
xìng yù
  • sexuality;desire;libido;sexual desire;erotism;sexual appetite;sexual urge;oestrum;oestrus
性欲 [xìng yù]
  • [sexual desire;sexual urge;libido;oestrum;oestrus] 对性行为的欲望

  • 性欲旺盛

性欲[xìng yù]
  1. 那音乐和酒逐渐使他性欲萌动。

    The music and wine began to make him feel sexy .

  2. 这些药物可能影响你的性欲。

    These drugs may affect your sex drive .

  3. 该药物名叫氟班色林(flibanserin),去年获得了美国食品和药品监督管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration,F.D.A.)的批准,从而成为了第一种用于治疗女性性欲低下的药物。

    Last year the Food and Drug Administration approved the drug , flibanserin , making it the first drug available to treat low sexual desire in women .

  4. 西北大学费恩柏格医学院(obstetricsandgynecology,位于芝加哥)的妇产科临床副教授劳伦·施特赖歇尔(LaurenStreicher)博士说,她的一部分患者在服药后报告性欲显著上升。

    Dr. Lauren Streicher , an associate clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago , said a number of her patients have taken the drug and reported significant increases in libido .

  5. 在提交给F.D.A.的临床试验结果中,服用该药物的妇女们还在每月的问卷调查中报告,她们感到性欲增强了,只是与安慰剂差异甚微——在评分范围为1.2到6.0分的量表中仅差0.3分上下。

    In the clinical trial results submitted , women taking the drug also reported on monthly questionnaires that they felt more desire , although the difference compared with a placebo was also meager - only about 0.3 points on a scale ranging from 1.2 to 6.0 .

  6. 因此,当周边环境变得不适宜生存时,四膜虫会启动一直休眠的性欲,以帮助自己存活。

    So when times are tough , Tetrahymena can actually switch on a dormant sex drive to help it survive .

  7. 克莱恩-莱文综合症的特征就是患者在嗜睡症发作期间行为异常,比如暴饮暴食、具有攻击性、意识模糊、出现幻觉和性欲亢进。

    Kleine-Levin Syndrome is marked by hypersomnia with odd behavior during the attacks , such as binge eating , aggression , confusion , hallucinations , and hypersexuality .

  8. 《新科学家》报告称,将来有一天可能会发明出一种能令这种脊髓组织增加的药丸,为人类服务。这种药丸将有助于提升性欲。

    It may one day be possible to create a pill for humans that increases the growth of spines . This could help boost libido , New Scientist reports .

  9. 尽管如此,在几十年后,主流医学界仍将变性欲视为一种精神错乱。然而,60年代以后,研究结果却证实变性欲是因为生物学上的原因。

    Still , for decades afterward , the mainstream medical community saw transsexuality as a mental disorder . After the ' 60s , however , studies supported a biological cause .

  10. 下丘脑位于视神经之上,其产生的荷尔蒙能控制体温、摄食、性欲和身体的其他性能。

    This section of the brain sits above the optic nerve and produces the hormones that govern body temperature , hunger , sex drive and other workings of the body .

  11. 伊耿·坦格利安四世最著名的绰号便是“庸王”,而且他的庸腐主要体现在两方面:一个是有极度旺盛的性欲,另一个是私生子众多。

    More popularly referred to as Aegon the Unworthy , Aegon IV Targaryen was known primarily for two things : having an insatiable sexual appetite and siring a great number of bastards .

  12. 压力大不仅会使你体重增加,还可能引发心率升高、性欲低迷、头痛腹泻、溃疡等不良反应。

    Beyond weight gain , too much stress can also increase a person 's heart rate , decrease sex drive and lead to painful conditions like headaches , irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers .

  13. 你性欲减退,每天情绪低落。你的周期开始变得不规律,经常变化,在经期开始之前的那几周,你头疼失眠,疲惫,甚至有热潮红的症状。

    You suffer from low mood and reduced sex drive - your periods have been getting irregular or changing ( and the week before it starts you experience insomnia , headaches , fatigue and hot flushes ) .

  14. 他描写的不是爱情而是性欲。他写的失败中没有人失去任何有价值的东西,他写的成功里没有希望——更糟的是——没有怜悯与同情。他的悲哀因缺乏普世价值的骨骼而留不下伤痕。

    He writes not of love but of lust , ofdefeats in which nobody loses anything of value , of victories whthout hope and , worst of all , without pityor compassion.His griefs grieve on no universal bones , leaving no scars .

  15. 这两种主要副作用又进而产生了双重危害:食欲下降使它们身体越来越弱,以致很难熬过寒冬;性欲下降又强烈冲击着其繁殖能力,以致鸟类数量大幅减少。

    The two main side effects have dual impacts ; their loss of interest in food makes them weaker and less likely to make it through winter months , and their loss of libido has the potential to severely impact breeding numbers .

  16. 该公司在2011年至2014年期间就在五个地方进行了测试,测试结果表明这种性欲强的转基因雄性蚊虫被释放并且得到足够时间与毫不怀疑的雌性蚊虫交配之后,野生埃及伊蚊的数量下降了百分之九十。

    The firm has conducted five field tests between 2011 and 2014 - the results showed a 90 percent decline in the population of wild Aedes aegypti after the horny , modded male mosquitos had time to get it on with unsuspecting female mosquitos .

  17. Eshkevari注意到,这类观点在很早以前就有了,并且举出一个例子——伊朗首任总统AbolhassanBanisadr,他从巴黎回国之后说:“女性的头发散发着一种刺激男性性欲的气质”通过这来证明强制要求佩戴头巾是正确的。

    Eshkevari noted that such views have a long history , and cited Abolhassan Banisadr , the first president of the Islamic Republic , who returned from Paris and justified imposed hejab by saying that ' women 's hair radiates a spark that arouses men . '

  18. 这一研究的领头人、计算机科学专业的博士生菲利克斯•梅塞•莫斯说:“如果从性欲角度来考虑,这是和天性相悖的,但是如果从同性竞争的角度来看,这个结果就不奇怪了。”

    Felix Mercer Mos , a computer science PhD student , who led the study , said : " This is counter-intuitive from a sexual perspective if you are thinking about desire , but it 's not surprising if you look at it in terms of sexual competition . "

  19. 其他的改变还包括,性专栏作家将启用一个性欲强的女性,并且杂志将目标群体规定为有工作的男性。弗兰德斯说:“我们和全球青年时尚生活杂志的区别就在于我们的目标群是有工作的群体。”

    In other changes , the sex columnist will be a " sex-positive female " and the target of the magazine will be young employed males . " The difference between us and Vice , " Flanders said , " is that we 're going after the guy with a job . "