
  1. 顾客资产收益期限影响因素实证研究&以商业银行信用卡顾客为例

    An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of the Income Deadline of Customer Assets & Taking Commercial Bank Credit Card Customer as Example

  2. 随着国内商业银行的发展,个人贷款业务作为资产业务的一种因其客户范围广、违约率低、收益期限长、利息收入稳定而受到诸家商业银行的青睐。

    With the development of domestic commercial bank , personal loans as assets business a wide range of customers , its low default rate , interest income and long term stability by various commercial banks favor .

  3. 持有者每年获得6%的收益,期限15年,同时有机会赢得10英镑至1000英镑的奖金。

    Holders received a 6 per cent annual return for 15 years , plus the opportunity to win a prize of between £ 10 and £ 1,000 .

  4. 零息收益率曲线期限结构变化的主成分分析

    PCA on the Term Structure of Zero-coupon Yield Rates

  5. 在过去一年里,德国、奥地利、芬兰和西班牙全都以负收益率发行了期限较短的债券。

    In the past year , Germany , Austria , Finland and Spain have all sold shorter-term debt at sub-zero yields .

  6. 利率期限结构描述了不同期限零息债券的收益率及其到期期限之间关系。

    The term structure of interest rates describes the relationships between the yields of zero coupon bonds and their terms to maturity .

  7. 对债券市场价格与票息率、到期收益率以及到期期限等参数之间关系的研究通常采用实证方法,这种用个别推出一般的方法不甚严密。

    Usually we studied the relationship of these parameters , such as security price , coupon rate , income and term by experimentation .

  8. 自由化还使吸收储蓄竞争从传统银行业扩展到理财行业,这个新兴行业发行收益率较高、期限较短的金融产品,而在年末这个时节,很多理财产品都面临续期。

    It is also driving competition for deposits away from traditional banks and to the relatively new wealth management industry , which originates higher yielding , short-maturity financial products , many of which are up for renewal around this time of year .

  9. 通过对我国医院无形资产的构成和医疗市场的特点分析,初步探讨了如何结合这些特点确定医院无形资产评估中使用的参数,如收益额、收益期限、折现率等。

    The author preliminarily discussed how to combine the character to confirm the parameters of profit amount , profits term and conversion rate during evaluating intangible assets of hospitals by analyzing the constitution of intangible assets of hospitals in our country and the character of medical market .

  10. 本文首先介绍了利率和利率期限结构的相关概念,并着重强调了到期收益率的定义与计算,介绍了国债收益率的期限结构特征。

    This paper firstly introduced the relevant concepts of the rate and the term structure of interest rates , emphasized the definition and calculation of the yield to maturity , and subsequently introduced the characteristic of the term structure of interest rate for government bonds .

  11. 本文运用大样本考察我国新股发行长期收益,在市场综合收益率调整后发现我国新股上市后存在正的累计超额收益的期限为7个月。

    This paper calculates the long-term return of the IPOs in China 's stock market , and we find that the positive abnormal return of new issues lasts 7 months after adjusted by the market return .

  12. 有关收益现值法的运用,主要涉及到三个评估技术参数,即收益现金流、折现率和收益期限。

    The application of income present value method mainly involves three appraisals parameters , namely future cash flows , discount rate and the discount period .