首页 / 词典 / good

  • estimate;assess;appraise
  • 揣测,大致地推算:~计。~价。~一~。

  • 古同“贾”,商人。

  • 〔~衣〕出售的旧衣服或原料较次、加工较粗的新衣服。


(估计; 揣测) estimate; assess; appraise:

  • 预估

    make a preliminary estimate;

  • 低估


  • 你估一估这堆苹果有几斤。

    Can you tell how many jin of apples there are in this heap?

  1. 星载SAR多普勒质心估记的新方法&幅度相关法

    A new method to estimate Doppler centroid for Spaceborne sar-amplitude correlation method

  2. 在这篇論文裡我们有兩种方法去推估參數:方法一是只有股价资料时,这时候假设波动度(volatility)是可以观察到的;

    In this paper , we have two methods to estimate the parameters : one method only stock information , the assumption that volatility is to be observed ;

  3. 有时候你肯定会错估铲球的时机。

    You 're bound to mistime a tackle every so often .

  4. 他们决定给这幅画估一估价。

    They decided to get the painting valued .

  5. 我请他对这些画估个价。

    I asked him to set a value on the pictures .

  6. 你估一估这堆苹果有几斤。

    Can you tell how many jin of apples there are in this heap ?

  7. 这件家具请你估一估价。

    Evaluate this piece of furniture , please .

  8. 他很糟糕地错估了当前形势。

    He judged the present situation badly .

  9. 据粗估,这具瓷瓶价值逾百万元。

    According to rough estimation , the porcelain vase is worth over a million yuan .

  10. 降雨历线资料为上游集水区推估洪水流量历线的重要依据

    Hyetographs are important in estimating stormflow hydrographs from upstream watersheds .

  11. 用动态链接库实现SYSTEMVIEW仿真工具中的频偏估算法

    Implementation of Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm by DLL in System View

  12. 函数模型描述的是观测值和待估参数之间的物理和几何关系,随机模型描述了GPS观测值的统计特征,并通过观测值的方差协方差给定了每个观测值对最后的定位结果的贡献。

    The GPS functional model describes the relationship between the observations .

  13. 研究了极化域-空域联合谱的动态更新问题,给出了MUSIC联合谱的自适应递推估计算法。

    The adaptive estimation method is presented for the MUSIC joint spectrum in polarizational and spatial domains .

  14. 或许,华尔街分析师们只有把苹果(Apple)的业绩数据估得低一点才能感到放心。

    Perhaps professional analysts are just more comfortable underestimating apple ( AAPL ) .

  15. r因子实验的网格结构与谱系效应向量的可估条件

    The Cell Structure of a r-Factor Experiment and Estimability Condition of a Hierarchical Effect Vector

  16. GPS高程的抗差拟合推估

    Anti error Fitting of GPS Height

  17. 关于Logistic回归中最大似然估计的可估性

    Estimation of maximum likelihood in logistic regression model

  18. 研究了时延估计算法在被动声测定位中的应用,提出了一种改进的基于最大似然(ML)权函数的广义互相关时延估计算法。

    The application of time delay estimation in passive acoustic detection and location was studied .

  19. 一般Gauss-Markov模型下一般可估函数的线性充分性和线性完全性

    Linear Sufficiency and Completeness of A General Estimable Function in General Gauss-Markov Model

  20. 基于PS最小二乘法的土壤持水曲线方程参数识别最小二乘配置法,最小二乘拟合推估法

    Identification of Soil Water Retention Curve Equation Parameter Based on PS Least Squares Method

  21. Bayes公式在估推案例和司法中的应用

    Application of the Bayes Formula in Administration of Justice

  22. Pascal分布族中参数函数g(q)可估性的判定

    The Estimable Criterion of Parametric Function g ( q ) for the family of Pascal Distribution

  23. 提出一种基于联姻策略的梯度并行遗传算法的DS/SS信号的PN码估

    A PN code sequence estimation of DS / SS signal based on the improved

  24. 本文利用权因子(WeightFactor)概念阐述了Helmert&WF方差分量估计的原理,并给出了其相应的计算公式及其解域与可估的条件。

    This paper gives the method of Helmert-Weight Factor of Variance Component Estimation , and then , the formula , the condition that can be estimated are given too .

  25. 关于可估函数LS估计相和条件的一个问题

    On a Problem about the Consistency Condition of the LS Estimates of Estimable Functions

  26. 我国基金重仓股选股偏好的时期似无关回归分析关于Logistic回归中最大似然估计的可估性

    Analysis of Chinese Fund Preferences for Heavyweight Stocks Using Period Seemingly Unrelated Regression ; ESTIMATION OF MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD IN LOGISTIC REGRESSION MODEL

  27. 本文讨论了遥感MSS图像成像的几何原理,阐述了时间序列的姿态、高度参数的序贯拟合推估并给出了其数学模型。

    The image geometry for remote sensing MSS imagery is discussed .

  28. 当μ(S')Ω1时,模型变化后Sβ仍可估,但Sβ的条件G-M估计的方差要变大;

    When μ( S ' )Ω, holds , S β is still estimable after the model changing , but the variance of condition G-M estimation will become greater ;

  29. 二次损失下可估函数与线性预测的Minimax可容许性

    The Minimax Admissibility of the Estimable Function and the Linear Prediction under Quadratic Loss Fuction

  30. 利用上述推广的结果,直接给出了广义线性模型中可估函数c′β的最小二乘估计c′β的唯一性和无偏性的证明。

    Using this generalization , we obtain a direct proof of the uniqueness and unbiasedness on the least square estimate c ′β ~ of the estimable function c ′β in the generalized linear models .