
  • 网络Sexual attraction
  1. 本文另设置性引诱剂的防效试验。

    Finally , another set of sex attractants control effect test .

  2. 兴安落叶松鞘蛾性引诱剂应用技术研究

    Application technology of sex attractant for control of Coleophora laricella

  3. 微红梢斑螟性引诱剂的研究

    The study of sex attractant of the pine tip moth Dioryctria rubella Hampson

  4. 梨小食心虫性引诱防治试验

    A Trial on Grapholitha molesta Control by Sex Hygiene

  5. 甘蔗条螟雌蛾性引诱外激素的触角电位分析及田间诱蛾效果

    EAG analysis and field attractant effect of sex pheromone of the Striped sugarcane borer

  6. 棉田斜纹夜蛾性引诱剂诱捕器的研究

    Study on pheromone trap devices of Spodoptera litura in cotton field Q & A on Sex

  7. 防治采取性引诱为主的综合防治措施可有效控制危害。

    According to the characteristic , sex-attractant as the main control measurements should be used to control .

  8. 本文对枣树主要害虫之一&枣步曲的性引诱现象做了一些初步的研究。

    One of the major pests of Chinese date trees was studied regarding the sex lure phenomenon .

  9. 高度和地点对性引诱剂诱集桔小实蝇雄虫效果的影响

    Study on influence of the height and location on the methyl eugenol to attract oriental fruit fly males

  10. 协调应用性引诱剂与农业、生物防治技术控制水稻二化螟试验示范三种天然植物化学物的抗诱变性研究

    Experimental Demonstration of Efficacy of Coordinated Application of Sex-Attractant and Agricultural , Biological Control Technology to Control Rice Stem Borer , Chilo suppressalis

  11. 茶黄毒蛾是中国南方茶树上的重要害虫,其性引诱外激素经鉴定为10,14&二甲基十五碳异丁酸酯。

    The sex attractant pheromone of the tea tussock moth , a serious economic pest of tea plantations in southern China , has been identified as10,14-dimethylpentadecyl isobutyrate .

  12. 沙棘木蠹蛾的防治技术主要包括平茬更新复壮、化学防治、林分结构调整、采用灯光诱杀和性引诱剂诱杀等方法。

    The main control measures include rejuvenation by cutting , chemical control , structure modulating , the trap and kill by lighting , and sexual inducement agents , etc.

  13. 观察研究了番石榴园桔小实蝇性引诱剂诱捕器悬挂高度和生态环境类型对诱集效果的影响。

    Influence of the height and location on the methyl eugenol to attract oriental fruit fly , Bactrocera ( Bactrocera ) dorsalis ( Hendel ) males were observed in this paper .

  14. 本文综述了国内外近些年来甜菜夜蛾天敌、病原真菌以及病原微生物的调查研究和利用情况,并对甜菜夜蛾防治中植物提取物和性引诱剂等的利用现状作了探讨。

    This paper reviews the status of research and utilization both inside and outside China of natural enemies , pathogenic fungi , and pathogenic microbes as well as plant extracts and sex attractants in controlling beet armyworm .

  15. 植物的诱导抗虫性家蝇引诱剂&诱虫烯的合成研究

    INDUCED PLANT RESISTANCE TO PHYTOPHAGOUS INSECTS Studies of Synthesis of Muscalure-Sex Attractant Pheromone of the House Fly

  16. 使用驱避剂对植物性信息素引诱其他昆虫种群无影响。

    The repellents have no effects on other plant pheromones attracts insects .

  17. 天牛性信息素、引诱植物和植物性引诱剂的研究与应用

    Sex pheromones , lure plants and plant attractants of cerambycid beetles ( Coleoptera ) and their applications

  18. 除此之外,对天牛性信息素、引诱植物和植物性引诱剂研究与应用中存在的困难也进行了讨论,并对它们的应用前景做了展望。

    The difficulties and prospect in the research and application of sex pheromones , attractive plants , attractants from plants were also stated .

  19. 对天牛的性信息素、引诱植物和植物性引诱剂3个方面的研究及应用作了综述。

    The studies and applications of sex pheromone , attractive plants and attractants from plants of cerambycid beetles ( Cerambycidae , Coleoptera ) were reviewed .

  20. 湿性颗粒饵料在适口性、引诱性、摄食率、蛋白的消化吸收率等方面都比干性颗粒饵料有所提高。

    Wet pellet , feed is superior to dry pellet feed in as - pects of palatability 、 seductions 、 feed rate and digestible absorptivity of protein .