
  • 网络leasing equipment;leased equipment
  1. 明确责任确保租赁设备安全使用

    Make clear the responsibility to ensure safety use of leasing equipment

  2. 小议内部租赁设备安全管理

    Briefly talking on safety management of inner leasing equipment

  3. 基于USB主机和GPRS的租赁设备记录系统的设计

    Design of Recorder System of Leasehold Equipment Based on USB HOST and GPRS

  4. 建筑租赁设备的管理

    Leasing The management of Construction Machinery Rentals

  5. 第三章讨论租赁设备评估原则、方法以及影响因素等。

    In chapter 3 the article discusses the valuation principle , method and influence factor etc. about the equipment leasing .

  6. 这还不算我们在贷款和租赁设备方面的常规支出,这些支出都包含在最终总支出中。

    That 's even when we take into account regular outgoings on loans and leasing equipment , which are included in the final totals .

  7. 协助合营公司在中国境内购置或租赁设备、材料、原料、办公用具、交通工具、通讯设施等;

    Assisting the joint venture company in purchasing or leasing equipments , materials , raw materials , articles for office use , means of transportation and communication facilities etc ;

  8. 租赁的设备,其所有权仍属于出租人。

    The ownership of the leased equipment remains with the lessor .

  9. 我国公立医院融资租赁医疗设备存在的问题与对策

    The Problems of Financial-leasing in Public Hospitals in China and Strategies

  10. 浅谈租赁企业设备维修管理

    Briefly talking of equipment maintenance and management in rental enterprises

  11. 租赁机械设备的安全使用管理

    Management of safety use to leasing construction machinery and equipment

  12. 租赁音响设备,大型活动帐蓬,就餐及会议用桌椅,舞台,展板餐具酒杯等。

    Lease sounding device , big-sized wigwam , table , chair , stage , exhibition board , dishware and drinking-cup for dining and meeting .

  13. 本片播映权属中央电视台所有租赁的设备,其所有权仍属于出租人。

    The legal right of Broadcasting his film resides only in China Central Television The ownership of the leased equipment remains with the lessor .

  14. 公司在当地租赁的设备中,有一些使用的设计,二战以后在美国就很少见到了。这说明中国在钻井技术方面还非常落后。

    Some of the locally rented equipment uses designs seldom seen in the United States since World War II , an indication that China still lags in drilling rig technology .

  15. 租赁肿瘤放疗设备一例谈

    The Tumor Puts the Radiology Treatment Equipments a the Example Talk

  16. 租赁经营闲置设备充分发挥资产效益

    Running of Idle Engineering Machine Renting and Bringing Property Benefit into Full Play

  17. 关于融资租赁在教学设备建设中的应用研究

    Study on the application of renting by banking at the construction of teaching equipments

  18. 对租赁还是购买设备进行决策。

    Conduct decisions to lease or buy equipment .

  19. 租赁到期时设备所有权归我方。

    The ownership of the equipment shall pass to us at the expiration of the lease .

  20. 从本质上说,融资租赁是对设备的投资,是一种以实物出现的资金融通。

    In essence , finance lease is leasing of equipment investment , which is an in-kind of financial intermediation .

  21. 金融租赁大型医疗设备的困境及品种改进医疗设备公司也是一样。

    An Embarrassing Situation on Bulk Medical Facilities of Financial Tenancy and Pattern Improvements ; Likewise companies manufacturing medical equipment .

  22. 而且,那位官员暗示,外国投资者对有能力进行融资租赁的医疗设备租赁公司进行投资没有限制。

    Also , the official indicated that there is no restriction on foreign investors investing in a medical leasing company with the ability to do financial leases .

  23. 根据建筑租赁公司机械设备的特点,研究了机械设备的租赁管理方法,包括租赁价格的计算、租赁情况的查询以及租赁合同的管理。

    It studies the management methods for lease of mechanical equipment including the computing of lent price , the inquiry of condition for lease , and the management of lent contracts according the characteristics of mechanical equipment of the construction company for lease . 3 .

  24. 融资租赁在医院医学设备采购中的应用

    The application of finance leasing in hospital medical equipment purchasing

  25. 租赁期满后,设备应完好无损地归还给我方。

    At the expiration of the lease , the equipment should be returned to us in good condition .

  26. 此外,整个村庄也可以从该公司租赁太阳能发电的设备,并把电力转租给各家各户。

    Alternatively , a whole village can rent the equipment for generating solar electricity from the company and sub-lease power to individual houses .

  27. 租赁期末,该设备的所有权以100美元的象征性付款转让给承租人。

    At the end of the lease , the title to the equipment will be transferred to the lessee by symbolic payment of 100 US dollars .

  28. 欧美等工业发达国家工业设备的租赁已占全部设备销售额的20%-30%,而我国仅占1%左右。

    Industrial tool leasing takes 20 % to 30 % in the equipments total sales in the industry development countries of Europe and America . However , there is approximately 1 % in China .

  29. 我国租赁市场渗透率(通过租赁实现的设备投资占设备总投资的比例)只有2%左右,远低于17%世界平均水平,而现代租赁经济最为发达的美国已达到33%。

    The penetration of lease market of China is about 2 % which is much lower than that of world average level as 17 % , but in USA the penetration of lease market has arrived at 33 % .

  30. 租赁期结束时,承租方有权以剩余净值的价格购买租赁设备,资产权利此后转让给承租方。

    At end of the lease term , the lessee is entitled to purchase the leased equipment at its remaining net value , and the title of the asset is thereafter transferred to the lessee .