
  • 网络object privileges;object authority;object permission;object rights
  1. 提出一种数字对象权限管理模型。该模型以安全处理模型(SafeDealing)和数据仓库访问模型(RepositoryAccessProtocal,RAP)为基础,把RAP抽象为信息对象服务层,定义了交互组织权限管理。

    In this paper , a digital object rights management is introduced , which is based on safe dealing ( SD ) and repository access protocal ( RAP ) which is defined as info-object service layer , and inter-organizational rights management is proposed .

  2. Exchange2003和Exchange2007对象权限管理的分析

    Permission and Management Analysis between Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007

  3. 数字对象权限管理设计

    Design for Digital Object Rights Management

  4. 这些role对象的权限将被应用到凭证中指定的用户。

    The permissions of these role objects will be applied to the user specified in the credentials .

  5. 例如,FileandDirectoryAuthorities插件可以验证IBMi系统上的文件、目录和库对象的权限。

    For example , there is a File and Directory Authorities plugin that can verify authorities for files , directories , and library objects on an IBM I system .

  6. 对于面向对象的权限控制,本文基于角色访问控制方法(RBAC)的思想,将系统中的操作进行权限划分,定义了静态访问权限控制函数。

    For the object-oriented access control , this paper based on role-based access control ( RBAC ) theory , defines the operations of system as privileges . Furthermore , the static access control function is given .

  7. 对象访问权限的控制;

    Secondly , it control users ' rights of accessing objects ;

  8. 应用程序没有创建内核对象的权限。

    The application does not have permissions to create kernel objects .

  9. 存储一些权限,典型的如域对象的权限。

    SimpleAclEntry : Stores some privileges typical of a domain object .

  10. 最后,授予该用户访问数据库对象的权限。

    And finally , you grant that user permission to database objects .

  11. 无法指定对象级权限的列的列表。

    Column list cannot be specified for object-level permissions .

  12. 拒绝对系统对象的权限会导致依赖这些权限的应用程序失败。

    Denying permissions on system objects will cause applications that depend on them to fail .

  13. 您不具有删除某些选定对象的权限。

    You don 't have permission to delete some of the objects you have selected .

  14. 具有创建和更改角色、为数据库对象分配权限的新功能。

    There is new functionality to create and alter roles and assign privileges to database objects .

  15. 允许使用公共的面向对象访问权限修饰来控制方法和属性的使用权限。

    Allows the use of common OO access modifiers to control access to methods and properties .

  16. 如果调用方始终需要可访问程序集中定义的任何对象的权限,则使用该操作。

    Use this action when the caller always needs the permission to have access to anything defined in the assembly .

  17. 同样,要具有访问对象的权限,必须在对象级别授予访问权。

    Again , for you to have access to an object , you also have to have been granted access at the object level .

  18. 您要做的改动将导致10个传播到子对象的权限添加到访问控制列表。

    The change you are about to make will result in 10 permissions that propagate to child objects being added to the access control list .

  19. 您没有适当的权限访问此文件或文件夹。请检查此对象的权限或与本地系统管理员联系。

    You do not have the appropriate permissions to access the file or folder . Check the permissions on the object or contact your local system administrator .

  20. 为了确保系统操作和数据的安全性,从权限控制对象和权限控制体系两个方面设计了系统的权限管理模型。

    In order to ensure the system operation and the rights management model is designed from two ways which are access controlling object and access controlling system . 6 .

  21. 您希望针对调用用户对模块中的语句进行基本权限检查,并且只依赖所有权链接来跳过对基础对象的权限检查。

    You want to base permission checks for the statements in the module against the calling user , and rely only on ownership chaining to bypass permission checks on underlying objects .

  22. 请修改应用程序,撤消或拒绝对系统对象的execute权限。

    Modify your applications to either revoke or deny execute permission on system objects .

  23. 如果为此Subject对象授予了权限,将会返回“true”值,否则会返回“false”。

    If the permission is granted for this Subject object , a value of " true " is returned ; otherwse a " false " is returned .

  24. 产品对象的访问权限管理是PDM中至关重要的内容。

    The management of access to product objects is one of the primary aspects in product data management ( PDM ) .

  25. 如果用户不具备对某个对象的DAC权限,那么只拥有Domain特权是不能使该用户通过此主题访问到该对象。

    If a user doesn 't have DAC permissions on object and having Domain privilege do not allow the user to access that object through the subject .

  26. 分析了QMIS系统的功能、用户对象及使用权限,并对目前流行的C/S和B/S网络模式从优缺点和使用场合等方面作了对比研究。

    This paper analyses the function , customer objects and usage limits of QMIS system . And it ( compares ) the C / S and B / S network mode , which are prevalent at present , from their characteristics and usage ( occasions . )

  27. 其中,对考核对象和考核权限进行了重点测试。

    Among them , evaluation object and examination authority were special focused .

  28. 基于角色及对象关联的权限控制策略和实现

    Privilege Control of Object - related Based on RBAC

  29. 下表列出了特定对象的拜会权限。

    The following table lists the object-specific access rights .

  30. 子对象继承该权限。

    This permission is inherited by child objects .