
  • 网络meteorological drought
  1. 基于CI指数的2008年河南省麦播后气象干旱演变分析

    Analysis of Meteorological Drought Development since 2008 Winter Wheat Sowing Base on the CI Index in Henan Province

  2. 基于PDSI和SPI的综合气象干旱指数研究

    Study on integrated meteorological drought index based on PDSI and SPI

  3. 河南省近40a气象干旱综合指数特征分析

    The Analysis of Drought Characteristic of Henan in Resent 40 Years Base on the Meteorological Drought Composite index

  4. 利用常用的干旱指标对干旱统计频率、干旱空间分布和干旱过程进行分析,选择综合气象干旱指数(CI)作为江苏省重大农业气象灾害监测、预警系统中的干旱指标。

    After the statistic drought frequencies , the spatial distribution and drought occurrence processes were analyzed by some conventional drought indicators , a composite meteorological drought index ( CI ) was selected as an indicator of drought monitoring and forewarning in the system .

  5. 三种气象干旱等级评价方法的比较与改进

    Three Kind of Meteorological Drought Classification Method Comparison and Improvement

  6. 干旱不再是简单的气象干旱,而是水资源供需不平衡下的缺水程度。

    It is the degree of water short , which is called socioeconomic drought .

  7. 在遥感干旱指数和气象干旱指数之间的相关性较差。

    Drought index in remote sensing and meteorological drought index have very poor correlation .

  8. 关中地区水文、气象干旱特征对比研究

    Comparative Study on Hydrologic-meteorological-drought Characteristics of Guanzhong Areas

  9. 河北省两熟产区冬小麦气象干旱风险及减灾技术分析

    Analysis of Disaster Reduction Agro-technology and the Risk of Meteorological Drought on Winter Wheat in Hebei Province

  10. 大气环流异常和下垫面变化是气象干旱的主要驱动因素,气候变化、土地利用变化和水资源开发利用是水文干旱和农业干旱主要驱动因素。

    The changes of atmospheric circulation anomaly and underlying surface are the main driving factors of meteorological drought .

  11. 河北省冬小麦气象干旱和越冬冻害风险及其农艺减灾技术分析

    Risk Assessment and Analysis of Disaster Reduction Agro-technology on Meteorological Drought and Freezing Injury on Winter Wheat in Hebei Province

  12. 为淮北地区春季、初夏季节的农业气象干旱研究和预报提供了参考依据。

    This is helpful for research and prediction of the agrometeorological drought during the spring and early summer in this area .

  13. 地下水变化有一定持续性,气象干旱年的结束,并不意味着水文枯水年的结束。

    The ground water has a sustaining feature , which means the end of drought in meteorology does not show the end of dry period in hydrology .

  14. 划分水文、气象干旱级别,应用负轮理论、游程理论,分析丰枯转移概率及连续丰、枯年的分布特点;

    Runs theory , displacement theory and stochastic process theory are used to analyze the continual ample water and low water and the transfer probability and its distribution features .

  15. 云南地处低纬高原地区,具有植物种类多,植被覆盖率高、空气湿度低,气象干旱突出、日照长、紫外辐射强等特点。

    Yunnan was located in low latitude and high altitude , with characteristics of various floristics , high forest coverage , low air humidity , agrometeorological drought , long sunshine time and high ultraviolet radiation .

  16. 中国的农业重旱省区与气象干旱区不相吻合,雨水较丰的湖南、湖北两省单位耕地面积的多年平均受旱程度亦很严重。

    The heavy agricultural drought areas of China do not match with the meteorological drought areas . The average drought degree over years in Hunan and Hubei province of a plenty of rain is also serious .

  17. 为探讨持续气象干旱后城市降雨径流污染特性,对昆明市典型交通干道路面及屋面降雨径流进行了监测,研究了城区降雨径流污染特征,分析了大旱后城市降雨径流污染对河流水质的影响。

    To probe into the pollution characteristics of urban rainfall runoff after persistent meteorological drought , the characteristics of Kunming urban runoff pollution has been studied , and the impact of the runoff pollution on river water quality has been analyzed .

  18. 在研究干旱历时与干旱烈度重现期的过程中,分析了在两种不同干旱等级对应的截取水平下,采用全历时重现期法对咸阳市气象干旱进行了估算。

    In the study of drought duration and return periods of drought intensity , under two different levels corresponding to the interception of drought level , the calculation about meteorological drought in Xianyang was made by use of the whole method of return period .

  19. 对中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所业务化运行的沙尘模式&GRAPESSDM的业务化过程、预报效果及其预报中发现的现象进行了总结。

    The operational flow , prediction effects and some problems occurring in the prediction of GRAPES_SDM which is running in IAM are summarized .

  20. 气象、农业干旱指标综述

    Overview of meteorological and agricultural drought indices

  21. 气象因素对干旱地区消化系传染病疫情的影响及发病预测

    Influence and prediction of meteorological factors on epidemic situation of digestive system infectious diseases in drought area

  22. 并结合中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所的实际,阐述了该所在创建干旱气象科技创新体系过程中的实践经验。

    Moreover , the practical experience of establishing arid-meteorology science and technology innovation system , which was based on the reality of Institute of Arid Meteorology , CMA , was elaborated .

  23. 气象台说,干旱的天气在未来几天将在省自治区和直辖市持续,尽管有一些零星的阵雨。

    The observatory said the dry weather will continue over the next few days in provinces and municipalities in the area despite some scattered showers .

  24. 利用灰色关联分析得出,影响山西农作物产量的四种气象灾害依次是干旱、暴雨洪涝、冰雹、霜冻。

    The gray correlation analysis revealed that the impact of the most serious disaster on crop yield was drought , followed by rainstorm and flood , hails and frost .