
  • 网络Rate structure
  1. 该市去年采用了一个新的费率结构,根据单位价格增长的用水“额度”来确定账单。

    The city adopted a new rate structure last year , basing the billing on " blocks " of water use that increase in price-per-unit .

  2. 最后对我国社会基本养老保险费率结构调整的经济增长效应进行分析,对实证研究方法及其设计过程进行阐述。

    The fourth chapter , the effect of economic growth of the adjustment of basic endowment insurance rate structure in our country , expounds practical research methods and their designing process .

  3. 多功能电能表的费率结构模型及应用

    Tariff Structure Model of Multifunction Watt-hour Meter and its Application

  4. 在介绍这两种方法的基础上,应用我国适用的预期损失定价的评级分析方法设计了我国的存款保险定价体系,最终得出了较为合理的存款保险费率结构与区间。

    Based on the analysis of the two methods , The author applies the methodology of expected loss pricing of deposit insurance to China 's bank credit ratings and designs reasonable deposit insurance premium range and structure .

  5. 这不仅是因为无赔款优待制度是占财产保险保费收入60%左右的车险特有的制度,而且因为在无赔款优待制度下的车险费率结构是更优的。

    It is not only because NCD is the special system of the car insurance that accounts for about 60 percent of property insurance premium gains , but also the structure of car insurance premium under NCD is more excellent .

  6. 再次对我国社会基本养老保险费率结构调整进行模型分析,对依据的相关金融、保险及数学方法进行阐述,建立模型假设条件,完成目标函数模型的构建。

    The third chapter , the analysis on the mode of the adjustment of basic endowment insurance rate structure in our country , establishes objective function mode according to assumed conditions which based on the related finance , insurance and mathematical methods .

  7. 因此如何制定合理且足够有吸引力的费率结构已经成为众多保险公司生存发展的关键所在。目前,世界上大部分的国家都采用奖惩系统来厘定汽车保险的相关费率。

    Therefore , how to design a reasonable and attractive rate structure has become the key of development to many insurance companies . Now , most of countries have adopted Bonus-Malus System ( BMS in short ) to determine the rates of auto insurance .

  8. 对冲基金一般采用“2加20”的费率结构,即收费为管理资产总额的2%以及利润的20%。这意味着不管基金表现如何,基金经理都能斩获巨额收入。

    Hedge funds typically adopt a fee structure known as " two and 20 , " or 2 per cent of all assets under management and 20 per cent of profits , meaning managers can earn large sums regardless of their fund 's performance .

  9. 通过对内生性负债的探讨,在对比美国共同基金管理的基础上,我们分析了开放式基金的种类、投资者结构、费率结构设计同其流动性风险管理之间的关系;

    By the discussion of endogenous liabilities and the contrast of common fundmanagement between in our country and in america , we analyze the relations between the class of open-end fund , structure of investors , structure design of rate and liquidity risk management .

  10. 本文在论述过程中是分层级进行的,首先阐述了本文的选题背景及写作意义,对国内外关于社会基本养老保险费率结构理论进行文献综述,介绍本文研究内容和思路。

    The first chapter , Introduction , introduces the background and significance of this paper , making an integrated literature review on the theories of basic endowment insurance rate structure at home and abroad , providing an outline of the content and thread of this paper .

  11. 本文针对目前我国社保基金委托投资管理费率结构单一,不利于激励基金公司朝着投资者收益最大化的方向努力运作的问题,提出将费率划分为固定的和与业绩挂钩的两部分。

    It is disadvantageous for fixed management fee rate to incent the fund company making great efforts to maximize return of investor in social insurance funds investment at present , this article put forward dividing the fixed management fee rate into two part of base and performance fee .

  12. 数据挖掘技术可以极大的改进传统的非寿险费率厘定方法,帮助精算师自动实现一些重要的费率厘定过程,调整费率结构并建立一个较为合理的个体风险费率厘定系统;

    Data Mining can greatly enhance traditional ratemaking methods in general insurance , help the actuaries to achieve some important aims in ratemaking automatically , adjust the structures of rates , build a rational system of individual risk ratemaking .