
  • 网络meager profit age
  1. 随着市场经济的日益成熟,以及中国加入WTO面临国际间的挑战,中国市场越来越进入微利时代,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    With the maturation of market economics and the international challenges faced to china by entering WTO , China market has been to the era of petty margin with fierce competition .

  2. 论我国饮料企业在微利时代的选择

    On strategies of Chinese beverage enterprises in times of meager profits

  3. 浅谈微利时代的房地产企业发展

    On Real Estate of Corporation in Era of Small Profit

  4. 微利时代与涂料企业的抉择

    Choices of the Coating Industry at Small Profit Era

  5. 面对微利时代的包装产业

    Packaging Industry in the Face of Thin Profit Times

  6. 选址的方法简单粗放,已不能适应微利时代精细化作业的要求;

    The firm locating is simple and extensive ;

  7. 试论微利时代的企业技术创新

    A Tentative Study of Technology Innovation by Enterprises in the Age of Meager Profit

  8. 介绍了涂料行业应该如何在微利时代发展。

    Where the coating industry goes in China at small profit era is introduced .

  9. 我国饭店业已步入竞争激烈的微利时代,面对日趋饱和的市场空间和雷同的饭店产品,如何留住有价值的忠诚宾客成为新形势下饭店企业营销战略的关注重点。

    The hotel industry in China today has entered into a period of intense competition .

  10. 随着科技的发展,计算机制造业已经进入了以客户需求为导向的微利时代。

    With the development of technology , computer industry has entered the customer demand-driven era .

  11. 但是作为一个成熟的产业,医药商业已经步入微利时代。

    But as a mature industry , medical business has entered the era of little profit .

  12. 随着进入微利时代,管理上的问题渗透入企业的各方面运营。

    Entered the " Low-profit era ", management problems have penetrated into all aspects of business operations .

  13. 在现代微利时代,物流被认为极具潜力的第三利润源。

    In modern ages of meager profit , logistics is considered as the third profit source with great potentials .

  14. 细节服务:微利时代中国物流企业竞争优势再造的必由之路

    Detail service : the only way for Chinese logistics enterprise to reengineer competitive advantage in the low margin age

  15. 随着国家房地产调控政策的持续和加剧,房地产行业的冬天已经到来,房地产行业将告别暴利时代,进入到微利时代。

    With the intensification of the national real estate control , the winter of the real estate industry has come .

  16. 在钢铁行业内,近几年钢铁生产重新进入微利时代,这加速了钢铁业的多元化趋势。

    Within the steel sector , the trend has accelerated in recent years as steel production has returned poor profits .

  17. 行业的各服装品牌及各商家,纷纷喊出了服装行业已是微利时代。

    Many apparel brands express the view that the apparel industry has entered the phase which is called the marginal profit .

  18. 如何在竞争中生存,在微利时代占得先机,寻找企业新的利润源,已经成为各公司的首要任务。

    How to survive in the cruel competition and seek new resource of profit has become the major mission of each company .

  19. 随着房地产开发微利时代的趋近,对房地产营销策划探索的深入,竞争激烈的房地产营销时代已经到来。

    With the convergence of times of meager profit of real estate industry , the marketing era of fierce competition has already come .

  20. 在后金融危机时代,随着竞争的日益激烈,通信行业步入微利时代。

    In the post crisis era , with the increasingly fierce competition , the communication industry is walking into the low profit era .

  21. 钢材价格与成本都将下降,钢铁企业仍将处于微利时代;

    The cost and the price of steel will fall , which means small profits for the steel industry in a certain period .

  22. 房地产业是我国经济的支柱产业之一,经过几年的高速发展,已经走出了暴利时代,进入了微利时代。

    Real estate is one of our economic pillar industry . After several years of rapid development , it has high profit no longer .

  23. 随着市场环境的变化、产业政策的演变,证券公司正进入一个微利时代。

    With the change of the market environment , and the development of the industrial policy , the securities firms are entering a meagre profit era .

  24. 家具企业在经过十几年的高速发展之后,开始进入了竞争激烈经营困难的境地,进入了微利时代。

    Furniture industry after ten years of rapid development began to enter the highly competitive operating difficulties of the situation , into a " profit " era .

  25. 近年来,国家先后出台了一系列调控政策,房地产行业已经步入微利时代。

    With the successive implementation of a series of government regulation policies in recent years , the real estate industry has entered an era of low profitability .

  26. 随着经济的发展,企业间的竞争日趋激烈,企业利润进入了微利时代。对于冶炼企业来说,产品的成本和利润变得非常透明。

    With the development of Chinese economy , the fierce competition among enterprises leads to lower and lower profits , and the cost and profit becomes translucent .

  27. 在这个微利时代,要跳脱价格竞争,不论是品牌及商品都必须创造出差异之价值。

    During this deflationary period , we have been prevented from engaging in the price war and instead focused on the development of unique brands and products .

  28. 目前报业已进入微利时代,为此,在经营中应选择四大致胜术。

    At present the newspaper industry has arrived at a time of slight profit , so in running the business the four winning measures are to choose .

  29. 从出租率、利润率、客房闲置率等指标看,中国饭店业已经步入微利时代,面临全行业亏损。

    Seeing from the rental rate , profit rate and the concentration of productions and so on , China 's hotel business has entered the meager profit time .

  30. 传统营销战略思想在微利时代受到了前所未有的挑战。随着世界营销研究和实践逐步从交易范式过渡到关系范式,市场细分理论与应用发生了变革。

    With the worldwide marketing study and its application changing from the transaction paradigm to the relationship paradigm , the market segmentation theory and its application has transformed .