
  • 网络Domain Investment;Domain Invest
  1. 随着众多互联网公司纷纷倒闭,域名投资泡沫也破灭了。

    That bubble burst along with many of the dotcom companies .

  2. 域名是我的投资。

    Domain name is an investment for me .

  3. 公司在20世纪80年代末破产,但是这个域名的拥有者仍然坚持支付网站费用。直到2009年8月,该域名卖给XF.com投资公司,价格未予披露。

    The company went bankrupt in the late 1980s , but the owner of the domain kept paying the dues on the website until August of 2009 , when it was sold to XF.com Investments for an undisclosed price .