
  • 网络dionysian spirit;dionysus
  1. 酒神精神是尼采的一个重要概念。

    Dionysian Spirit is a major concept of Nietzsche 's philosophy .

  2. 启蒙理性叙事中的酒神精神取向

    On the Orientation of Dionysian Spirit in the Narrative of Enlightenment Reason

  3. 马丁·伊登形象中的日神与酒神精神

    The Spirit of Apollo and Dionysus in " Martin Eden "

  4. 辛弃疾非酒神精神的诗酒人生范式

    XIN Qi-ji : A Model of Alcohol-Poem Life without Dionysiac Spirit

  5. 酒神精神教人超脱生命,正视人生痛苦,在痛苦中获得悲剧性陶醉。

    The spirit of the wine god makes people detach trom life ?

  6. 李贺的死亡意识与酒神精神

    On the Death Awareness and Dionysus Spirit of the Poet Li He

  7. 酒神精神与萨特的存在主义哲学在其小说中得到艺术再现。

    So , Dithyramb spirit and Sartre 's existentialism get the art emersion in her novels .

  8. 元散曲是一种特殊的诗体形式,在当时的社会里有着特殊的意蕴,引入尼采的酒神精神来解读这些作品,给人以新的感受。

    We will get fresh feeling when using Nietzsche 's Dionysiac Spirit to analyse these works .

  9. 尼采是第一位从心理学的视角去理解酒神精神现象的哲学家。

    Nietzsche was the first philosopher to understand the Dionysian spirit phenomenon from a psychological perspective .

  10. 酒神精神与日神精神辨识&从尼采的有关阐释接着讲辩证法与诡辩论辨异

    Distinction and Cognition of Wine God Spirit and Apollo Spirit On the Distinction Between Dialectics and Sophistry

  11. 论尼采的酒神精神

    On Dionysian Spirit of Nietzsche

  12. 白日梦的颂歌&解读《送冰的人来了》中的日神精神和酒神精神

    Eulogy of Daydreams & Interpretation of the Apollo Spirit and the Dionysos Spirit in the Iceman Cometh

  13. 酒神精神与日神精神是尼采美学和文艺思想中两个最重要的范畴。

    Two most important categories of Nietzsche 's aesthetic and literature thoughts are Dionysus spirit and Apollo spirit .

  14. 酒神精神延伸在人类历史的两极&普罗米修斯与索科洛夫比较

    The extension of Dionysus along the two poles of human history & A comparative analysis of Prometheus and Sokolov

  15. 两种美学乌托邦:酒神精神与狂欢精神&论尼采美学与巴赫金美学的对话关系

    On Two Kinds of Aesthetic Utopia : Dionysian Spirit and Carnival Spirit & An Aesthetic Dialogue between Nietzsche and Bakhtin

  16. 文明被野蛮所占领;友善被邪恶所征服;日神精神被酒神精神所压制。

    Civilization is conquered by barbarism , good is defeated by evil , and Apollonian spirit is suppressed by Dionysian spirit .

  17. 然而,这种新的非酒神精神在新悲剧的结局上表现得最为明显。

    The new un-Dionysian spirit , however , reveals itself more plainly in the d é nouements of the new dramas .

  18. 《巨人传》由于颠覆拉丁语地位和蕴含酒神精神而进一步解放了人性和史诗距离。

    Gargantua and pantagruel emancipated the personality and the epic distance because it inverted the position of Latin and contained Bacchus spirit .

  19. 作为非理性主义的酒神精神在艺术创造中有着理性主义所不能替代的而且也是特殊的艺术功效。

    Dionysus 's spirit , representing non rationalism , has special artistic effects on artistic innovation , which cannot be replaced by rationalism .

  20. 《魔戒》:盎格鲁·撒克逊神话酒神精神:逃离启蒙辩证法魔圈的符咒&尼采《悲剧的诞生》的现代性解读

    The Lord of the Rings : Anglo-Saxon Mythology The Dionysus Spirit : The Invocation of Escaping from the Identity Logic of Enlighten Dialectic

  21. 从《红高粱》中我们可以看到莫言对传统儒家文化的反叛与对酒神精神的渴望。

    In Brown Sorghum , MO Yan , the author , can be seen rebelling against Confucianism and longing for the spirit of wine .

  22. 在尼采的学说中,酒神精神既是其哲学要点,也是其艺术核心。

    In Nietzsche 's theory , the spirit of Dionysus is the main point of its philosophy as well as the core of its art .

  23. 酒神精神的肯定生命的含义也是权力意志、永恒轮回和超人的要义。

    Dionysian affirmation of the spirit of the meaning of life is the will to power , the eternal essence of reincarnation and the superhuman .

  24. 正文第一部分研究死亡主题和古希腊悲剧,分别讨论死亡主题与酒神精神的关系及其在社会生活中的表现。

    Chapter Two talks about death motif and the birth of ancient Greek tragedy . It relates death motif to the Dionysian spirit and social life respectively .

  25. 当人物的酒神精神高涨时,表现出原欲人性,其叛逆性和非理性占居主导地位。

    When character 's Bacchus spirit surges upward , the person displays the original desire human nature , his or her treachery and the non - rationality occupy the dominant position .

  26. 酒神精神是尼采美学思想的核质所在,通过尼采文本的解读,厘定了酒神精神的文本意义。

    Dionysus spirit is the core of idea of Nietzsche 's aesthetics . Through the interpretation of Nietzsche 's text , we get the actual meaning of Dionysus spirit of his text .

  27. 文学在本质上是合乎酒神精神的自然之子,在这个意义上,文学以其对文化与理性的反叛体现出永恒的人文情怀。

    Literature is essentially son of nature that conforms to Dionysiac spirit ; therefore , in this sense , literature , with its rebellion against culture and ration , reflects eternal humanistic feelings .

  28. 起源于古希腊文化中的酒神精神是尼采生命美学的根本,权力意志是酒神精神的别名,超人也是酒神精神的化身。

    Originated in ancient Greek culture in the Dionysian spirit is the fundamental life aesthetics Nietzsche , Will to Power is the Dionysian spirit alias , Superman is the embodiment of Dionysian spirit .

  29. 本文以酒神精神为立足点,对普希金前期作品进行分析,挖掘其中所蕴涵的深刻的狄俄尼索斯式热情。

    If taking the spirit of the God of wine as the stand , we can analyze and the find out the profound enthusiasm of Dionysus embodied in Pushkin 's works written in his .

  30. 然而,非酒神精神的伟大胜利却在于:因新酒神颂的发展,它使得音乐日益疏远,而把它降为现象的奴隶。

    It was a great triumph for the un-Dionysian spirit when , by the development of the New Dithyramb , it had estranged music from itself and reduced it to be the slave of phenomena .