
xiǎnɡ yìnɡ zhí
  • response value
  1. 如果ERROR容器出现在管道中,那么响应值就是正常的;否则,响应值就为CONTAINERERR。

    If the ERROR container is present in the channel , then the response value will be normal ; otherwise the response value will give CONTAINERERR .

  2. 这会导致调用approvalResponse操作和审批响应值“disapprove”(以及用于关联的orderId)。

    This causes the approvalResponse operation to be called , with an approval response value of " disapprove "( and the orderId for correlation ) .

  3. 地层温压条件下CO2密度测井响应值研究

    Value of CO_2 Density Logging under Formation Conditions

  4. 最后通过Laplace的数值逆变换求得时间域内的动力响应值。

    Finally , the dynamic response in time domain is obtained by Laplace numerical inversion .

  5. 通过实验设计,利用FEA软件获得冲压成形中各个目标对应的响应值。

    On the basis of design of experiment , each objective value was obtained by making use of FEA .

  6. 结果表明阳性血清的响应值与阴性血清的噪声值之比均大于4,可用于输血四项指标的同步检测,其检测灵敏度略高于ELISA法。

    Results showed that respond of the positive serum was 4 times higher than negative serum and its was better than ELISA a little sensitivity .

  7. 在299~355K测量温度范围内,ESR响应值随温度的升高而降低。

    In the range of 299-355K , ESR response is reduced due to low sensitivity with increase of measuring temperature .

  8. 对于核测井问题,利用Monte-Carlo方法模拟和跟踪了粒子的随机游动,进行了探测器计数响应值无偏统计量的数学估计;

    The well known Monte-Carlo method is used and the estimation of the non deviation statistics is also established .

  9. 结果HBsAg对抗HCV抗体检测干扰较小,且抗HCV抗体阳性血清的响应值与阴性血清的噪声值之比大于4。

    Results The respond of the positive serum was 4 times higher than that of negative serum . HBsAg had little interference to the detection of anti-HCV antibody .

  10. 在甲醇比例在80%以下时,相同浓度MC-LR的HPLC检测响应值(峰面积)随着甲醇的比例的增加而缓慢增加。

    When methanol content is below 80 % , HPLC response of MC-LR ( peak area ) will increase slowly as the methanol content increase .

  11. 文章最后,利用Gabor滤波提供的尺度信息进行血管直径的估计,把Gabor滤波器的最大响应值对应的尺度(宽度)作为血管直径,为医疗诊断、定量分析以及血管三维重建提供必要的数据。

    We used the scales corresponding to the maximum Gabor response as the diameters of vessels , which provided necessary data for medical therapy and 3-D reconstruction of vessels .

  12. 本论文基于窄带多光谱成像技术建立八通道CCD多光谱成像系统,它能够实时采集八个通道的图像,获得波长分布从可见到红外(420&940nm)八个波段的光谱响应值。

    Based on the narrow band multi-spectral imaging technology a eight channel multi-spectral imaging system is set up which can acquire eight images in real time and eight Spectral responses ranging from 420 nm to 940 nm for a certain element .

  13. 以水解度(DH)为响应值,设计了四因素(温度、pH值、底物浓度和加酶量)三水平的中心组合响应面试验。

    Conditions of enzymatic reaction were determined and optimized . The four factors ( temperature , pH , substrate concentration and rate of enzyme to substrate ) and three levels response surface methods ( RSM ) test were designed .

  14. 当尿素浓度范围在0.1-6mM之间,响应值与尿素浓度的对数呈线性关系,该传感器对尿素的检测灵敏度为22mV/PU阳。

    The intensity of output signals shows linear relationship with the logarithmic urea concentration from 0.1 to 6 mM . the sensitivity of determination for urea concentration is 22 mV / PUrea .

  15. 方法样品经溶解、降解处理后,测定1H-NMR图谱,根据氢的化学位移和响应值,计算样品的脱乙酰度。

    METHODS After being dissolved and depolymerized , the sample was determined by 1H-NMR . From the chemical shifts and the intensities of resonances of protons , the degree of deacetylation was determined .

  16. 在较低的CuS纳米颗粒掺杂浓度下,MEH-PPV与CuS纳米颗粒间形成的界面有可能造成电荷积累,会直接影响到光电流响应值;

    The charging effect is attributed to charge accumulation at the interface between MEH-PPV and CuS nanoparticles , which directly destroys the photocurrent responses of composite devices .

  17. 对卟啉传感阵列的特征响应值RGB数据,进行了数据综合分析,通过主成分分析、聚类分析和判别分析,发现该卟啉传感阵列能够较好的区分3种农药,重现性良好。

    Principle Component , Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Discriminant analysis for featured responding RGB data of porphyrin sensing array was conducted . The results showed that the detection had good repeatability and the three pesticides can be distinguished completely .

  18. 在女性身体中,n-3fa补偿膳食胆固醇响应值的能力,仍需进一步进行调查研究。

    The apparent ability of n-3fa to offset this response to dietary cholesterol in women warrants further investigation .

  19. 在REN-1000A化学发光定氮仪上,以舟进样的方式考察了仪器气体流量和进样量对定氮响应值的影响。

    The effect of gas flows and sample volume on the integrated chemiluminescence response was studied by boat-inlet using REN-1000A device .

  20. 放置7d后,传感器对AFP的响应值相当于初试值的88%,在pH7.0的缓冲溶液中的还原电流为原值的96%。

    Test for stability was made by standing for 7 days , its response to AFP was found to be 88 % of its initial response , and its reduction current in a buffer solution of pH ( 7.0 ) was 96 % of its original value .

  21. 以法国TGV中速动车为例,速度取200km/h,计算了12km轨道上的车辆-轨道耦合振动动力响应值,列出了部分响应曲线图。

    As an example , the dynamic responses are calculated with a TGV middle-speed locomotive running at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour on the track of 12 kilometers and some typical response figures are listed at the end of the paper .

  22. 运用Mixture-D-Optimal设计,以糖酸比为响应值,研究了草莓、番茄、胡萝卜和葡萄4种原汁的不同复合配比对其混合成品风味等感官品质的影响。

    The Mixture-D-Optimal design was used to determine the optimum mixing proportion of four kinds of fruit and vegetable juice ( strawberry juice , tomato juice , carrot juice and grape juice ) with the ratio of sugar to acid of the mixed juices as a response value .

  23. 依据传感器的电流响应值,优化了各实验条件。

    The experimental conditions were optimized according to the current response .

  24. 用分子子图对烷烃摩尔响应值的估计与预测

    Prediction and Estimation on Molar Response Values of Alkane Using Molecular Subgraph

  25. 响应值为提取液中多糖含量。

    The response values were the polysaccharide contents of extract .

  26. 来自一个寄存器范围的预期响应值的数据类型。

    The data type for the expected response values from a register range .

  27. 氨基酸酯类农药的分子中各种原子的个数与其气相色谱相对响应值的相关关系研究

    Interrelation Between Relative Response of GC and Atomic Numbers of Carbamate Pesticide Molecule

  28. 坐姿冲击状态下猕猴及人体响应值的耐限研究

    Responsive value research of Macaco mulatto and human based on the seating impact

  29. 本文通过测定不同化合物在这两种检测器上相对响应值的变化,比较了两种检测器的定量性能。

    The relative responses of different compounds on MIP-AES and FID have been determined .

  30. 摩尔响应值与分子连接性指数关系的再研究

    A Further Study on the Correlation Between Molar Response Value and Molecular Connectivity Indices