
  • 网络Gender equality;Gender equity;sexual equality;genderequality
  1. 在千禧一代的女性中75%人认为国家需要继续做岀改变来达到职场上的性别平等,但千禧一代的男性只有57%有这样的看法。

    Among Millennial women , 75 % say this country needs to continue making changes to achieve gender equality in the workplace , compared with 57 % of Millennial men .

  2. 澳大利亚企业领导人最近成立了男性改革捍卫者(MaleChampionsofChange),旨在将性别平等纳入他们的企业文化。

    Business leaders in Australia recently formed Male Champions of Change , a group aimed at building gender equality into the culture of their businesses .

  3. 研究人员估计在马耳他等国家,在劳动市场实现性别平等将使GDP增长高达40%。

    In countries such as Malta , researchers have estimated the GDP gains from gender equality in the labor market could be as high as 40 % .

  4. 雅虎最近承认遭遇迄今最大规模的已知数据泄密事件。2014年,玛丽•巴拉(MaryBarra)升任通用汽车(GeneralMotors)首席执行官,这被视为一场性别平等的胜利,因为她是首位领导一家全球汽车制造商的女性。

    Mary Barra 's promotion to chief executive of General Motors in 2014 was welcomed as a victory for gender equality because she was the first woman to head a global carmaker .

  5. 此外,把它正式化可能会削弱公司和团队在校园中的自主权,令其受到一些规定的约束,比如性别平等法律《教育法修正案第九条》(TitleIX)等。

    In addition , formal recognition could diminish the autonomy that companies and teams have on campuses , bringing about rules like Title IX , the gender equity law .

  6. JoyPhumaphi新任总干事性别平等问题的代表,开展本组织性别战略方面的工作。

    Joy Phumaphi is newly the Representative of the Director-General for Gender Equality , taking forward work on a gender strategy for the Organization .

  7. 美国小姐(MissAmerica)选美大赛的主办方于周二宣布,今年的选手不会穿泳装走台,这是近一个世纪以来的第一次。在一个女性赋权和性别平等的时代,美国小姐比赛正试图重新定义自己的角色。

    For the first time in nearly a century , Miss America contestants will not strut onstage in swimsuits this year , the organizers announced on Tuesday , as the pageant tries to redefine its role in an era of female empowerment and gender equality .

  8. 去年,她协助组织致函F.D.A.反对该药物通过审批,并在给国会(Congress)的另一封信上签名,表示那些声称该药物的审批关乎性别平等的论调“误导人心,十分危险”。

    Last year , she helped organize a letter to the F.D.A. opposing the approval and signed another letter to Congress that said the argument about gender equality was " misleading and dangerous . "

  9. 在人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)2016年的《女性成长,则百业俱兴》报告中,拉美是唯一一个有望到2025年在专业职位或较高职位实现性别平等的地区。

    In the 2016 When Women Thrive report fromMercer , the human resources consultancy , Latin America is the only region ontrack to achieve gender parity in professional-level positions and higher by2025 .

  10. 《丹麦女孩》由《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)的导演汤姆·霍珀(TomHooper)执导,尽管它由英美两国联合制作,亦是诸多探索性别平等与性别身份的丹麦性冒险故事中最新的一个。

    Despite being an American and British production , " The Danish Girl " - directed by Tom Hooper ( " The King 's Speech " ) - is the latest in a long line of sexually adventurous Danish stories exploring gender equality and identity .

  11. 健康和性别平等中心首席执行主任SerraSippel说,避孕套仅仅用于阻止性病的传播,但并不是每一个人都用男用避孕套。

    Only condoms have been proven effective at preventing STDs , but " not everybody wants to use male condoms ," said Serra Sippel , executive director for the Center for Health and Gender Equity .

  12. 从男女平等到性别平等&当代妇女观与跨性别弱势群体

    From Equality of the Male and the Female to Gender Equality

  13. 全面小康社会指标与性别平等

    The Index to an Overall Moderately Prosperous Society and Gender Equality

  14. 社会性别平等与社会主义和谐社会的构建

    Social Sexual Equality and the Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society

  15. 阻碍性别平等的法律障碍是什么?

    What are some of the legal barriers to gender equality ?

  16. 决策者需要致力于制定性别平等的政策。

    Police-maker need to devote themselves to making gender equity policy .

  17. 于本周一出席在白宫召开的国际妇女节招待会时表示,目前美国女性仍面临着不公正待遇和困境,并承诺要为实现性别平等而努力。

    At a White House reception on International Women 's Day .

  18. 性别平等对实现增进健康是必不可少的。

    Gender equality is essential to the achievement of better health .

  19. 奥林匹克运动性别平等化趋势的社会学透视

    Sociological Analysis on the Trend of Gender Equalization in Olympic Games

  20. 生育转型、性别平等与香港生育政策选择

    Fertility Transition , Gender Equity and Policy Options in Hong Kong

  21. 女性主义课程话语与性别平等课程的建构

    Feminism Curriculum Discourses and the Construction of Gender Equality Curriculum

  22. 体育教育中的性别平等:走向男女合班上课?

    Gendering equality in physical education : Toward hybrid bodies ?

  23. 认为性别平等的斗争已经结束

    we thought that fight for gender equality was one that was over

  24. 劳动法律和政策制定中的社会性别平等回顾

    Reflections on Gender Equality in the Adoption of Labor Law and Policy

  25. 营造性别平等氛围,强化社会监督;

    To build social climate of gender equality and strengthen social supervision .

  26. 在性别平等和妇女赋权方面的进展是不平衡的。

    Progress in gender equality and women 's empowerment has been uneven .

  27. 根据新的性别平等法,男性俱乐部会被查禁。

    Under a new sex-equality law , all-male clubs would be banned .

  28. 就业性别平等立法模式选择

    Selection of the Legislation Patterns for Sexual Equality in Employment

  29. 照顾提供、性别平等与公共政策&女性主义经济学的视角

    Care Provision , Gender Equality and Public Policy & A Feminist Economic Perspective

  30. 来自体育资助机构的压力也提高了运动中的性别平等。

    Pressure from sports funding bodies has also improved gender equality in sports .