
  • 网络Education Ministry;mext
  1. 日本文部科学省日前称,去年日本中小学发生的校园暴力事件数量创历史新高,小学生的暴力倾向越来越严重。

    Cases of violence by Japanese school students hit a record high in the past year , with elementary students increasingly violent , the education ministry said .

  2. 根据日本文部科学省(JapaneseMinistryofEducationandScience)的统计数据,今年94.4%的毕业生都在春季找到了一份全职工作。

    According to the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science , 94.4 percent of this year 's graduating students had found a full-time job by the spring .

  3. 日本文部科学省的副局长AkihikoIwahashi率领这个代表团。

    Akihiko Iwahashi , deputy director general of Japan 's science ministry heads the delegation .

  4. 据英国科学杂志《自然》报道,日本文部科学省预计将于下月正式批准这一实验。

    Final approval from the ministry is expected next month , according to the British scientific journal Nature .

  5. 日本农业教育形成了文部科学省和农林水产省共同管辖下的初等农业教育、中等农业教育和高等农业教育的完善体系。

    Consisted of elementary , secondary and tertiary agriculture education , the Japanese agriculture education system is a fairly sound one .

  6. 1998年日本文部科学省(原文部省)对日本初中理科课程标准进行了新的改订,这是二战后日本初中理科课程标准的第六次改订。

    The Ministry of Education of Japan carried on a new reform of standard of science curriculum of junior middle school in 1998 .

  7. 东京奥组委正在与文部科学省等有关方面进行商讨,将在5月中旬前决定吉祥物申请要求和筛选办法;今年年底前,奥组委评委会将把吉祥物候选范围缩至三四个。

    The committee is consulting the Education , Culture , Sports , Science and Technology Ministry and other related parties to decide the application requirements and screening method by mid-May , and a committee review panel will narrow the candidates for the mascot down to three or four by the end of the year .