
  • 网络transfer of ownership;Transfer of title;the passing of property
  1. 风险随所有权的转移而转移,如英国;

    The risk is passed with transfer of ownership , such as Britain ;

  2. 但有一点需要说明,并不是标的物一经交付就产生货物所有权的转移。

    But descriptions are necessary : not delivery of the goods must be produced on the transfer of ownership of the goods .

  3. 在民营化所推动的公私合作(PPP)模式基础上,根据机场经营权、所有权的转移与否,将融资模式分为12类。

    By ownership and operation right transferring or not , financing models are classified into 12 types .

  4. 在1911年的DrMiles案中法院认为最低转售价格维持限制了产品所有权的转移,因而是违法的。

    In the still leading case of Dr Miles ( 1911 ) the supreme court held that Minimum Resale Price imposed a general restraint upon alienation , which was invalid .

  5. 基于库存所有权的转移定价策略研究

    A Study on Transfer Pricing Based on Inventory Ownership

  6. 在英国,货物所有权的转移直接决定着货物风险的转移。

    In English , good ownership is determined by goods passing of risk directly .

  7. 有附属物的财产,附属物随财产所有权的转移而转移。

    For a property that has appurtenance , the appurtenance shall be transferred with the property ownership .

  8. 在法国,提单对货物所有权的转移基本上没有影响。

    The transfer of bills has almost no effect on the transfer of ownership in the goods in French .

  9. 在以德国为代表的国家,提单的交付一般与货物所有权的转移同步。

    In German and other like countries , the transfer of ownership is synchronized with the transfer of the bills .

  10. 在商品房所有权的转移中,转移占有和移转所有权是分离的。

    During the transfer of proprietary rights for commercial residential building , transfer of occupation is separated from transfer of proprietary rights .

  11. 登记对于房地产所有权的转移不是必须的,因而,房地产权利的转移完全是意思自治方式。

    Registration is not a must for the transferring of the title , so the transferring of real estate rights is completely party-autonomous .

  12. 作者从合法的角度,认为有体动产所有权的转移,是一种合同行为;

    From the point view of contract laws , the author thinks the transferring of the tangible chattel 's ownership is a contract act ;

  13. 买卖合同中,如果货物所有权的转移在将来的某个时间发生、或在以后须附有某种条件才可以完成,则这样的合同称为出售协定。

    An agreement to sell becomes a sale when the time elapses or the conditions are fulfilled subject to which the property in the goods is to be transferred .

  14. 新保险法只是规定了保险标的物的转让,通知保险人知晓即可,但交付和转让在民法里面却有不同的含义:交付只是占有的变更,转让却代表着所有权的转移。

    New insurance law only provides for transfer of the subject-matter , notify the insurer knows , but the delivery and transfer inside a different meaning in civil law : deliver just the change of possession ; transfer represents the transfer of ownership .

  15. 目前已进行的几项早期交易和收购,不仅标志着公用事业公司所有权的转移,还标志着一个全新全球行业的创建就其重要性和价值而言,迟早将赶上能源和通信行业。

    The early transactions and takeovers now under way should mark not just the transfer of utilities from one owner to another , but the creation of an entirely new global sector , capable in time of matching energy and communications in importance and value .

  16. 因此,股权转让实质上就是股东与股东之间或股东与非股东之间就其对所有权的一种转移。

    Therefore , the share transfer is essentially the shareholders or between shareholders and non-shareholders between the shareholders and their ownership of a transfer .

  17. 从根本上来说,货物买卖即是货物所有权的买卖,所有权转移在货物买卖中起着枢纽作用。

    Fundamentally speaking , the trade of goods is the trade of ownership , which plays as a pivotal role in the international trade of goods .

  18. 宋朝政府对土地兼并和土地买卖实行放任甚至鼓励的政策,土地所有权的频繁和自由转移成为了这一时期的主要标志。

    The Song Dynasty government implements the policy which to the land annexation and land business the laissez faire even encourages , land ownership and freedom of the frequent movement of the main hallmark of this period .

  19. 由于各国在提单的交付是否导致货物所有权转移方面的规定不一致,因此,在涉外提单法律关系中,就需要进行法律选择,以确定提单的交付是否能导致货物所有权的转移。

    Because of the differences of whether delivery of bill of lading leads transfer of ownership among countries , we must choose applicable law to decide whether delivery of bill of lading leads transfer of ownership in foreign bill of lading legal relationship .