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  • Li;a surname
  • 姓。

  • 〔~县〕古地名,在今中国河南省南阳市西北。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 郦食其

    Li Yiji

  1. 它严重地影响了正规的郦学研究,大大损害了郦学的发展。

    The debate has greatly impaired the development of Li Studies .

  2. 在大秦依靠法制的哲学(与熟练顾问像韩霏和郦司)。

    The Qin Empire relied on the philosophy of legalism ( with skillful advisers like Han Fei and Li Si ) .

  3. 莱恩.卡勒维住的地方原先是个宽敞的农舍,离裴郦镇约5英里。

    Lane Callaway lived in what had once been a large farmhouse with an approximate distance of five miles from Peri .

  4. 我从青年时代踏入郦学门户之初,就看到了这场论战的无谓。

    In my young days when I first began to engage in Li Studies , I came to see that this debate was pointless .

  5. 她对周围乡村不熟悉,走错了路,结果发现自己已经来到裴郦镇,那个无人居住的小镇。

    Unfamiliar with the surrounding countryside , she had made a wrong turn and found herself in Peri , a town where no one lived anymore .

  6. 本文继续以实例证明郦氏“访渎搜渠”的实践活动,实例皆为非直书第一人称的。

    There are many examples which can prove practical activities of Li Dao-yuan 's search of the rivers , They were not written in the first person .

  7. 郦卢,对冲基金经理,投资组合是符合来帮助管理伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的,华尔街日报称,查理芒格引用。

    Li Lu , a hedge fund manager , is in line to help manage Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 's portfolio , the Wall Street Journal said , citing Charlie Munger .
