
  • 网络direct channel;direct market channel
  1. 春秋航空公司的直销渠道没有得到充分利用。

    Direct channel of ChunQiu Airlines has not been fully exploited .

  2. 为了降低成本、扩大市场,企业纷纷建立电子直销渠道。

    Companies have set up electronic direct channel one after another in order to reduce costs and expand market .

  3. 研究结果表明,混合渠道模式是制造商的理性选择,而Internet直销渠道的引入也并不一定构成对传统零售渠道的威胁。

    The results indicate hybrid channel mode is a right choice for manufacturer , and Internet channel is unnecessarily a threat to traditional retailing channel .

  4. 结合实际企业情况,分析整理了在internet影响下酒店预定渠道和直销渠道的新模式发展。

    The light of actual companies and to analyze organize under the influence of the internet hotel reservation channels and direct sales channels for the new model of development .

  5. Internet的迅速发展正改变着当今世界的商业规则,越来越多的制造企业开始触网,在传统零售渠道之外自行开辟Internet直销渠道,直接与消费者亲密接触。

    The rapidly developing Internet is changing modern business rule . More and more manufacturers go online , adding direct Internet channel besides traditional retailers to contact directly with customers .

  6. 作为较早开展信用卡电话营销的银行之一,Z银行针对目标客户展开了精准的数据库营销,在近几年实现了高速发展,弥补了直销渠道在获取及经营目标客户方面的不足。

    As one of the earliest commercial bank in credit card telemarketing , Z bank launched accurate database marketing to the target customers , and made rapid development in recent years , making up for the lack of direct sales channels .

  7. 影响生产企业选择网络直销渠道的主要影响因素

    The Main Effects on Manufacturers Choosing Internet Direct Marketing Channel or Not

  8. 第三章分析雇员直销渠道。

    The third chapter , employees sell channel comprehensive analysis .

  9. 但是,引入在线直销渠道虽然可以与传统分销渠道形成优势互补,也会与其形成相互的竞争。

    However , despite the online channel can be a complement for the traditional channel , there may be a competition between them .

  10. 对于直销渠道与传统渠道的冲突管理,本文独创性的提出:利用整体渠道系统的产品动态组合与产品差异化相结合的策略,辅以其它手段,来解决双渠道前台整合和冲突协调问题。

    We can use the dynamic product combination tactic and product difference tactic to settle the problem of the two channels integration and harmony .

  11. 另一方面,制造企业引入网络直销渠道,会与零售商的传统渠道形成竞争,引发渠道冲突。

    On the other hand , the online direct channel which be introduced by manufacturer will compete with the traditional channel , leading to channel conflict .

  12. 除此之外还负责部门销售管理工作,直销渠道并举,构架渠道,完成部门整体销售任务。

    In addition I was also responsible for the department sales management work the direct sale channel develops simultaneously the skeleton channel completes the department whole sale task .

  13. 数值仿真说明,风险规避的供应商只有在期望效用增加时才会选择建立直销渠道,否则即使期望收益增加也不能激励供应商建立双渠道。

    At last , the numerical simulation illustrates the risk averse supplier chooses to adding direct channel only if both the expected utility and the expected profit increases .

  14. 从传统零售渠道与电子直销渠道合作的角度出发,分别设计了两方收益共享契约和价格折扣机制的契约机制,研究了双渠道供应链的协调问题。

    With respect to the cooperation between the electronic channel and traditional channel , two-way revenue sharing contracts and price discount are designed to study on dual-channel supply chain coordination .

  15. 进一步通过均值-方差分析,考虑供应商是风险规避者时,建立直销渠道的条件,直销渠道下的定价和协调供应链的批发价契约。

    Through mean-variance analysis , this paper studies the condition of adding a direct channel for a risk averse supplier , the price of direct channel and the optimal wholesale price .

  16. 且在此合理的区域内,传统零售渠道订货量减少,直销渠道库存量增大,但供应链总的销售量基本不变。

    In a certain market share range , the whole sale can be made unchanged by increasing inventory for the direct channel and reducing the order quantity for the traditional channel .

  17. 证明当制造商的生产能力非常紧张时,直销渠道确实比零售渠道优先获得供货;否则,渠道的选择将由生产能力约束和渠道替代率共同决定。

    We prove that when the capacity is very tight , the direct channel does take priority over the retail channel ; otherwise , channel selection decision depends on the available capacity and the substitution rate .

