
  • 网络character performance
  1. 不同筋力类型小麦在不同土壤类型上的品质性状表现

    Different Physical Strength Type Wheat 's in Soil Type Quality Character Performance

  2. Western杂交结果与性状表现有直接关系。

    Western blot has a direct relation with gene expression .

  3. 通过F1和F2代的性状表现研究雄性不育性的遗传和基因定位。

    The genetics and gene location were studied through F_1 and F_ 2 generations .

  4. 亲本本身性状表现与一般配合力效应的相关系数因性状而异。不同岩性界面的反射系数(Rc)是产生地震反射的主要原因。

    Reflective coefficient ( Rc ) of different lithological boundaries is main factor producing seismic reflection .

  5. 玉米单倍体加倍(DH)系籽粒性状表现的研究

    A Study of Kernel Trait Expression among Doubled Haploid Maize Pure Lines

  6. 4个菌株中,以Vc和Ptp的性状表现较为理想。

    And the character expression of Vc and Ptp was more satisfactory among 4 strains .

  7. 通过观察它们群体的分离和随机样本的工农艺性状表现及其RAPD标记的遗传多样性来评价组合优劣。

    Their population separation , agronomic characters and the genetic diversity of RAPD were studied to value the cross combinations .

  8. K、V型小麦雄性不育恢复系轮回选择的研究Ⅰ.轮选群体的育性分离及性状表现

    Study on Recurrent Selection for Breeding Restorer of K 、 V-Cytoplasm Male Sterility in Wheat ⅰ . Performance of the Fertility and Its Characters in Recurrent Selection Population

  9. 以甘蔗6个亲本选配8个正反交组合的F1代为试验材料,研究了亲本品种作母本或作父本对后代7个主要经济性状表现的相对效应。

    The F_1 generation of 8 direct and reciprocal crosses mated by 6 sugarcane varieties was used as experimental material . The relative effects of pistil or pollen parents on 7 major economic characters of progenies were evaluated .

  10. RIL群体中多数性状表现正态分布,表明这些性状为数量性状,可能由多个基因控制,其抗旱机制较为复杂。

    Normal distribution was observed in most traits , indicating that these traits were quantitative traits that controlled by multiple genes , with complex mechanism . 2 .

  11. 本文综述了colt、Gisela系列、Ru系列、马哈利樱桃、莱阳矮樱等一系列甜樱桃砧木的一些性状表现,为正确选择适宜的砧木提供了理论依据。

    Some Characteristics of cherry rootstocks were summarized , Colt , Gisela series 、 RU series 、 Mahaleb cherry 、 Laiyang dwarfing cherry etc. It offered the theoretical foundation for better choosing suitable stock .

  12. 多数性状表现超亲分离,表明RIL群体具有比较丰富的遗传变异,双亲对这些性状有贡献的等位基因在其群体中得到了广泛分离,具有较大的选择潜力。

    Most traits performance transgressive segregation , implying that RIL population has a relatively rich genetic variation , alleles for these traits contributed by parents were separated widely , the population had great potential for selection .

  13. 经过综合处理,真空包装的自然发酵产品在人工气候室内36℃恒温保藏10d,产品的色泽、风味、香味、形态、性状表现良好。

    After soybean product was preserved at 36 ℃ for 10 d with integrated treatment and vacuum package , the color , flavor , aroma , form and shape , and properties of product kept well .

  14. 采用Eberhart和Russell的方法,对24个国内外甘蔗品种在福建蔗区的七个生态环境的6个主要经济性状表现进行稳定性分析。

    Twenty four sugarcane varieties of domestic and exotic origin were grown at Seven ecological environments in Fujian sugarcane region . Stability analyses were carried out on six main economic characters by using Eberhart and Russell 's method .

  15. 根据区试和生产试验汇总资料记述了玉米新组合MT-6和MG-27的性状表现,提出了示范种植建议。

    On the base of regional test and production test data , the main agronomic characters of two corn hybrids , MT-6 and MG-27 , were related . And some proposes on demonstration planting were advanced .

  16. Shannon-Weaver指数平均值为1.67,材料的成对相似系数范围为0.19 ̄0.95,平均相似系数为0.29,说明华南地区南方夏大豆材料间的相似程度高,与表型性状表现相一致;

    The mean Shannon-Weaver index was 1.664 per locus . The range of Nei-Li similarity coefficient was from 0.19 to 0.95 with averaged 0.29 . It indicated that there were relatively high similarity between southern summer soybeans , which showed the same trends as agronomic traits .

  17. 农牧一号羊草生物学特性及主要经济性状表现

    The biological characteristics and performances of " nongmu No. 1 "

  18. 玉米杂交种的性状表现与亲本选配的探讨

    Probes into the characteristic expression and the selection parents of hybrid corn

  19. 美国稻种在贵州中部的性状表现

    Characters expression of USA rice varieties in middle of Guizhou

  20. 烤烟新品种云烟85在安徽烟区的主要性状表现

    Main Character of Tobacco Variety & Yunyan 85 in Anhui

  21. 部分种质单个性状表现突出。

    Part of wheat germplasm was outstanding for single trait .

  22. 甘蔗高生物量性状表现的重演力分析

    The Repeatability Analysis of High Biomass Character Performances in Sugarcane

  23. 马蔺种群农艺性状表现出不同程度的变异性。

    Agronomic traits of Iris lactea populations showed abundant variation .

  24. 几个糖能兼用甘蔗新品系性状表现

    Characteristics of Serveral New Sugarcane Lines for Sugar and Energy

  25. 6个油葵雄性不育系在兰州的主要性状表现

    Main Characters of 6 Male Sterile Lines of Oil Sunflower in Lanzhou

  26. 欧洲白桦早期生长性状表现与优良家系选择

    Growth Traits and Selection of Fine Families of Young Betula pendula Seedlings

  27. 不育株:连续注入父本遗传种质,对其各性状表现影响较小。

    The sterility was less affected by continuous backcrossed with male parents .

  28. 玉米姊妹交及改良单交种的性状表现及应用分析

    Character Manifestation of Corn Sister Cross and Modified Single Cross and Utilization Aanalysis

  29. 大豆地方品种农艺性状表现及分类鉴定

    Agronomic Characters of Local Soybean Varieties and Their Classification

  30. 二十个加拿大玉米群体性状表现及对丝黑穗病抗性的评价

    Evaluation of Some Characters and Head Smut Resistance in 20 Canadian Maize Populations