
zhí jiē tóu zī
  • direct investment
  1. 他说,他认为银行就应该起到刺激外国直接投资的作用。

    He said he saw the bank 's role as a catalyst to encourage foreign direct investment .

  2. 经济合作与发展组织表示,2020年中国吸引的外国直接投资增长了14%,使中国成为全球外国直接投资第一大目的地。中国良好的发展前景以及进一步开放的政策是吸引外国直接投资的关键因素。

    China 's favorable growth prospects and further opening-up policies are key factors that attract foreign direct investment ( FDI ) . In 2020 , FDI inflows to China increased 14 % , making the country the top destination worldwide , according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development .

  3. 他们打算直接投资股票。

    They intend to invest directly in shares

  4. 流入欧盟的外国直接投资在2020年下降了三分之二,降至1100亿美元。

    Investment in Europe also shrunk . Flows fell by two-thirds to $ 110 billion .

  5. 2020年流入美国的外国直接投资下降49%,降至1340亿美元。

    The United States recorded a 49 percent drop in FDI in 2020 , falling to an estimated $ 134 billion .

  6. 贸发会议预测,虽然预测全球经济会在2021年复苏,但是由于疫情持续,2021年全球外国直接投资增长仍将疲弱。

    Despite projections for the world economy to recover in 2021 , UNCTAD expects FDI flows to remain weak as the pandemic persists .

  7. 发展中经济体相比发达国家更受外资青睐流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资约为6160亿美元,比2019年下降12%,流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资占全球外国直接投资的比重已高达72%,达到历史最高水平。

    Although FDI to developing economies decreased by 12 percent to an estimated $ 616 billion , they accounted for 72 percent of global FDI — the highest share on record .

  8. 虽然亚洲发展中国家整体表现良好,2020年吸引外国直接投资约为4760亿美元,但是流入东盟国家的外国直接投资下降了31%,降至1070亿美元。

    While developing countries in Asia performed well as a group , attracting an estimated $ 476 billion in FDI in 2020 , flows to members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) contracted by 31 percent to $ 107 billion .

  9. 联合国贸易和发展会议发布的报告显示,2020年中国的外国直接投资增长4%,达1630亿美元,成为全球最大外资流入国,美国排名第二位。发达经济体受疫情冲击最为严重

    China was the world 's largest recipient of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in 2020 , as flows rose by 4 percent to $ 163 billion , followed by the United States , a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) showed .

  10. 外商直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,FDI)在中国的技术溢出效应,是20世纪90年代以来社会各界学者普遍探讨的问题。

    China 's technology spillover effect from Foreign direct investment , is the community of 1990s scholars generally explored .

  11. 国际生产体系的调整中,必然伴随有FDI(外国直接投资)流向的变化。

    The flow of FDI will happen during the adjustment to international production system .

  12. 国际直接投资理论与FDI吸收能力渊源

    Theory of Direct Investment at International Scale and Its Relation with FDI Absorption Capability

  13. 最近10多年来FDI(ForeignDirectinvestment,外国直接投资)在中国的资本流入中扮演着越来越突出的角色。

    FDI ( foreign direct investment ) is playing a more and more important role in Chinese domestic capital inflow during the recent 10 years .

  14. 在加入WTO之后,我国的引资政策必须按照世贸组织的国际投资准则加以调整,对国际直接投资既不优惠又不歧视的中性外资政策,是今后我国引进国际直接投资政策的调整方向。

    After the entry of WTO , China adjusts the policies and inclines to the neutral policy of both non-favorite and non-discrimination .

  15. 本文将FDI(外商直接投资)和LICENSIING(技术许可)作为其潜在的渠道,建立了技术引进的模型。

    With FDI and Licensing as its latent channels , this article constructed the model of Technology Introduction .

  16. 我国加入WTO后,为了更好地吸收外商直接投资,必须对现行外商投资企业法进行修改和完善。

    For better absorption of foreign direct investment after access to the WTO , China should revise and perfect present foreign-funded enterprise laws .

  17. 目前外商投资已成为我国各地区利用外部资源的主要方式,外资的流入对各地区的经济增长产生了重要的影响,其中外商直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment)的作用最为明显。

    At present , foreign investment has become the region 's main form of the use of external resources , the role of foreign direct investment is most evident .

  18. 伦敦投资局(ThinkLondon)是伦敦地区的官方外国直接投资服务机构,专门为希望到伦敦投资的海外公司和机构提供免费且保密的咨询及协助服务。

    Think London is the foreign direct investment agency for London which provides free , confidential and comprehensive advice to help international business locate and expand in London .

  19. 虽然江苏和广东吸引外商直接投资的数量在不断增长,但是FDI的增长速度却逐渐放缓。

    Although the amount of FDI in Jiangsu and Guangdong Provinces is increasing , the speed of that is slowing down .

  20. 其次,从比较外商直接投资与国内投资的角度出发,分析FDI对经济增长的影响;

    Further research is also conducted to compare the different impacts of foreign direct investment and domestic ones on China 's economy .

  21. 东道国ESP系统与跨国公司OIL系统矛盾运动的结果决定国际直接投资地域结构的基本特征;

    The result of contradictory moving , the system of host countries ' ESP and investor 's OIL make up the basic characteristics of FDI region structure .

  22. 随着国际生产的扩展和日益深化,外国直接投资(FDI)作为生产国际化的载体日益受到人们的关注和研究。

    With the enlargement and deepening of international production , FDI has been paid more and more attention as the way leads to production internationalization .

  23. 20世纪90年代中期开始,全球的外国直接投资(FDI)流入规模陡然剧增,跨国公司进入了全新的全球化经营时代。

    Since the mid-1990s , the inflows of FDI expanded suddenly throughout the world , leading multinational corporations into the new era of global management .

  24. 刍议TRIMs协定对我国海外直接投资的影响

    On TRIMs Convention 's Influence to China 's Overseas Direct Investment

  25. 采用上海市1978-2005年的经济数据,对外商直接投资(FDI)的资本积累效应进行数理统计分析。

    By sampling the economic data of Shanghai from 1978 to 2006 , the paper presents a statistical analysis on the capital accumulation effects of FDI .

  26. 外商直接投资(FDI)一直是一个倍受国际经济学界研究关注的热点问题,相关的研究文献可谓是汗牛充栋。

    The Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has always been a focal Problem in the international economic research , and the related literature is very rich .

  27. 改革开放以来,对华外商直接投资(FDI)逐年递增,这对我国出口贸易的发展和经济增长产生了重要的影响。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) is increased year by year since reform of China , and it important affected Chinese exports performance and economic growth .

  28. 伴随着外商直接投资源源不断地引入,我国境内涌现出一大批的外资EPC工程项目。

    With Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) pouring into our country , there has emerged a large number of Foreign-Invested EPC Projects .

  29. 与此同时,作为俄罗斯外商直接投资(FDI)的最大来源之一,德国企业开始将俄罗斯子公司积累的一部分利润汇回本国。

    Meanwhile , German companies , one of the biggest sources of foreign direct investment in Russia , have started repatriating some of the profits accumulated in their Russian subsidiaries .

  30. 运用计量模型分析发现,外商直接投资(FDI)与我国对外贸易总量二者紧密相连;

    This paper exerts the econometric model to find close relations between FDI and the gross volume of import and export trade of China through inspecting the relativity of both ;