  18. 主要分析内容为直销渠道、自有渠道、社会渠道、电子渠道、铁通渠道五种渠道类型的现状及问题分析。

    The main analysis content conclude the analysis of the current station and the problem analysis of five kind channel , that is direct sale channel , own channel , social channel , electronic channel and CRC channel .

  19. 假设制造商生产能力有限,他可以通过自有的直销渠道和独立的零售商渠道销售产品,渠道间需求存在竞争性,即两个渠道的需求能相互替代。

    Assume that the manufacturer has limited capacity and she may distribute her product through a wholly-owned direct channel and an independent retail channel . Demands of the channels are substitutable , which leads to competition between them .

  20. 近年来,越来越多的制造商选择开设在线直销渠道并从中获利,然而越来越多的问题也随之暴露。

    In recent years , more and more manufacturers have chosen to open direct online channels and some of them have already profited from the new channel . However , more and more problems have also been exposed .

  21. 介绍了直销渠道的理论基础,并在分析世界各国直销定义的基础上,提出了直销的广义和狭义的定义。

    Introducing the theoretical basis of direct commerce channel and analyzing the definitions to direct commerce in different countries , rising up its definition from the broad and narrow sense . Distinguishing the concepts related with direct commerce . 2 .

  22. 通过对联想分销渠道和戴尔直销渠道分析,找出各自的优势和劣势,得出联想新型的垂直营销渠道模式适合面向普通消费者,而戴尔一对一直销模式在面向行业用户时具有优势。

    With the analysis of distribution channel , the essay comes to the conclusion that Legend 's new vertical channel model is fit for common customers , while Dell 's ' one-to-one ' direct sale model is fit for industrial customers .

  23. 20世纪90年代以来,互联网开始在全球范围迅速发展,带来了传统分销方式的巨大变革,很多企业纷纷引入了在线直销渠道。

    The Internet began to develop rapidly around the world since the 90s of the 20th century , which had brought great changes to the traditional method of distribution . Many companies have introduced online channel to sell their products directly .

  24. 除了欠缺该方面的经营知识、技术、管理能力以及经验等,其中的一个重要原因就是产品类型&在线直销渠道并非对所有的产品或服务都适合。

    In addition to the lack of business knowledge , technology , management skills and experience , one of the most important reasons is the product type , and the direct online channel is not suitable for every product or service .

  25. 本文研究的重点即是在竞争环境下制造商销售渠道选择问题。文章首先简单分析了在单个供应链环境下制造商销售渠道选择问题,即制造商在零售渠道基础上是否考虑加开网络直销渠道。

    The research emphasis of paper is optimal channel structure strategies of manufacturers in competitive environment . Firstly , we analyze channel selection problem of manufacturer in single supply chain environment which manufacturer considers whether open online-channel on the basis of retailing channel .

  26. 电子直销渠道以其经营成本低、潜在市场范围大、服务时间长和信息流动快的优势,逐渐引起易逝品相关企业的关注。

    Electronic direct sales channel has many advantages over traditional sales channel , including its lower operating costs , larger scope of the potential market , longer service time and faster flow of information . All these advantages gradually cause concern of perishable goods businesses .

  27. 随着近几年电子商务的迅猛发展,各类型的企业纷纷触网,开展基于电子商务的销售、采购或服务,网上直销渠道已经成为企业的重要发展平台与生存方式。

    With the rapid development of electronic commerce in recent years , various types of enterprises have " net " to carry on e-commerce sales , purchases or services , online direct marketing has become an important platform for the development and way of life .

  28. 随着信息技术的普及以及电子商务的快速发展,越来越多的消费者尝试通过网络渠道购买产品,同时一些传统的制造型企业在原有的零售渠道基础上纷纷开设在线直销渠道。

    With the prevalence of information technology and rapid expansion of electronic commerce , more and more consumers are trying to attain commodities through Internet channel . At the same time , a number of traditional manufacturers have established on-line channel except their existing off-line channel .

  29. 目前,人保财险大连分公司主要的营销渠道仍然局限于传统的直销营销渠道和个人代理人渠道,已经远远不能适应迅速变化的保险市场环境和个性化的消费者的保险需求。

    Nowadays , PICC Dalian branch are still using traditional marketing channel , which cannot meet the fast changing market and the individual demands of insurance customers .

  30. 利用直销的渠道和网络,直销企业和销售人员能够较快地沟通和反馈供求信息,既促进销售,又引导生产。

    Making use of the channel and network of direct selling , the enterprises and salesman can communicate effectively and feed back supply and demand information fleetly .