
  • 网络asset finance;Asset Financing
  1. 博闻国际律师事务所在资产融资方面已成为市场的主要领导者。

    BLP LLP has become one of the main leaders of the market of asset finance .

  2. 资本证券化的出现和深化发展为企业的资产融资提供了一个新的路径,即企业以专利资产证券化的方式来获得融资。

    The capital securities of the emergence and deepening of the development provides a new path for the asset finance business to get in the way of the patent asset securitization financing .

  3. creditsights的亚当森表示,涉足像“管道”那样的管理投资基金的举动,似乎“带有机会主义色彩,并依赖于以短期票据为高评级资产融资所产生的收入,而非满足基本的业务需求”。

    The move into managing investment funds , like the conduits , seems " opportunistic and based on revenue generation from funding highly rated assets with short-term paper , rather than fulfilling an essential business need , " says Mr Adamson of CreditSights .

  4. 关于固定资产融资租赁会计处理的探讨

    About Accounting Method for Financial Lease of Fixed Assets

  5. 基于新《公司法》无形资产融资条件下的会计摊销方法

    The Amortization Method of Intangible Assets in Corporate Financing Based New Company Law

  6. 基于信托的企业资产融资结构及融资效率研究

    Research on Enterprise Assets Financing Structure and Financing Efficiency on the Basis of Trust

  7. 建立农户生物资产融资机制的思考

    On Peasant Household Biological Assets Financing Mechanism

  8. 但在此过程中,它们制造了汇率错配:用看似廉价的美元为本国资产融资。

    But in doing so they have created a currency mismatch : financing local assets with apparently cheap dollars .

  9. 该中心的组建旨在扶持国内中小企业发展自主品牌,破解无形资产融资难题。

    The center aims to support the domestic SMEs to bring its own brand to life and solve their intangible financing problems .

  10. 虽然相关细节还有待理顺,但中信泰富表示将通过现金和股票为收购母公司资产融资。

    While details have yet to be ironed out , Citic Pacific said it would finance the acquisition of its parent 's assets through cash and shares .

  11. 对于电视内容产业来说,无形资产融资有着与内源融资、外源融资同等重要的地位,他们同样都是构建中国电视内容产业的理论基础。

    For TV content industry , the Intangible assets financing has the status of equal importance , they are equally content of Chinas TV industry Construction of the theoretical foundation .

  12. 融资租赁作为一种企业融资手段,已逐渐为我国企业所认识与接受,但对固定资产融资租赁这一特殊经济行为的会计处理,仍是我们值得研究和探讨的问题。

    Financial lease as a means of financing has been adopted gradually by the enterprises in this country and it needs to go further into the method of accounting transaction for financial lease .

  13. 这种基于信托的企业资产融资行为的融资成本及融资交易费用相对较低,可以改善企业的财务结构,能够提高企业信托资产的利用效率。

    The such trust financing behavior of assets based on trust of enterprise , its financing cost and financing trade expenses are relatively low , can improve the financial structure of enterprises , and can raise the utilization efficiency of trust assets of enterprises .

  14. 与此同时,美联储将为遗留资产提供融资可能包括以前评级为AAA级的次级证券。

    The Fed will , meanwhile , offer financing for legacy assets potentially including formerly triple A-rated subprime securities .

  15. 但这并非市场困扰的唯一信号:以美国为例,3个月期国债利率与AA级资产担保融资票据之间的息差,已从今年早些时候的30个基点扩大到了270个基点。

    Yet this is not the only indication of distress : in the US , for example , the spread between the rate of interest on three-month treasury bills and AA-rated asset-backed financial paper has widened to 270 basis points from 30 basis points earlier in the year .

  16. 同时,他们已经更习惯于用这些资产再次融资,以筹集用于其它用途的现金。

    At the same time , they have become more accustomed to refinancing these assets to raise cash for other purposes .

  17. 把低收益的美元用作购买风险资产的融资货币,是债市与股市持久反弹背后的又一因素。

    The use of the low-yielding dollar as the global funding currency for buying risky assets is another factor behind the enduring rally in bonds and equities .

  18. 是指在商品交易中,正佳运用结构性短期融资工具,基于商品交易中的货权、存货、预付款、应收账款等资产的融资。

    Service definition is Excellence employs structuring short-term financing tools in the commodity transaction on the basis of goods ownership , inventory , prepayment , and receivable account .

  19. 由于资产支持融资具有相对安全的特点,这类融资在不景气时期的减少量远低于传统定期贷款和透支。

    This type of funding has contracted far less than conventional term lending and overdrafts during the downturn , thanks to the relatively safe nature of asset-based financing .

  20. 市场在辩论的是,银行是否会利用这些低息贷款去购买收益率更高的政府债券(即从事传统的套利交易),而不会将其用于为现有资产提供融资。

    Markets have been debating whether the banks will use the cheap loans to buy higher yielding government debt in a classic carry trade rather than finance existing assets .

  21. 事实上,近日欧元兑澳元等大宗商品货币走低就表明:投资者已经在利用欧元,为投资其它地区的风险性资产进行融资。

    In fact , the recent falls in the euro against commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar could be evidence that investors are already using it to fund investment in risky assets elsewhere .

  22. 这些方法经常涉及到现金运用、银行贷款、通过销售资产进行融资、私人股权投资、发行股票和/或发行债券或综合上述的项目。

    They usually involve utilizing cash , bank debt , raising funds through selling of assets , private equity , issuance of equities and / or debt securities , or combination of the above .

  23. 企业要想实现价值最大化,需满足两个条件:一是降低战略资产的融资成本和管理成本,最大程度地实现战略资产的潜在价值;二是增加战略资产的投资。

    To realize the value maximization , two conditions is needed : first , achieve the potential value of strategic assets by cutting down the financing and governance costs ; second , raise the amount of strategic investment .

  24. PL集团资产证券化融资的可行性分析

    A Feasibility Study on Securitization Financing for PL Group

  25. 本文结合宝信租赁的投资特点和企业实际现状,引出资产证券化融资方式(Asset-backedSecurities,ABS)。

    This paper combining with the investment characteristics of Baoxin and the actual situation of enterprise leads to the Asset securitization financing ( Asset-anyway : spreads over gse-backed loans Securities , ABS ) .

  26. 其中SPV是一个典型的空壳公司,仅是为了资产证券化融资设立的法律意义上的经济实体,在各国和《国际贸易应收款转让公约》对SPV的立法别具一格。

    SPV is a typical shell company and its goal is legally financing body . Lawmaking of SPV are various in countries and " Convention on Assignment of Receivable ( Convention )" .

  27. 高速公路资产证券化融资的应用探讨

    Discussion on the Application of Assets Securitization on Highway Financing

  28. 资产证券化融资对我国企业财务的影响研究

    Research on Influence of Asset-Backed Securitization Financing to Enterprise Finance

  29. 微观收益是指资产证券化融资具有的比较优势。

    The micro return refers to the comparative advantage asset securitization financing .

  30. 资产证券化融资对企业的财务影响是多方面的,本文选取的研究角度主要集中在以下四个方面。

    This paper focuses on the following four aspects .