
  • The Grand Canal;the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
  1. 中国京杭大运河经济带迅速崛起

    China 's Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Economic Belt grows rapidly

  2. 京杭大运河廊道景观遗产的考证和研究

    Research on Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Heritage Corridor Landscape

  3. 京杭大运河山东区段东移工程考

    Investigations on the Moving Eastward of the Grand Canal Shandong Section

  4. 论京杭大运河的规划思想与传承

    Planning Ideas and Culture Generation Progressive of Jing-Hang Grand Canal

  5. 大口径燃气PE管在定向穿越杭州京杭大运河中的应用

    Large Diameter Gas PE Pipe Application in Directional Crossing Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal

  6. 另外,古老的京杭大运河和京沪铁路也途径这里。

    Inaddition , Jinghang Canal and Jinghu Railroad crosses Wuxi .

  7. 扬州市区京杭大运河水污染可视化模拟研究

    Water Pollution Visualization Simulation on Beijing-Hangzhou Canal within Yangzhou City

  8. 杭州位于京杭大运河的最南端,是大运河的起讫点。

    Hangzhou city is located at the south end of the Great Canal .

  9. 京杭大运河保护地理信息系统建设研究

    Study on the Grand Canal Conservation Geographic Information System

  10. 京沪铁路、沪宁高速公路、京杭大运河都近在咫尺。

    And Jinghu railway , Huning speedway , Jinghang Canal are all near at hand .

  11. 京杭大运河傍区而过,为国家二级航道;

    Hangzhou Grand Canal – national second-class channel , crosses by the side of this area .

  12. 沪宁铁路、京杭大运河、312国道、沪宁高速公路四线并行,横贯全市。

    Hu-Ning railway , Jing-Hang waterway , 312 national highway and Hu-Ning expressway all run through Dangyang .

  13. 驰名中外的京杭大运河穿风景区而过。

    Renowned at home and abroad of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and had to wear Scenic Area .

  14. 运河是流动的文化&纵论京杭大运河保护和申遗

    Grand Canal : Flowing Culture

  15. 举世闻名的京杭大运河,是世界上开凿最早、最长的一条人工河道。

    The Great Canal is also called the Jinghang Canal , and the Yunhe River for short .

  16. 京杭大运河苏鲁区段旅游协作联盟构建研究

    The Research on the Construction of Tourism Cooperation Union of the Su-Lu Section of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal

  17. 北戴河内河运输十分发达,与京杭大运河相通。

    The Beidaihe inland water transportation is extremely developed , it is interlinked with the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal .

  18. 论京杭大运河申遗的法律认识及其保护

    Legal Speculation on Protection of Beijing - Hangzhou Canal An Imaginative Tour of the Grand Canal in Hangzhou

  19. 在景观规划与城市设计之间京杭大运河无锡段景观规划设计方法与实践思考

    Between Landscape Planning and Urban Design Thoughts on the Landscape Design of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Wuxi Section

  20. 京杭大运河横林东桥现浇系杆拱主桥施工工艺探讨

    Inquire into Irrigating Craft of the Main Arch Bridge with bracing of Heng-lin Dong Bridge on Jing-hang Canal

  21. 泊头自古就是京杭大运河畔一大商埠,商贸业发达。

    Botou ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is a major commercial port , business and trade industry is developed .

  22. 京杭大运河是我国南北的交通大动脉,对经济发展起着巨大作用。

    Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the north-south traffic artery of China , which plays a significant role in economic development .

  23. 浙江省水域城镇文化遗产保护与传承&京杭大运河杭州段两个历史街区比较研究

    Protection and Transfer of Cultural Heritage : A Comparison Study of Two Historical Blocks along the Grand Canal in Zhejiang

  24. 京杭大运河是全世界最长的古代运河,全长1794公里。

    The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the longest ancient canal in the world , stretching a length of 1794 kilometers .

  25. 但那正是山东省经历了一个月的严重旱灾后在京杭大运河沿岸形成的现象。

    But that 's exactly what over a month of severe drought in Shangdong province has caused along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal .

  26. 荆马河污染最为严重,其次是奎河、故黄河、京杭大运河。

    Jinma River was contaminated most serious , and then it was Kui River and Abandoned Yellow River and the Jinghang Canal .

  27. 京杭大运河穿境而过,是冀东南重要的商贸、交通要地。

    Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal , passing through and have done , is southeast of Hebei important trade and commerce , transport to land .

  28. 北运河是京杭大运河的重要区段,其沿岸连接着北方三省市。

    The Northern Canal is an important segment of the Beijing-Hangzhou grand canal , the three provinces and cities along the northern connected .

  29. 滨水地区的营建与城市发展&宿迁市古黄河与京杭大运河风光带概念性城市设计

    The Construction of Water front Area and Urban Development & Conceptual City Design for Suqian Scenery Zone of Ancient Yellow River and Beijing-Hangzhou Canal

  30. 找寻逝去的足迹还原两岸的风景&京杭大运河杭州主城区段沿线环境改造设计

    Seek the Footprint Passing by and Restore the Scenery on Two Sides & Environmental Reconstruction Design of the Grand Canal Waterfront of Downtown Hangzhou