
  • 网络scale height
  1. 固有周期在最低的三个大气标高高度上多半会受到平均风的影响。

    The eigenperiods , for the most part , are influenced by the mean winds in the lowest three scale heights .

  2. 本文讨论了一种大气密度标高的计算方法,同时从我国第二颗卫星近地点高度变化的分析测得了四个平均密度标高H值。

    In this paper a method for computing density scale height H is discussed . At the same time , from the analysis of variation in perigee height of the China second satellite , four mean values of density scale height H are determined .

  3. 内陆和沿海地区大气气溶胶标高的测量分析

    Analysis on aerosol scale height measured at inland and coastal zone

  4. 在中高纬度地区,大气波动增长标高存在着一定程度的季节变化,冬季的波动增长标高略大,夏季略小。

    The atmospheric wave growth scale height varies seasonally in mid-high latitude . The wave growth scale height is greater in winter and smaller in summer .

  5. 设备的楼层要标明,泵、再沸器、大气腿的标高要注正确。排水要求也要表示。

    Floor levels should be indicated for equipment , with the correct elevation for pumps , recoilless , barometric legs etc. Drainage requirements rust also is shown .