
  1. 强化政府促进就业的责任。

    We increased the responsibility of the government for stimulating employment .

  2. 对政府促进就业的几点探讨

    Some Discussions Concerning the Government Promoting Employment

  3. 政府促进就业的政策分析

    Government Promoting Employment 's Policies Analysis

  4. 构建和谐社会要把政府促进就业放到更加突出位置

    The government should play more important roles to promote employment of labor force for constructing harmonious society

  5. 本文侧重从经济整体的调整着手分析了政府促进就业的政策调整措施。

    This article , laying special emphasis on the adjustment of the whole economy , analyzes the governmental adjustment covering the employment policy .

  6. 文章继而深入探讨了政府促进就业的经济政策、人力资源开发政策、技术发展政策及失业保险政策等政策的就业效应。

    The thesis explores the effects of economy policy , human resource development policy , technology development policy and unemployment insurance policy which can promote employment .

  7. 要贯彻劳动者自主就业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业和鼓励创业的方针,实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策。

    We must implement the principle of promoting self-reliant employment , market-regulated employment and government-backed employment and entrepreneurship , the strategy of giving top priority to employment and a proactive employment policy .

  8. 坚持劳动者自主择业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业的方针,着力打造服务型政府,实施更加积极的就业政策,调动企业、劳动者和社会各方面的力量促进就业再就业。

    The workers choose profession independently , the market regulates employment , the government promotes the employment policy , implements the more positive employment policy as the service government . And they should encourage enterprises to give more jobs .

  9. 第三部分主要是面对当前严重的就业形势,探讨了新疆政府在促进就业中的责任和作用。

    The third part focuses on the current severe employment situation and discusses the responsibility and the function of Xinjiang government to promote employment .

  10. 面对严峻的就业形势,各国政府把促进就业提到战略高度,并采取了一系列相应的政策。

    Faced with the grim employment situation , the governments should attach strategic importance to promotion of employment , and take a series of corresponding policies .

  11. 第二部分是我国大学生就业现状及政府促进大学生就业的理论依据。

    The second part is the employment status of college students in China and the Government to promote the theoretical basis for the employment of university students .

  12. 第四部分,从需求促进政策、供给促进政策、供需匹配促进政策三方面介绍国外政府促进大学生就业的政策,并介绍了我国政府在促进大学生就业方面采取的政策和措施。

    The fourth part introduces three policies which promote the graduate employment in foreign countries , including demand promoting policy , supply promoting policy , matching supply with demand policy .

  13. 我国政府在促进大学生就业中的角色定位研究

    The Study of Chinese Government 's Role in Promoting the Employment of University Students

  14. 政府要积极促进就业,积极救济失业,承担起政府的失业救济责任。

    The government should actively promote employment , positive relief unemployment , undertake the responsibility government unemployment benefits .

  15. 各国政府普遍把促进就业作为社会经济发展的基本目标。

    The governments of all the countries take the full employment for the basic goal of national social and economic development .

  16. 就业是当今世界上面临的突出问题,各国政府普遍把促进就业作为社会经济发展的基本目标。

    Employment is an important problem in the world . Increase employment rate is a basic target of society economy for every government .

  17. 政府在促进和扩大就业中的责任

    The government ′ s duty in promoting and enlarging employment

  18. 政府行为促进高校毕业生就业的理论分析及研究现状。

    Government action to promote the employment of college graduates of theoretical analysis and research status .

  19. 希望现阶段,对发挥政府作用和促进大学生就业方面,能够提供有益的帮助。

    I hope that the theory can offer great help at bringing the government to the play and promote university students to get the job .

  20. 近年来我国政府更是将促进就业作为以人为本,建设和谐社会的重中之重。

    Over the past few years , the Chinese government has taken the increase of employment as its priority in building the human-oriented , harmonious society .

  21. 政府应该促进劳动力充分就业,加强人力资本的培养,挖掘潜在的人口红利。

    We suggest that the government should promote full employment of labor , strengthen the cultivation of human capital and make the best of potential demographic dividend .

  22. 各级政府出台了各种促进就业的积极政策,各高校也想尽办法千方百计提高就业率,但就业形势依然严峻。

    Although governments at all levels have released a variety of positive policies to promote employment , colleges and universities also have tried their best to improve the employment rate , the situation of employment remains severe .

  23. 项目为塞内加尔政府投资项目,业主是塞政府促进就业公益工程办公室,合同工期为九个月。

    The project is financed by Senegal government , the Owner is Public Welfare Engineering Agency for Employment Promotion , and the contract period is nine months .

  24. 就业政策作为政府实现就业规划、保障公共利益的工具之一,在政府促进大学生就业工作中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    As a tool of realize employment planning and safeguard the public interest , government employment policy plays an important role in promoting college students ' employment .