
  • 网络Philadelphia Plan
  1. 它是由西费城地景计划与思考社区事务中心所赞助。

    It is sponsored by the West Philadelphia Landscape Project and the Center for Reflective Community Practice .

  2. 在那时以前,我把在费城开业的计划保守秘密,那时候我仍然秘不告人。

    I had hitherto kept the proposition of my setting up , a secret in Philadelphia , and I still kept it .

  3. 这位省长给我一封很长的信,对我父亲说著许多赞美我的话,并坚决介绍这个在费城开业的计划,说这件事一定能使我致富。

    The governor gave me an ample letter , saying many flattering things of me to my father , and strongly recommending the project of my setting up at Philadelphia as a thing that would make my fortune .