
Xiǎnɡ tánɡ shān shí kū
  • Xiangtangshan Grottoes
  1. 流失海外响堂山石窟造像新识

    The Losing Statues From The Xiangtangshan Grottoes in A New Light

  2. 第二,对响堂山石窟的佛教造像进行重点研究,本文将石窟分为三个开凿时期来进行分析和研究。

    Second , focus on the research of Buddhism sculptures , discuss and analysis on there periods of Grotto cutting .

  3. 响堂山石窟是南北朝时期北齐王朝的最高雕刻艺术成就,是古老的艺术成就。

    Xiangtangshan Grotto is the highest achievement of statuary art during Northern Qi Dynasty ; it is a kind of ancient art achievement .

  4. 北齐是响堂山石窟开凿的开始时期,北齐时期的造像像式统一,变化极少。

    Northern Qi Dynasty is the beginning period of Xiangtangshan Grotto cutting , the status during that time have a unified form , change rarely .