
shōu yì dì zēnɡ
  • increasing returns
  1. 内、外部收益递增,动态性与集群发展:浙江台州汽摩配产业集群研究

    Internal and External Increasing Returns , Dynamic Portfolio and Cluster Development : Empirical Study of the Automobile and Component Industry Cluster in Taizhou , Zhejiang , P. R. China

  2. 云计算遵循收益递增(increasingreturns)法则,这一法则有时也被称为网络效应(Networkeffect),即随着网络发展壮大,网络价值也会以更快的速度增加。

    Cloud computing obeys the law of increasing returns , sometimes called the network effect , which holds that the value of a network increases much faster as it grows bigger .

  3. 具有边际收益递增特性的DEA模型求解方法

    A method to resolve DEA model with increasing marginal revenue

  4. OEM是在不完全竞争和规模收益递增前提下产业内分工的产物;OEM是企业不断追求利润最大化的产物。

    OEM is the product of inner-industry work division on the premise of imperfect competition and increasing scale profits ;

  5. 但天上没有掉馅饼的事。云计算遵循收益递增(increasingreturns)法则,这一法则有时也被称为网络效应(networkeffect),即随着网络发展壮大,网络价值也会以更快的速度增加。

    But it will come at a price . Cloud computing obeys the law of increasing returns , sometimes called the network effect , which holds that the value of a network increases much faster as it grows bigger .

  6. 由于ICT产业具有网络效应、收益递增、系统结构和路径依赖等特点,使得ICT产业的技术标准联盟运行机理与传统的战略联盟存在着不同之处。

    Because the ICT industry has network effects , increasing returns , system structure and path dependence and other characteristics , the coopetition strategy of technological standards alliance is different from traditional competitive strategy alliance .

  7. 网络经济的边际收益递增律刍议

    Discussion on the Law of Increasing Marginal Revenue of Networks Economy

  8. 高校科研投入产出关系中的边际收益递增现象

    Increasing marginal revenue in input-output analysis on scientific research in universities

  9. 论知识的边际收益递增与经济的持续增长

    On Marginal Gradual Income Increase of Knowledge and Continuous Growth of Economy

  10. 知识经济的收益递增与持续增长

    The Gradual and Continuous Income Increase of Knowledge Economy

  11. 收益递增与劳动分工理论回顾

    Review of the Theory on Increasing Reward and Specialization

  12. 规模收益递增对我国参与国际分工的启示由于大势已去,逃兵的人数日益增多。

    Inspiration for China to Participate into International Division of Labor from Increasing Scale Profits ;

  13. 只有在发生普遍的收益递增情况下,才能有成功的农业制度变迁,并不断地发展下去。

    Only the income increasing that is the successful agricultural institution change and goes forward .

  14. 收益递增与经济地理

    Increasing Return and Geography of Economics

  15. 实证研究结果表明,比较优势和收益递增两个因素都较好地解释了广东的出口贸易增长情况,其分析结果也显示,在广东的对外贸易中,收益递增是推动出口增长的主要原因。

    The findings indicate that increasing returns is the major reason between two factors promoting Guangdong export trade .

  16. 我国高新区产业集聚实证研究:生产要素集中与规模收益递增

    Empirical Study on Industry Clustering of High-tech Zones in China : Geographical Concentration and Increasing Returns to Scale

  17. 结论:1.2009年样本医院床位数量扩张后处于规模收益递增阶段。

    Beds of hospital in 2009 after expansion in the number of stages of increasing returns to scale .

  18. 其本质却是网络效应引发的边际收益递增和知识自我积累。

    In essence , the rule of increasing marginal revenue and the knowledge self-accumulation is the actual reason .

  19. 种粮大户粮食规模生产存在规模收益递增的效益,但出现要素反效率配置现象。

    Scale operation exists the effect of increasing returns to scale , but appears elements against efficiency configuration .

  20. 市场的不完全性和报酬的收益递增决定了不同的制度变迁路径。

    An incomplete market and an increasingly rewarded benefit have determined the varying ways for the transition of systems .

  21. 与此相适应,知识产品生产具有边际成本递减和边际收益递增机制。

    Accordingly , the production of knowledge products exhibits the mechanism of marginal cost regression and marginal revenue increasing .

  22. 本文从知识特性角度,用知识积累性、知识互补性、知识收益递增性解释知识联盟的形成,界定知识联盟的内涵。

    This paper defines , from the perspective of intellectual features , the formation and the connotation of the intellectual alliance .

  23. 家庭教育投资积极、学习勤奋则边际成本递减、边际收益递增;

    If family education investment is initiative and the family studies diligence , marginal cost decreases and marginal income increases by degrees .

  24. 他开创了在收益递增和不完全竞争框架下的贸易理论,之后又复兴了经济地理学的研究。

    He opened up the study of trade under increasing returns and imperfect competition and later resuscitated the study of economic geography .

  25. 人力资本需要投资来生成。因此它具有经济价值、社会收益递增性和产权上的排他性,等等。

    Human resources need capital in generation , so it owns economic value , social benefit increase and exclusiveness of property right etc.

  26. 新贸易理论认为贸易利益的主要来源为规模收益递增和不完全竞争。

    The new trade theories hold that trade interests are on the basis of the interest rise of scale and imperfect competition .

  27. 以规模收益递增的寡头垄断行业为例,分析了重复建设产生的机理。

    Firstly , taking for oligopoly industry with returns to scale increasing an example , it analyzes the cause of excess investment .

  28. 对软件产品的特征及其经济学规律做出了详细的研究,得出了软件产品特殊的经济规律:收益递增规律、特殊的效用函数和边际效用递增规律、实现预期的需求函数以及正反馈原理。

    The paper studies the characteristics and economic laws of software product and obtains the totally different economic laws from traditional product .

  29. 现代经济增长的主要潜力在于人力资源,人力资源收益递增性受制于企业家资源质量的影响;

    The main potential of modern economic growth lies in the human resource , whose increasing returns are limited by entrepreneur resources quantity ;

  30. 出现了增长率、通胀率、失业率同时达到最优,以及边际收益递增等罕见现象。

    The rare phenomena of optimum growth rate , optimum inflation rate and optimum unemployment rate appearing simultaneously and marginal income increasing emerge .