorboats took part in the event along Venice 's Grand Canal .

  28. 中国大运河将于2013年申报世界文化遗产。

    The Grand Canal in China will be declared as World Cultural Heritage in 2013 .

  29. 苏北京杭大运河堤杉木引种栽培研究

    Study on Chinese fir Introduction and Cultivation on The Grand Canal Bank , Northern Jiangsu

  30. 京沪铁路、沪宁高速公路、京杭大运河都近在咫尺。

    And Jinghu railway , Huning speedway , Jinghang Canal are all near at hand .