
  • 网络Demographic;demographic factors;population factor
  1. 人口因素是重要的国情

    Population Factor Is the Important Condition of China

  2. 人口因素作为基础变量对社会经济产生重要的影响。

    Population factor as a basic variable has an important impact on society and economy .

  3. 人口因素与经济发展的灰色关联(GRA)分析&以西北地区为例

    The Grey Relation Analysis ( GRA ) of Population Factors and Economic Growth & Taking Northwest China as a Case

  4. 考虑到中国特有的二元经济结构与隐性失业以及结构转型的现实背景,本文加入了人口因素对BS效应进行了拓展,并对其进行了再次检验。

    Considering the unique dual economic structure , recessive unemployment and structural transformation background into account , this paper expands the BS effect with demographic factors and making a re-examination .

  5. 文章首先阐述了HermanDaly关于环境压力的环境宏观经济学解释,在Daly提出的减物质化概念中,引入人口因素重新定义了减物质化概念。

    The article first expounded Herman Daly pressure on the environment macroeconomics environment explained by the reduction in Daly materialistic concept of the introduction of demographic factors redefinition of the concept of reduced material .

  6. 四川人口因素对经济发展的影响及建议

    Population 's Effect on Economic Development in Sichuan Province and Advice

  7. 人口因素对农牧交错带农牧业生态环境的影响

    Effect of Population on Ecological Environment in the Farming Grazing Transitional Belt

  8. 对城市住宅商品需求的家庭人口因素分析

    Analysis of the Real Estate Market from the Factor of Family Population

  9. 影响循环经济发展的人口因素分析

    A Demographic Analysis on Affecting the Development of Circular Economy

  10. 影响体育人口因素的社会学分析

    The Sociological Analysis of Main Factors Influencing on Sports Population

  11. 人口因素是劳动力问题的根源所在。

    Demographic factors lie at the root of labour issues .

  12. 这些人口因素对可持续发展形成一定压力。

    These population factors bring pressure on the sustainable development of the country .

  13. 经济的发展与人口因素是密不可分的。

    Economic development and population factors are inextricably linked .

  14. 房地产市场的人口因素分析

    Analysis of Population Factors in Real Estate Market

  15. 第三,受人口因素的推动,住房需求将会非常强劲。

    Third , housing demand is going to be strong , driven by demographics .

  16. 人口因素对自然环境的影响,主要包括人口数量因素对自然环境的影响和人口质量因素对自然环境的影响。

    The influences of population factors on nature mainly include population quantity and quality .

  17. 景观演变的驱动力主要是人口因素、技术因素、政策因素等。

    Major driving forces of landscape dynamic change are population , technique and policy etc.

  18. 贵州省城乡居民膳食营养状况与经济、人口因素关系调查

    Study on dietary and nutritional status of urban and rural population in Guizhou province

  19. 第七部分:九原区土地利用变化驱动因素分析。主要是人类驱动力因素分析,包括人口因素分析、技术因素分析、经济发展困素分析、政策因素分析、人类驱动力因素定量综合分析等。

    Part seven : Analysis of the driving factors of change of Jiuyuan 's land-use .

  20. 但通过实证的检验发现人口因素对对外直接投资的影响并不显著。

    But result of empirical study shows that population is not significantly affecting the ODI .

  21. 人口因素是重要的国情毕节地区人口和经济因素对生态自然修复的影响

    Effect of Population and Economy of Bijie Region on Natural Restoration of Soil and Water Conservation Ecosystem

  22. 并对影响近代甘宁青地区经济板块变迁的政治、交通、人口因素进行了阐述。

    And analyse political 、 traffic 、 population factor that change the plate of Modern Gan-Ning-Qing region economy .

  23. 人口因素、圈地运动和农业生产力进步是推动前工业时期劳动力转移的主要原因。

    Enclosure and the improvement of agriculture productive forces were the important pushing factors of migration and pre-industry .

  24. 人口因素是影响保险业发展的重要变量,人口总量、人口的结构因素等对保险需求和保险业发展都具有重要影响。

    Among all factors affecting the development of insurance industry , population factor is the most important one .

  25. 在住房市场的形成中,人口因素和制度因素比经济因素对住房消费与居住行为的影响更加显著。

    Demographic factors and institutional factors seem more relevant than economic factors in housing provision and residential behavior .

  26. 人口因素是荒漠化发生发展的主导因素。

    As far as we know , Demographic factor is the dominant factor in the development of desertification .

  27. 住宅市场的发展总是以其需求的变化作为导向,而需求的变化的依据只要是由人口因素来决定的。

    The development of the residential market is always demand oriented and the demand is driven by demographic factors .

  28. 但是,这样机械看待发展问题的观点不免会得出一个结论,即人口因素决定一切,而经济政策则并不重要。

    But this mechanistic view of growth assumes that demography is destiny and that economic policies do not matter .

  29. 喀斯特山区不同强度石漠化与人口因素空间差异性的定量研究

    Quantitative Research of the Space Dependence of Different Grades Rocky Desertification and the Factor of Population in Karst Mountain Area

  30. 文章从经济因素、技术因素、人口因素、制度因素四个方面进行论述。

    This article from the economic factors , technological factors , population factors , institutional factors four aspects were discussed .