
shōu jí qì
  • collector;accumulator;receiver;divertor
收集器[shōu jí qì]
  1. Java虚拟机垃圾收集器的性能分析与调节

    Analysis and tuning of performance of the garbage collector in Java virtual machine

  2. 这包括数据收集器组件,该组件用于拦截针对要监控的Web服务的请求和响应消息。

    This includes the data collector component that intercepts request and response messages for the Web services to monitor .

  3. DataSources列表中有大量数据收集器可用。

    Numerous data collectors are available in the Data Sources list .

  4. Java语言可以很好地充当收集器的实现语言,因为

    The Java language serves well as an implementation language for collectors because of its

  5. 本文阐述了系统的体系结构,说明了索引库、WEB多层次数据库、数据仓库、数据收集器、数据预处理器和综合数据挖掘器等组成部分的基本功能。

    The thesis explains the systematic structures , the basic functions of index storehouse , WEB multi-level databases and other constitutes .

  6. Memory:在JVM垃圾收集器中针对各个堆跟踪活动。

    Memory : For tracking activity against the various heaps in the JVM 's garbage collector .

  7. 一个更新站点被用于下载包含收集器的WebSphereCommerce插件。

    An update site is used to download the WebSphere Commerce plug-in that contains the collectors .

  8. 将C形钩上的附件“脱钩”到收集器的高度必须适宜,便于船员操作。

    For " unhooking " the attachment of the C-hook to the collector should be at a convenient height for access by the crew .

  9. 大多数实时收集器工作在单个对象层次上,而GarbageFirst则在区域层次上进行收集。

    Whilst most real-time collectors work at the highly granular level of individual objects , Garbage First collects at the region level .

  10. 由于垃圾收集器运行时将中断Java程序的运行,其运行时刻和垃圾搜集时间具有不确定性。

    Since garbage collection will interrupt the running Java programs , which running time and garbage collection time are uncertain .

  11. 与C和C++不同,Java自己管理内存,它使用无用信息收集器来释放不想使用的对象。

    Unlike C and C + + , Java takes care of memory itself , using a garbage collector to free unwanted objects .

  12. 要从网络路由器读取统计数据,收集器可以使用简单网络管理协议(SimpleNetworkManagementProtocol,SNMP)或Telnet。

    To read statistics from a network router , a collector might use Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) or Telnet .

  13. 它由数据收集器、入侵检测Agent、报警Agent、响应Agent、监控Agent、代理服务器和数据库组成。

    The model is composed of data collector , intrusion agent , alarm agent , response agent , monitor agent , agent server and database .

  14. 增量的(Incremental):增量垃圾收集器不需要遍历全部数据对象。

    Incremental : Incremental garbage collectors do not require a full run through all data objects .

  15. 它还提供了可以从数据库、XML文件和Web页面中收集内容的信息收集器(crawler)。

    It also provides crawlers that can ingest content from databases and XML files , as well as Web pages .

  16. 可以先把C形钩连在收集器上,然后再接上吊机。或者C形钩一直连着吊机不取下来。

    The C-hook could be attached to the collector first and then the hoist attached , or the C-hook could be permanently attached to the crane .

  17. 使用某些收集器,您可以使用与常规分配相同的API。

    You can , with some collectors , use the same API that you used for normal allocation .

  18. 采用这种范围的对象每次都通过自己的对象构造函数来创建,并由Java垃圾收集器释放。

    Objects tagged this way are created through their own object constructors every time and are released by the Java garbage collector .

  19. 如果收集器没有可用文档,这个MoreInfo按钮将禁用。

    The More Info button will be disabled when collector documentation is not provided .

  20. 基于MFC的内存垃圾自动收集器的设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of the Memory Garbage Automatic Collector Based on MFC

  21. 垃圾收集器是Java虚拟机(JVM)的核心组成部分之一,对Java虚拟机的性能有非常重要的影响。

    Garbage Collector is a core part of Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) and work greatly on performance of JVM .

  22. 应用服务器上驻留一个数据收集器,它作为一个SCA或Web服务处理器或扩展被触发。

    There is a data collector which resides on the application server and triggered as a SCA or web services handler or extension .

  23. ISA收集器日志位于以下目录

    The ISA collector logs are placed in this directory

  24. 没有变量作用域概念的编程语言,或者没有垃圾收集器的Java虚拟机,都是难以想象的。

    It is difficult to imagine a programming language without the concept of variable scope , or a Java Virtual Machine without the garbage collector .

  25. 一个运行Linux的节点/逻辑分区,它在GPFS集群中作为收集器节点

    A node / lpar running Linux in the GPFS cluster as the collector node

  26. 但是,其他性能数据收集器的GUI需要安装IBMPerformanceTools许可程序产品的适当选项。

    However , the GUI for the other performance data collectors requires the appropriate option of the IBM Performance Tools Licensed Program Product to be installed .

  27. (使用一个GC线程,收集器无法可靠地跟上此应用程序的分配速度)。

    The collector cannot reliably keep up with the allocation rate of this application with only a single GC thread .

  28. 保守的(Conservative):保守的垃圾收集器在管理内存时不需要知道与数据结构相关的任何信息。

    Conservative : Conservative garbage collectors do not need to know anything about the structure of your data to manage memory .

  29. PHP有一个非常简单的垃圾收集器,它实际上将对不再位于内存范围(scope)中的对象进行垃圾收集。

    PHP has a pretty simple garbage collector , which basically will garbage collect an object when it no longer is in scope .

  30. 支持垃圾收集的语言比如Java和C正变得日益流行,但传统的垃圾收集器的性能却日趋低下。

    Garbage-collected languages such as Java and C # are now increasingly prevalent . However , the performance of traditional garbage collectors is suffering more and more degradations .