首页 / 词典 / good

  • Shu;fair;kind and gentle
  • 善,美(多指女性):~质(善良的品质)。~丽。~静。~慎。~德。~女。

  • 清澈:~清。


(温和善良; 美好) kind and gentle; fair:

  • 淑美

    refined and beautiful;

  • 淑女

    a fair maiden

  1. 以上结果提示苦参碱可用于防治脂多糖诱发的疾病,并进一步证实脂多糖的生物活性可能与蛋白淑酶C有关。

    All these suggested that matrine could be used to prevent LPS mediated diseases and proved that the activity of was related to protein Kinase C.

  2. 1982年,杰西卡·兰格(JessicaLange)在《窈窕淑男》(Tootsie)中饰演的迷人单身职业母亲朱莉(Julie)成了我的偶像,她性感地对达斯汀·霍夫曼(DustinHoffman)饰演的角色说,自己“天生就只用解冻食物就行了”。

    In 1982 , Jessica Lange as Julie , the glamorous single working mother in " Tootsie , " became my ego-ideal when she sexily told Dustin Hoffman 's character that she was a " born defroster .

  3. 我跟你说,淑夫人不会来了。

    I 'm telling you , lady Jung will not come .

  4. 仁淑的鬼魂可以通过催眠术杀人?

    The ghost of in Sook can kill people through hypnotism ?

  5. 我们能让仁淑的灵魂离开她吗?

    Can 't we make in sook 's spirit leave her ?

  6. 不杀掉延淑我决不回去。

    I 'm not going back before I kill Yeon soha .

  7. 淑给他管家,料理一切。

    Sue kept house , and managed everything for him .

  8. 你刚来,淑夫人就走了。

    You came just now , and Lady Jung has just left .

  9. 我讨厌她们,我不过分。我是对的。淑。

    I hate them , but I am . I was right .

  10. 那是钟淑吗?她在这做什么?

    Is that jongsook ? What is she doing here ?

  11. 药用淑危野生动植物资源可持续利用与管理

    The Sustainable Use and Management on Endangered Wildlife Resources for Medicinal Use

  12. 她又看淑华,看觉民,看其余的人。

    Chin looked at shu-hua , at chueh-min , at the others .

  13. 淑在感情热烈的时候所说的话,确实是冷酷无情的真理。

    What Sue had said in warmth was really the cold truth .

  14. 不久前,有个女人拜访了淑夫人。

    A while ago , a woman visited lady jung .

  15. 要是你相信我,钟淑就还活着!

    If you had believed me , jongsook would still be alive !

  16. 淑夫人和她姨妈刚刚去了荷花亭。

    Lady Jung and her aunt just went to the lotus pavilion .

  17. 你知道一个名叫延淑的女勇士吗?

    Do you know a female warrior called Yeon soha ?

  18. 下课后,敏淑和邦实来办公室。

    When class ends , min-sook and bang-shil come to the office .

  19. 淑动手把东西归拢到一块儿,准备下车了。

    Sue began gathering her things together to alight .

  20. 我发现了赵元和淑夫人有染。

    I discovered that Sir Cho won had been sleeping with lady jung .

  21. 可见淑并不是一个彻头彻尾的新女性。

    Thus Sue is not a complete new woman .

  22. 他来到了他头一次看见淑的那条大街了。

    He came to the street in which he had first beheld Sue .

  23. 有淑作伴侣,那他就能含笑把他的野心放弃。

    With Sue as companion he could have renounced his ambitions with a smile .

  24. 淑夫人一大早就收拾好行李。

    Lady Jung packed her things at dawn .

  25. 他对淑那样热爱,已经够使他心神不宁的了。

    His passion for Sue troubled his soul .

  26. 淑贞最胆小,便拉了鸣凤靠着她走。

    Shuchen , the most timid of the girls , stuck close to mingfeng .

  27. 淑现在真正帮起裘德来了。

    Sue was assisting Jude very materially now .

  28. 淑仍旧挽着裘德的胳膊。

    Sue still held Jude 's arm .

  29. 这是敏淑和我的事。

    This is between minsuk and me .

  30. 淑金喜欢主动的男生。

    Su-Jin likes an aggressive guy .