
  1. 他们承诺将尽自己职责将每年医疗保健费用增长率降低1.5个百分点。

    They promised to to cut the growth rate in health spending by one and a half percentage points a year .

  2. 通过对在职职工人均医疗费用增长率、年平均工资增长率、人口负担比、基金投资率等参数做出假定,分别推断出了基金不平衡的年度及整个基金入不敷出的年度。

    By assuming the average medical expenditure increasing rate , average wage increasing rate , population bring-up rate and fund 's investment rate , we deduce the year of fund 's imbalance and the year of fund 's appearing risk .

  3. 方法:根据HPDIS提供的资料,回顾性统计分析购药金额、用药频度、每日费用及年平均增长率。

    Method : Based on the data provided by the Hospital Drug Information System ( HPDIS ) , statistics and analysis have been made on sum of money for consumption , frequency of drug used , daily cost and average annual increase rate .

  4. 但是医疗费用平均每年的增长率高达6%——远远高出通货膨胀率。

    But health costs are increasing at an average of about six percent a year -- far ahead of inflation .

  5. 医疗服务费用和药品费用的年平均增长率为1414%和1107%;

    The average annual rates of increase in costs of medical services and expenses for medicine were respectively 14 14 % and 11 07 % .

  6. 近年来,我国的医疗卫生费用增长迅速,医疗费用的年增长率大大高于同时期的财政收入增长率。

    Recently , the cost of health care is growing at a high rate in our country . The annual growth rate is faster than that of the revenue growth .