
  1. 然而这只是那年理论上适合融资租赁投资额的2%。

    This represents a percentage of only 2 % of the investment volume of that year that theoretically would have been eligible for lease financing .

  2. 以后各期根据修正后的租赁投资净额和重新计算的租赁内含利率确认融资收入。

    The financing incomes for subsequent periods shall be recognized on the basis of the revised net investment in the lease and the recalculated implicit interest rate .

  3. 本文结合宝信租赁的投资特点和企业实际现状,引出资产证券化融资方式(Asset-backedSecurities,ABS)。

    This paper combining with the investment characteristics of Baoxin and the actual situation of enterprise leads to the Asset securitization financing ( Asset-anyway : spreads over gse-backed loans Securities , ABS ) .

  4. 根据《中国银行业监督管理委员会实施办法》规定,一般出资人必须满足中国银行业监督管理委员会规定的下列融资租赁机构投资条件。

    Under the CBRC implementing rules , ordinary capital contributors must also satisfy the following conditions set by the CBRC regarding investment in financial leasing institutions .

  5. 尽管如此,在过去,有各种措施鼓励富裕家庭向业主自有房屋和租赁房屋投资从而得到可观的税款获益。

    Even so , in the past , a variety of measures encouraged better-off households to invest in owner-occupation and rental housing in order to reap significant tax gains .

  6. 消费支出的上涨反过来促使了更多的租赁和投资以跟上上涨的销量。使美国经济自2005年来经济增长率首次达到3%以上。

    The pickup in consumption in turn will entice businesses to hire and invest more to keep up with rising sales . The result : The U.S. is likely to grow more than 3 % for the first time since 2005 .

  7. 企业价值评估是企业兼并,收购,租赁及其他投资行为的依据和前提。

    Business valuation is the basis and premise for mergers and acquisitions as well as other investment and management practice .

  8. 他主要负责监督公司在定位共享网站Shopkick与房屋租赁网站Airbnb的投资等。

    He oversees the firm 's investments in location sharing site Shopkick and home sharing site Airbnb , among others .

  9. 如今,TPG可能失去在这家中国租赁子公司的投资。在一场业务纠纷中,这家私人股本集团的高管被逐出了日新租赁的上海办事处。

    TPG is now at risk of losing its investment in the Chinese leasing subsidiary after a business dispute that led to the private equity group 's executives being chased from the company 's Shanghai offices .

  10. 融资租赁立法应有利于投资体制改革

    Leasing Law : Good For Structural Reform of Investment

  11. 从事租赁业务的外商投资企业为外商投资租赁公司;

    Foreign invested enterprises engaged in leasing business are foreign invested leasing companies .

  12. 这些赋税减免在近几年有所下降,妨碍了个人对租赁住房的进一步投资。

    These tax breaks have been lowered in recent years , discouraging private individuals from investing further in the rental sector .

  13. 外部融资包括了银行贷款、债券融资、租赁融资、风险投资、企业合作融资和上市融资。

    Outside financing include loan from bank , bond financing , venture investment , leasehold financing , financing from firms and financing from public market .

  14. 该研究结果进一步说明在高投入的信息化集成项目中,采用融资+租赁模式进行项目投资运营是科学合理的投资选择。

    The research results further illustrates that using the " Finance + lease " model for project investment operation is scientific and rational investment choice in the high input information integration project .

  15. 而且,那位官员暗示,外国投资者对有能力进行融资租赁的医疗设备租赁公司进行投资没有限制。

    Also , the official indicated that there is no restriction on foreign investors investing in a medical leasing company with the ability to do financial leases .

  16. 我国租赁市场渗透率(通过租赁实现的设备投资占设备总投资的比例)只有2%左右,远低于17%世界平均水平,而现代租赁经济最为发达的美国已达到33%。

    The penetration of lease market of China is about 2 % which is much lower than that of world average level as 17 % , but in USA the penetration of lease market has arrived at 33 % .

  17. 商务部日前颁布《外商投资租赁业管理办法》已于2005年3月5日试实施,允许以外商独资形式设立从事租赁业务、融资租赁业务的外商投资企业。

    The Department of Commercial Affairs promulgated Foreign Investment Rent Industry Policing Method trial has implemented on March 5th in 2005 , which allows establishing foreign investment enterprise which can be engaged in rent services as well as financing rent services .