
xiǎnɡ wěi shé
  • rattlesnake;rattler
响尾蛇 [xiǎng wěi shé]
  • [rattlesnake] 新大陆许多种响尾蛇的任一种,尾部末端具一串角质的联锁环,当摆动时,发出一种尖的卡啦音响

  1. 一条巨大的响尾蛇盘绕在毯子上。

    A huge rattlesnake lay coiled on the blanket .

  2. 0.03毫克/千克含有LD/50,是莫哈维响尾蛇毒性的10倍,是常见眼镜蛇毒性的50倍以上。

    With an LD / 50 of 0.03mg/kg , it is 10 times as venomous as the Mojave Rattlesnake , and 50 times more than the common Cobra .

  3. 响尾蛇出现在北美温暖干燥的地区。

    Rattlesnakes occur in the warmer , drier parts of North America .

  4. 向导要我们特别留神,因为附近有响尾蛇。

    The guide told us to look sharp because there are rattlesnakes around .

  5. 南美响尾蛇神经毒素对人肺腺癌A549细胞生长抑制作用研究

    Suppression Effects of Crotoxin on Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line A549

  6. 南美响尾蛇神经毒素联合吉非替尼对人肺腺癌A549细胞的作用

    Effects of Crotoxin Combined with Iressa on A549 Cells

  7. 沿着太平洋屋脊步道(PacificCrestTrail)行走,会途经仙人掌丛和红杉林,需跨越河流、雪地,还会碰到响尾蛇和熊。

    The Pacific Crest Trail meanders through cactus and redwoods , challenging humans with rivers and snowfields , rattlesnakes and bears .

  8. 我能够通过适配器在xbox上使用响尾蛇?

    Question can I use my Diamondback on an Xbox through an adapter ?

  9. 这个地区是响尾蛇科毒蛇(Russell'sPitViper)的故乡,这种蛇每年会夺走几千人的生命。

    The region is home to the Russell 's Pit Viper , a snake responsible for thousands of deaths each year .

  10. .美国人JackieBibby和75条菱形斑纹响尾蛇一起洗澡。

    American Jackie Bibby shared his bath with 75 live western diamondback rattlesnakes

  11. Grace相信,如果我们有一天能复制出象响尾蛇科那种极端敏感的红外线感受器,也许能检测出人体各种部位的微小温度变化。

    Grace believes that if we could somehow replicate the extremely sensitive infrared sensors of the pit viper , it might be possible to detect very small temperature changes in parts of the human body .

  12. 响尾蛇的毒液足以杀死1000只老鼠。

    The venom of rattlesnake is enough to kill 1000 rats .

  13. 如果他们过界了,就当他们是响尾蛇。

    Just like they was rattlesnakes if they cross this line .

  14. 因此,响尾蛇咬伤始终是一个潜在的致命伤害。

    Thus , a rattlesnake bite is always a potentially fatal injury .

  15. 响尾蛇连环鞭的数理论证

    The Theory of Mathematics and Physics on the Chain Whip of Rattlesnake

  16. 有条响尾蛇躲在它们的地穴旁边

    A rattlesnake , hidden right next to their burrow .

  17. 蝰蛇(蝮蛇)和响尾蛇产生血液毒素

    Vipers ( adders ) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison

  18. 叛徒象响尾蛇一样地毒狠。

    The renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake .

  19. 目击者称,一条响尾蛇在周六晚咬中杰米·库茨。

    Witnesses say a rattlesnake bit Jamie Coots Saturday night .

  20. 这类响尾蛇已被宣布为濒危物种了。

    This type of rattle snake has been declared an endangered species .

  21. 我们在5月底将几条死响尾蛇悬挂到篱笆上。

    We hung a few on the fence at the end of may .

  22. 响尾蛇急速地摇晃并抖动尾巴。

    The rattlesnake swiftly vibrated and shook its tail .

  23. 我们猜想,它一定有响尾蛇综合症啦!

    Suspect it has a deeply rooted rattle complex .

  24. 响尾蛇是响当当的捕猎好手,当然,这基本上是得益于它的热感应能力。

    Rattlers are amazingly good at catching prey because of their heat-seeking ability .

  25. 响尾蛇透过体温感应猎物

    Rattlesnakes sense prey by the heat they give off

  26. 它位于响尾蛇栖息地之中

    it 's in the middle of rattlesnake country .

  27. 它的毛茸茸尾巴发出的响尾蛇气味

    And the scent of rattler on her fluffed tail

  28. 东部菱斑响尾蛇在北美被认为是最毒的种类。

    The Eastern Diamondback in considered the most venomous species in North America .

  29. 思嘉从他肩膀上抬起头来,气得像一条响尾蛇,准备咬人。

    Scarlett rose from his shoulder , furious as a rattler ready to strike .

  30. 一些例外包括响尾蛇,银环蛇,噬鱼蛇和铜斑蛇。

    Some exceptions include the rattlesnake , coral snake , water moccasin and copperhead .