
  1. 坚持所有制结构调整,发展非公有制和混合制经济。

    Persisting in adjusting ownership structure and developing un public ownership and mixed ownership economy .

  2. 不同产权相结合的混合制经济不断壮大;

    On the Reform of Lay Judge System in China Hybrid Library Hybrid Binders the mixed economy of various ownerships is growing ;

  3. 深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。

    We will further reform of State-owned enterprises , develop mixed-ownership economic entities , and turn Chinese enterprises into world-class , globally competitive firms .

  4. 浅论混合所有制经济中的民营经济

    A Study for Nongovernment business in the Mix - ownership Economy

  5. 关于吉林省大力发展混合所有制经济的几点思考

    Research on Powerful Acceleration of the Economy of Mixing Ownership System

  6. 要高度重视发展混合所有制经济

    Attach Great Importance to the Development of Mixed Ownership Economy

  7. 混合所有制经济发展比较:江苏与浙江

    Compare of Diversified Ownership Economic Development between Jiangsu and Zhejiang

  8. 论社会主义初级阶段的混合所有制经济

    On the economy of mixed ownership system at the preliminary stage of Socialism

  9. 我国混合所有制经济问题研究

    Study on the Mixed Ownership Economy in China

  10. 混合所有制经济是当前经济发展的基本要求及趋势。

    To conduct mixed ownership is a tendency and elementary requirement in current economy .

  11. 允许更多国有经济和其他所有制经济发展成为混合所有制经济。

    Allow more State-owned enterprises and other ownership enterprises to develop into mixed-ownership enterprises .

  12. 深化改革发展院校后勤混合所有制经济

    On the Development of the Mixed Ownership Economy in Rear Service of SCUTA CATAS

  13. 积极发展混合所有制经济。

    Actively develop a diversified ownership economy .

  14. 混合所有制经济的哲学透视

    Philosophic Perspective on Mixed Ownership Economic

  15. 略论混合所有制经济体制

    Talking about the omnibus ownership economy

  16. 摘要混合所有制经济是我国经济体制改革和经济发展的方向。

    The mixed ownership economy is the direction of china 's economy system reform and economic development .

  17. 以现代产权制度为基础,发展混合所有制经济。

    We will develop the economic sector of mixed ownership based on the modern system of property rights .

  18. 如何看待混合所有制经济这一新事物,学术界众说纷纭。

    There are many different opinions in how to see the new kind of economy in academic world .

  19. 如何科学认识、正确评价混合所有制经济,已经成为我国社会经济生活中的热门话题。

    Scientifically recognizing and evaluating mixed ownership economy has become a topical subject of China social economic life .

  20. 允许混合所有制经济实行企业员工持股,形成资本所有者和劳动者利益共同体。

    Mixed-ownership enterprises will be allowed to utilize employee stock ownership to form a vested community of capital owners and workers .

  21. 接下来对于探索中的混合所有制经济进行了分析,并对混合所有制经济的微观形式一股份制公司也进行了一定的评述。

    Then it analyzes the exploring economic environment with mixed ownership and its micro form - the joint stock limited corporation .

  22. 本文着重论述了吉林省大力发展混合所有制经济的思路和措施。

    This article mainly deals with principles and measures by which JiLin Province should powerfully accelerate the economy of mixing ownership system .

  23. 江苏和湖南非公有制林业发展及国有林业经济改革中形成的林业相关企业有相当一部分具有混合所有制经济的性质。

    There remain quite a number of mixed ownership enterprises in the development of the public and non-public forestry in Jiangsu and Hunan province .

  24. 十六届三中全会《决定》明确指出:国有企业必须完善体制、注重发展股份经济和混合所有制经济;

    The state-owned enterprise faces the challenges of the inner systems and the faultiness of the property right system and unpowerful unclear competition , etc.

  25. 必须从观念上和制度上扫除障碍,为民营经济的发展提供良好的环境,进而提升混合所有制经济的运行质量。

    So we must clean off obstacle in idea and system , to provide a favorable environment and to raise the quality of mixed economy .

  26. 这种混合所有制经济中的国有和集体成分,在混合经济的迅速发展中得到了保值和增值。

    The State-owned and collective part of this mixed ownership economy has maintained value and added value in the rapid development of the mixed economy .

  27. 二是与积极探索公有制的多种有效实现形式结合起来,大力发展混合所有制经济;

    Then , we must adjust it together with probing many kinds of efficient realizing forms for public ownership , and strengthenly develop mixed ownership economy .

  28. 我国的经济改革已有新的突破,主要体现在以下几方面:混合所有制经济快速发展;

    Some new breakthrough points have appeared in the Chinese economic reform such as : a rapid growth of economy has been seen particularly in mixed possession rights ;

  29. 在当代资本主义国家,资本社会化表现为股权分散化、职工持股计划以及混合所有制经济等。

    At present , the expressions of capital socialization in capitalist countries include decentralization of stocks , employee stock ownership plan ( ESOP ), mixed sector of economy and so on .

  30. 通过分析产权交易的内容和产权交易市场的内涵,论述了产权交易市场的作用,指出它是促进混合所有制经济发展的必需途径。

    By analyzing the contents of property rights exchange and of exchange market , we conclude that property right exchange market is the necessary path to push forward the mixed ownership economy .