
  • 网络Direct Finance;direct financing;direct
  1. 宽货币、紧信贷促发直接融资

    Loose Money and Tight Credit Would Encourage Direct Finance

  2. 3资本市场发育程度低,直接融资规模小,效率低直接融资不发达,资本市场发展滞后;

    The less developed capital market make direct finance size small and inefficient .

  3. 面对WTO的新竞争环境,只有加快金融创新的步伐,特别是投融资体制的改革。为此,应加快发展投资基金,使以商业银行为主体的间接融资为主逐渐发展为直接融资为主。

    In the face of competition of WTO , we have to quicken our financial innovation , especially in the aspect of reformation of investment and financing .

  4. 本文所关注的仅是指直接融资,而且主要是关注那些已经通过IPO完成上市的上市公司再融资及其相关的后续投资行为。

    The dissertation only discusses the indirect financing way and emphasizes on the list company 's re-financing and related investment after IPO .

  5. 我国加入WTO以后,从提供信贷担保、改进信贷服务、开展直接融资和推进金融创新等方面来构建与中小企业发展相适应的金融服务体系非常必要。

    It is necessary for the perfection of the financing service system which accords with China 's medium-sized and small enterprises in four respects : loan secured by credit , credit facility , direct financing and financial innovation after its entry into WTO .

  6. 发展个人金融业务不仅是我国银行迎接加入WTO后的挑战的需要,而且是适应我国企业直接融资发展较快和电子技术的不断进步的必然选择。

    For China ′ s commercial banks , to develop the private banking business is not only required by the challenge of WTO entry but also the inevitable choice for them to keep abreast of the rapid development of direct financing and the electronic technology .

  7. 其次,笔者将资产证券化和现有的三种城市基础设施融资方式(银行信贷、BOT融资、资本市场直接融资)进行比较,以此体现出资产证券化融资模式的优越性。

    Secondly , I will be asset securitization and the existing three kinds of urban infrastructure financing ( bank credit , BOT financing , capital markets , direct financing ) for comparison , thus reflecting asset securitization financing models superiority .

  8. 温江可以采取的融资方式包括BOT、ABS等直接融资方式,通过上市、债券等资本市场的融资方式,城市资产的市场化配置和加大公益资源的市场化运作等诸多的融资方式。

    Wenjiang can use direct mode such as BOT , ABS etc and indirect mode such as emitting bond and coming into the market , all these modes will aggrandize the market collocation of city assets and the market manipulation of public sources .

  9. 鉴于SY公司处在上市辅导期,所以在中远期融资方案的设计中考虑从资本市场上直接融资,通过发行股票和债券的方式筹措到未来公司所需资金。

    Since the SY Company is listing in the period of counseling , it might financing from the capital markets directly in the design of the long-term financing options , financing by Issuing stocks and bonds .

  10. 金融体系分为间接融资型和直接融资型两类。

    There are two kinds of financial system : bank-based andmarket-based .

  11. 金融深化与直接融资结构的优化

    The Deepening of Finance and the Optimization of Direct Financing Structure

  12. REITs&中国房地产企业直接融资的新渠道

    REITs & the New Way of Real Estate Enterprises ' Financing Directly

  13. 拓宽企业直接融资渠道已经迫在眉睫。

    Broaden the financing channels of enterprise directly is imminent .

  14. 发展企业债券融资健全直接融资结构

    Developing Securities Financing for Enterprises to Perfect Direct Financing Structure

  15. 债券融资是公司直接融资方式之一。

    Bond financing is one way of company direct financing .

  16. 探索和发展中小企业融资直接融资模式;

    The direct financing modes should be explored and developed ;

  17. 企业融资方式,直接融资与间接融资;债务融资与股权融资;

    Internal finance and external finance , the financing mode of enterprise .

  18. 中小企业直接融资的探讨

    To Analyze Small - Scale Enterprise ′ s Direct Financing

  19. 在直接融资中,债券融资滞后于其他金融市场的发展。

    In direct financing , bond financing lags behind other financial markets .

  20. 它的发展得益于直接融资市场的逐渐完善。

    Its development profited from the consummation of the direct financing market .

  21. 集资诈骗罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,次要客体是投资者的财产所有权,主要客体是有关货币借贷的直接融资制度。

    Its main object is the direct financing system about money loan .

  22. 产权证券化与企业直接融资

    Property Right Transferring to Securities and Enterprises ' Direct Financing

  23. 企业融资以股权直接融资为主。

    Enterprise financing is mainly by direct ownership financing ;

  24. 资本市场发展缓慢,直接融资渠道不畅;

    Slow development capital market and lack of smooth and direct financing channels ;

  25. 缺乏直接融资渠道等。在分析了以上问题的基础上,提出了相应的七项对策。

    Based on the analysis of these problems , seven countermeasures were suggested .

  26. 企业债券是一种重要的直接融资方式。

    Financing by bond is one of the most important direct financing methods .

  27. 论虚拟经济的发展与企业直接融资问题

    Study on the Development of the Fictitious Economy and Enterprise Direct Financial Way

  28. 间接融资和直接融资下的货币政策效应分析

    Analysis of the Effect of Monetary Policy in Bank-based and Market-based Financial System

  29. 融资市场中,由于信息不对称,中小企业在直接融资市场难以融资。

    As information are asymmetries , in direct financing market to finance SMEs .

  30. 商业银行是目前我国社会进行直接融资的最大来源。

    Commercial Banks is the biggest source of direct financing in our country .