
  • 网络government market
  1. 重新界定了内部市场和员工市场:指出了政府市场、媒体市场与企业的双重关系。

    Delimits the internal market and the employee market ; point out the double relationship between the government market , the media market and the enterprise .

  2. 工商行政管理部门是政府市场监管和行政执法的部门,其职责是维护公平竞争、公正有序的市场经济秩序。

    Industrial and commercial administration departments are government market regulation and administrative law enforcement departments , whose duties is to maintain fair competition , fair and orderly market economic order .

  3. 第三,90年代市场化进程的加快,利益格局变迁,政府市场农民三者间、农民处于弱势。

    Third , with the advance of market economy , the peasants are in an inferior position in the benefit structure .

  4. 本文试图从拍卖与招标这一角度出发,将其作为政府市场行为的典型形式,对政府市场行为进行一些理论上的探讨。

    This essay take them as the typical form of the government 's market behavior , and try to make some research on government 's market behavior on this base .

  5. 而受政府市场化策略的影响,带有功利主义色彩的市场机制介入高等教育管理,又对高校自主形成了新的冲击。

    And with the influence of the market strategy by the government , the intervening of market adjustment mechanism to the higher education management with utilitarianism also formed new interference in colleges .

  6. 由于全球化和资讯时代的冲击,政府市场社会的三元社会结构范式逐渐取代了政府市场的二元社会结构范式,从而改变了政府治理的规模和传统边界。

    For the impact of globalization and information era , a government-market-society triangle social structure paradigm substitutes a government-market dual structure paradigm , which changes the scale of governance and its traditional boundary .

  7. 通过政府市场化改革,将市场机制引入公共服务供给领域,对于缓解财政预算紧张,提高政府效率,改善公共服务效率与质量,大有裨益。

    Through the market-oriented reforms by the government , the market mechanism is taken into the field of public service delivery , and it is good for easing the budget tensions , improving the government efficiency and improving public service efficiency and quality .

  8. AVS技术标准制定过程中的政府与市场双失灵&基于政策过程与工具分析框架的研究

    Market Failure and Government Failure in AVS Standard Setting : A Study based on Policy Process Instruments Framework

  9. 随着我们对世贸组织的加入,加入GPA开放政府采购市场是迟早的事情。

    Putting into to World Trade Organization with us , it is the thing sooner or later to join GPA opening government procurement market .

  10. 基于政府、市场、中介的科技支持体系构建

    Design of Science Technology Support System Based on Government Market and Agency

  11. 建立和发展西部地方政府债券市场问题研究

    Study on Establishing and Developing Local Government Bond Market in Western China

  12. 在这样一种博弈环境下,政府调控市场获得的是负效用。

    Under such circumstance , the Government faces negative utility .

  13. 有限政府是市场经济中市场主体有限责任的政治表达。

    Limited government is political indications of market economic subject .

  14. 当然了,无论是政府还是市场都存在弊端,都会出现失灵的现象。

    Of course , both the government and market are not perfect .

  15. 拍卖、竞投标和政府的市场行为

    Auction , Competitive Tender and the Governmental Market Behaviour

  16. 围绕农民健康问题:政府、市场、社会的互动

    Health Problem of Peasants : Mutual Cooperation Between Government , Market and Society

  17. 政府与市场合作:旅游目的地营销系统的最佳运营模式

    Cooperative Management between Government and Enterprise : the Best Operating Pattern of TDMS

  18. 为此,政府与市场之间需要达成一种新的均衡。

    Hence , there should be a new balance between government and market .

  19. 政府债券市场可能要为最困难的考验作好准备。

    Government bond markets could provide the trickiest test .

  20. 基于此,我们试图通过对传统理论的比较和反思,厘清政府与市场各自不同的运行规则,并结合国内有关研究政府经济职能的成果,寻找植根于我国国情的政府经济职能模式。

    Based on this , we attempt , to seek government economical function pattern .

  21. 比较的视阈:政府与市场

    Compare of sight : Government and market

  22. 政府与市场:一个分析框架

    Government and Market : One Analysis Model

  23. 政府债务市场的关键在于信任。

    Government debt markets are about trust .

  24. 从改革的三次争论看政府与市场的关系变奏

    Variation of Relations between Government and Market from the Perspective of Three Debates on Reform

  25. 公共财政的本质是界定政府与市场的关系。

    The essence of public finance is to define the relationship between government and market .

  26. 区域教育的合作有赖于政府与市场的双重合力。

    The cooperation of regional education depends on the joint force from government and market .

  27. 煮粥原理及其在政府与市场经济中的应用

    The Principle of Cook Congee and its Application in the Government and the Market Economics

  28. 政府与市场间的互补与平衡

    The Balance between Government and Market

  29. 最后是政府和市场存在着既相互替代又相互补充的关系。

    The last is that there is an alternative and complementary relationship between government and market .

  30. 政府采购市场的开放为具有竞标资格的各类企业提供了同等的市场机会,成为政府采购的注册供应商,可以获得许多商业效应;

    The opening of government procurement market provides qualified enterprises with a market opportunity without discrimination .