
qì tǐ fēn xī
  • gas analysis
  1. 动态隧道模糊C均值算法用于变压器油中溶解气体分析

    Dissolved Gas Analysis in Transformer Oil Using Dynamic Tunneling Fuzzy C-means Algorithm

  2. 基于BP神经网络的可燃混合气体分析方法的研究

    The Mixed Inflammable Gas Analysis Based on BP Neural Network

  3. 气体分析技术在GIS故障定位和故障类型判断中的应用

    The Application of Gas Analysis Technology to Fault Location and Fault Diagnosis of GIS

  4. PLC在气体分析系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in gas analysing system

  5. 笔者采用气体分析技术对一起GIS事故进行了分析、判断,通过检测管技术确定了故障气室;

    A GIS incident is analyzed with gas analysis technology , and the fault chamber is determined by using detecting tube technique .

  6. 气体分析技术在SF6设备内部故障判断中的应用

    The Application of Gas Analysis Technique Online Fault Judgment of SF_6 Equipments

  7. OGSA结合RBF网络数据融合技术在红外气体分析中的应用

    A Data Fusion Method Combining OGSA with RBF Neural Network Technology and Its Application in Infrared Multi-gas Analysis

  8. NSRL电子储存环超高真空系统残余气体分析

    Residual Gas Analysis of UHV System of Electron Storage Ring in NSRL

  9. 将变压器诊断中典型的油中气体分析法和神经网络方法相结合,采用Java语言开发出界面友好、性能优秀的变压器故障诊断系统;

    Combining ANN with Dissolved Gas Analysis ( DGA ) that is a typical method in transformer diagnosis , transformer fault diagnosis system with friendly interface and excellent capability is finished by Java .

  10. 简要评述了我国硬质合金、难熔金属及其碳化物、氮化物中C、N、O、S、H分析方法和金属中气体分析仪器、气体标样研制工作及其取得的进展。

    In this review , it is briefly introduced that the development of gas analysis methods , gas analyzer and gas standards for C , N , O , S and H in hard materials and refractory metals .

  11. 基于油中溶解气体分析法(DGA)的变压器故障诊断方法是目前电力系统常规监测方法,在此基础上提高变压器故障诊断正确率,成为当前科研热点。

    The transformer faults diagnose method based on dissolved gases analysis ( DGA ) actually is the regular monitor method in power system .

  12. 介绍了红外气体分析的原理,从提高系统精度等因素出发设计了电源及电源温控,并采用DSP作为微控制器对系统进行了硬件和软件框图设计。

    This paper introduces the principle of infrared gas analysis , designs the power and temperature control of power from the elements of improving the system precision , and designs on the system hardware and software diagram by using DSP as the microcontroller .

  13. 用动脉血液气体分析方法观察了23例选择性上腹部手术前1天,后3天、7天、13天在吸入空气条件下的PaO2变化。

    Arterial blood gas analysis was made 1 day before and 3,7,13 days after operation in 23 elective upper abdominal surgical patients under the condition of breathing in room air .

  14. 叙述了四极质谱(QMS)的结构和气体分析质谱(GAM)的定量分析工作原理。

    The structure of quadrupole mass spectrometers ( QMS ) and the quantitative analysis principle of gas analysis mass spectrometers ( GAM ) are described .

  15. 本文总结了采用光声光谱技术及气相色谱技术在油中溶解气体分析(DGA)领域的应用,并对两种技术加以比较。

    What applying the photo-Acoustic spectroscopy technology and gas chromatography technology to analyze the dissolved gas in oil are introduced and compared in this paper .

  16. 电力变压器属电力系统中的重要设备,目前油中溶解气体分析(DGA)的三比值法是对变压器进行故障诊断的最方便、有效的方法之一。

    Power transformer is very important in power system . Now , dissolved gas analysis ( DGA ) is the most effective and convenient method in transformer fault diagnosis .

  17. 总结了近年来人工智能技术在基于油中溶解气体分析(DGA)的变压器绝缘故障诊断方法上的研究和发展,介绍了其中的主要方法和成果,并讨论了该领域的研究趋向。

    Dissolved Gas-in-oil Analysis ( DGA ) is an important method to diagnose internal fault of transformer and it offers a main basis to find the general incipient faults of the transformer indirectly .

  18. 用3步法构造贝叶斯网络(BN)方法,结合油中溶解气体分析(DGA)的三比值法后,引入大型变压器的故障诊断,提出了基于BN理论和DGA方法的变压器智能故障诊断模型。

    This paper presents a new transformer fault diagnosis method based on Bayesian network ( BN ) and dissolved gas analysis ( DGA ) technique . It constructs the transformer fault diagnosis model based on BN and DGA .

  19. 在转炉煤气回收系统应用中,激光原位气体分析系统的响应速度比采样气体分析系统快约20s,从而可以多回收约4.8%的能源气。

    In the application of the recovery of LDG , the response speed of laser gas analyzer is faster than that of the gas analysis sampling system for about 20s , so that more than 4.8 % gas can be recovered .

  20. 本文研究油中溶解气体分析技术(DGA),并把电抗器油中溶解气体的含量作为属性变量,利用朴素贝叶斯网络对电抗器进行故障诊断。

    In this paper , we studied the technology of dissolved gas analysis ( DGA ), and put the content of dissolved gas in reactor as attribute variables . Then , we use Bayesian networks to diagnose the reactor .

  21. 基于当前对电力变压器故障识别中的模式空间划分缺乏研究的情况,将模糊聚类技术引入了电力变压器油中溶解气体分析DGA。

    Because of being short of studying how to carve up the patterns of insulation faults in the field of transformer fault diagnoses , fuzzy classification theory was applied to the problem of dissolved gas analysis ( DGA ) in transformer oil .

  22. 开放式长光程傅里叶变换红外光谱系统在环境气体分析中的应用

    Application of Long Open Path FTIR System in Ambient Air Monitoring

  23. 继电器中的气体分析与变压器内部故障判断

    Analysis of Gas in Relay and Internal Fault Diagnosis of Transformer

  24. S波段脉冲压缩的气体分析

    The Analysis of the Gas In Pulse Compression of S Band

  25. 国外金属中气体分析仪器简述

    Technical Description of Foreign Instruments for Analysis of Gases in Metal

  26. 一种新型红外气体分析装置的硬件设计

    Hardware design of a enw type of infrared gas analysis equipment

  27. 高温气体分析装置在新型干法水泥生产线上的应用

    High-temperature Gas Analysis Unit Application in New Dry Cement Production Line

  28. 新型永久性气体分析系统

    A New GC System for the Analysis of Permanent Gases

  29. 红外气体分析仪器测量箱恒温装置改造

    Improvement on Thermostat in Measure Case of Infrared Gas Analyzer

  30. 国外绝缘油中溶解气体分析技术的发展

    In the overseas insulating oil dissolves the gas analysis technology the development