
zū diàn
  • rent out land to tenants
租佃 [zū diàn]
  • [rent out land to tenants] 土地所有者出租土地而由农民承佃

租佃[zū diàn]
  1. 在经营方式上,采取租佃形式,地租采用定额形式,具体包括实物地租与货币地租两种形态,其中实物地租占据着主导地位。

    On mode of business operation , they adopted to rent out land to tenants in the quota form , including money rent and goods rent , which the latter was the leading part .

  2. 清后期陕南地区的租佃习惯研究

    On the Tenancy Practiced in Southern Shaanxi of Late Qing Dynasty

  3. 吐鲁番出土租佃与买卖葡萄园券契考析

    Analysis of tenancy and business contracts of vineyard in ancient Turfan

  4. 近代中国租佃关系的形式和特点?

    Modern China relations in the form of tenancy and characteristics ?

  5. 从制度学派的角度看租佃制

    The tenancy system as seen as from the institutional school

  6. 明代土地租佃的法律调整

    Law Rectification of the Land Tenancy in the Ming Dynasty

  7. 这就为租佃关系变迁提供了保障作用。

    It provides the guarantee for tenancy relationship changes .

  8. 中国古代租佃契约文书考析

    Analysis of Tenancy Contract in Ancient Ch in a

  9. 由于与传统的租佃关系形成制度背景不同,产生了新型的农业租佃关系。

    Due to the different backgrounds , the new tenancy relationship is established .

  10. 以及阐明封建租佃制取代农奴生产制的历史必然。

    And clarify the feudal rent system replacing the historical necessity of serf-production .

  11. 井田制与租佃制的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Well Field System and Tenancy System

  12. 山地长期租佃制&湖南省新晃县山地制度改革的实践与思考

    The long term tenancy system of hill land

  13. 本文主要讨论了其封建土地占有制及租佃关系的形成与发展。

    This thesis deals with the feudal ownership of land and feudal tenancy relationships .

  14. 这些都导致了农场经营的困难和租佃制大行其道。

    These had all led to the difficulties and popularity of the tenancy system .

  15. 美国西部的土地租佃的比率因此大为增加。

    Therefore the ratio of land tenure greatly increased in the western United States .

  16. 民国时期四川盐井租佃契约

    The Tenancy Contract for Salt Wells in Sichuan Province in the Age of Republic of China

  17. 从租佃制形式看宋代租佃契约的订立

    Signature of the Rent Contract Seen from Kinds of the Rent System in the Song Dynasty

  18. 农业租佃关系中的交易成本与土地产权分散程度的决定

    Transaction Costs in Agriculture Tenancy Relationship and the Determination of Fragment Level of Land Property Rights

  19. 土地关系是中国传统社会经济起决定性的关系,土地关系包括土地占有关系、租佃关系和赋税关系。

    The relationship developed around the land property is the fundamental economic relation in the traditional Chinese society .

  20. 在吐鲁番出土文书中,有11件以葡萄园券契命名的葡萄园租佃与买卖文书。

    Among the Turfan unearthed documents , 11 vineyard tenancy and business documents named by vinyard ticket contract .

  21. 清代热河蒙旗的地契及其所反映的租佃关系

    Tenancy Relations as Reflected in the Land Contracts of the Mongolian Banner of Rehe in the Qing Dynasty

  22. 葡萄园的租佃与买卖,是经济发展到一定阶段的时代产物。

    The tenancy and selling and buying of the vineyards is the product of economic development in a certain stage .

  23. 租佃制度是在土地所有权和使用权分离的前提条件下所产生的一种土地经营制度。

    Land tenure system comes into being on the precondition of the separation between land ownership and land use right .

  24. 以往学者们从传统理论上分析,总是认为租佃制是无效率的。

    Former scholars analyzed it on the basis of traditional theories and concluded with the inefficiency of the tenancy system .

  25. 民国时期湖北租佃关系研究(1927-1937)

    A Study of the Relationship of Renting Land to Tenants in Hubei , in the Republican Period ( 1927-1937 );

  26. 土地产权转移首先是经济上的原因,包括租佃经营的困境,以及贵族在经济上的衰落。

    Land property rights transfer first is economic reasons , including business , and the tenancy of economic decline in noble .

  27. 其开发的成因既有资本主义生产经营方式的运作和租佃制度的推波助澜,也与政府的大力组织和积极导引有关。

    Its development is due to capitalism production management and the lease system , in addition to government organization and surpport .

  28. 当时的社会不公与社会危机另有原因,与租佃制关系不大。

    The inequality and crisis of the then society has other reasons , and less concerns with the system of land-renting .

  29. 因此,租佃制的大发展是以金融为主的垄断力量共同作用的结果。

    Therefore , the tenancy system was based on large-scale development of financial-based results of the joint effect of monopoly power .

  30. 一方当事人(特别是业主)可以基于不同的事由单方终止租佃关系是租佃关系最普遍的消灭方式。

    The unilateral termination by the parties , especially the owners , is the most common way to terminate the tenancy relationship .