
gǔ piàn
  • sclerite;osteocomma
骨片[gǔ piàn]
  1. 和田当地的医生告知小孩父亲,手术需要在6小时之内完成,否则细胞坏死后将无法治疗。医院的骨科医生检查完手臂后,建议由于伤势严重,需要将手臂切断,然后再复位,将骨片正确对齐,否则孩子将终身残疾。

    After the orthopedists in the hospital examined the arm , they suggested that as the injury was so severe that the arm would need to be severed the bone fragments , otherwise the child would be disabled for life .

  2. C组20只,饲料中不加补肾密骨片,骨延迟愈合区注入自体红骨髓;

    There are mesenchymal cells in red bone marrow . Group C , 20 rabbits treated with red marrow ;

  3. 目的研究胸腰段脊椎爆裂骨折的CT表现和椎体后缘的后移碎骨片引起椎管狭窄与神经损伤之间的关系。

    Objective To discuss the clinical manifestation on CT and vertebra canal stenosis and nerve injury relationship .

  4. 结果X线、CT显示椎体自然形态不同程度消失,骨质密度低,并见碎骨片向椎体周围膨出。

    Results X-ray , CT demonstrated that the centrum natural form vanished differently the ossein density was low , and the garrulous blade swollen around the centrum .

  5. CT显示脱位及骨折17例、软组织肿胀15例、复位后关节间隙增宽11例及关节内碎骨片10例。

    CT showed hip joint dislocation and fractures in 17 cases , soft tissue swelling in 15 cases , widened hip joint space in 11 cases and bone fragment in 10 cases after restoration .

  6. 伤后头颅CT检查示:颅内血肿、积气、脑挫伤并颅内碎骨片存在,颅骨可见进弹孔和出弹孔。

    Intracranial hematoma , intracranial pneumatosis , contusion and laceration of brain , and cranial bone fragments were found by cranial CT , with the entrance and exit of the bullet seen on the right and left frontal bone respectively .

  7. SSD在显示碎骨片明显移位者的空间关系方面较MIP、MPR显示为佳,尤其在脊柱滑脱、旋转和关节脱位方面效果良好;

    SSD was superior to MIP and MPR in displaying spatial relationship of the fragment displacement , especially in vertebral olisthy and joint dislocation .

  8. 采用3月龄♂SD大鼠16只,随机分为对照组和羟基脲组,后者每周喂羟基脲三次,3mon后对两组大鼠胫骨中段的骨片用图象分析仪进行测算和分析。

    Sixteen male Sprague-Dawley rats at 3 months of age were used in the experimental study . They were randomly divided into control group and hydroxyurea group which was given hydroxyurea 3 times a week .

  9. 结论:密骨片可对抗IL-1对基质细胞的影响,抑制破骨细胞重要的蛋白分解酶MMP-9的表达而减少骨吸收。

    Conclusion : The role of MGT could resist the effects of IL-1 on BMSCs , decrease the bone resorption by inhibiting the MMP-9 expression , one of the key proteolytic enzymes in osteoclasts .

  10. 多层螺旋CT三维重建图像能最全面、直观地显示相应的髋关节骨折、脱位及关节腔内骨片情况,尤其是MPR及MIP对骨折、脱位、骨碎片显示率为100%。

    MSCT 3-dimension imaging could produce clear and comprehensive images of hip fracture and dislocation or piece of fracture . The rate of displaying hip trauma with thin slice MPR and MIP was 100 % .

  11. 结果:CT检查能准确揭示其骨折部位,骨折类型,脊柱三柱结构,特别是椎管狭窄及椎管横截面积与骨片对神经根和脊髓的压迫影像。

    Results : The location and types of spinal fracture , spinal three columns structure , narrowing of spinal canal , the areas of cross section of spinal canal , the nerve roots and spinal cord to be compressed by bone segments were exactly revealed on CT .

  12. 方法:30例11-14岁手腕骨片显示FG-G期的骨性II~1错(牙合)儿童随机分为两组,一组以Edgewise固定矫治器治疗,疗程16个月(E组);

    Method : The research consisted of the 30 patients with skeletal class II division 1 malocclusion , which in the age of 11 to 14 years old were divided into two groups .

  13. 【方法】本研究选用正畸门诊骨性Ⅱ类Ⅰ分类错合患者50例,依据Hagg手腕骨片分析法,均处于F~FG期,无正畸治疗史。

    [ Methods ] This research selected 50 cases of skeletal class II division I malocclusion patients , according to Hagg carpal slice analyze , all cases in the phase of FG-G , no Orthodontics treatment history .

  14. 术后12W材料表面更加粗糙,降解较多,从包裹在材料周围的结缔组织中有大量组织长入材料,材料不完整,见到大量骨片。

    After 12 weeks , the material surface were rougher , degraded many , massive connective tissue entered in the material . the material were incomplete , and massive blades could be seen .

  15. 对10支东北梅花鹿茸作了不同部位水解氨基酸含量的比较分析,结果表明,水解氨基酸含量在东北梅花鹿茸腊片、粉片、血片和骨片各部位之间差异极显著(P001)。

    In this study , hydrolysis amino acid contents of northeast sika deer velvet wax slices , powder slices , blood slices and bone slices were determined . Total hydrolysis amino acid contents of above slices were different significantly ( P0.01 ) .

  16. 一块碎骨片留在他的膝盖里。

    A flake of bone had lodged itself in his knee .

  17. 考古学家在墓穴中发现了碎骨片。

    The archeologists found fragments of bone in the burial chamber .

  18. 4例在骨折端内侧有一螺旋蝶形骨片。

    Cases had a butterfly fracture piece in the medial side .

  19. 异体脱钙骨片重建椎板的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Repairing Vertebral Lamina Using Homogeneous Decalcifying Bone

  20. 骨片钉治疗手部骨折38例

    Treatment of hand fracture by fragment pin in 38 cases

  21. 自体碎骨片回植医用胶黏合成形法治疗复杂性凹陷性颅骨骨折

    Complicated depressed skull fracture treated by self-bone chips replantation using medical glue

  22. 骨片培养一周之后,骨片在数码显微镜下拍照并计算出骨陷窝面积。

    Area of bone lacuna was calculated after a week .

  23. 新疆柯坪地区石炭系、二叠系海参骨片化石

    Carboniferous & permian holothurian sclerites from Kalpin area , xinjiang

  24. 广西博白新型盾皮鱼类骨片的发现

    The Discovery of New Placoderm Bones in Bobai , Guangxi

  25. 对所有研究对象拍摄头颅侧位片和手腕骨片。

    Cephalometric radiographs and hand-wrist radiographs were obtained for all the samples .

  26. 碎骨片向后移位导致椎管狭窄;

    Spinal canal narrowing due to retro positioned fracture pieces .

  27. 贵州关岭地区中&上三叠统海参骨片化石的首次发现

    Discovery of Middle-Upper Triassic holothurian sclerites from Yongning , Guanling , Guizhou

  28. 你得到了投资,比如骨片投资。

    You get investment such as stock market investment .

  29. 断桥式乳突根治术中用带蒂颞肌骨片重建外耳道后壁

    Primary posterior canal reconstruction with a pedicle temporalis musculo-osseous flap in open tympanoplasty

  30. 带金属假体不脱钙骨片的制备方法

    Preparation of undecalcified bone section after metal prostheses implantation